Новая статья Garbage в журнале Scientific America называет НЛО «басней», а поп-культуру — «нездоровой пищей». Я не могу дождаться, когда эти журналисты, которые думают, что знают, что происходит, лопнут свой пузырь реальности.

От admin #Внеземные существа, #Внекосмические существа, #Внешний вид пришельцев, #Загадки инопланетного воздействия, #Загадки инопланетных цивилизаций, #Инопланетная жизнь, #Инопланетные существа в кино, #Инопланетные технологии, #ИнопланетныеВоздействия, #Инопланетяне, #ИнтеракцияСИнопланетянами, #Интракосмические существа, #Исследование инопланетной жизни, #Контакт с инопланетянами, #Космические пришельцы, #Межзвездные путешествия, #Научная фантастика, #Популярные о пришельцах, #Пришельцы в алфавите, #ПришельцыВНауке, #ПришельцыИлюди, #связанные с пришельцами, #Способы общения с пришельцами, #Телешоу на инопланетянах, #Теории заговоров о пришельцах, #Уроки инопланетной истории. 窗体顶端 窗体底端 ЭкспериментыПришельцев, #Фантастические инопланетяне, #Фильмы о пришельцах, #Фэндом пришельцев, #Экзобиология, #ЭкспериментыНадЛюдьми, #Явления

Новая статья Garbage в журнале Scientific America называет НЛО «басней», а поп-культуру — «нездоровой пищей». Я не могу дождаться, когда эти журналисты, которые думают, что знают, что происходит, лопнут свой пузырь реальности.

От admin

44 комментарий для “Новая статья Garbage в журнале Scientific America называет НЛО «басней», а поп-культуру — «нездоровой пищей». Я не могу дождаться, когда эти журналисты, которые думают, что знают, что происходит, лопнут свой пузырь реальности.”
  1. Shouldn’t scientists keep an open mind about everything? Sounds like a superficial article by someone whose only knowledge of aliens and ufos comes from the 1988 galaga game

  2. Yes. There is fable and there is junk.

    There is also very real thing with UAPs inspected by NASA, DoD and scientific community

    So, maybe pls dont be a populistic idiot and merge all things under one category even if it serves your world view.

  3. I don’t mind criticism of skinwalker ranch or the numerous charlatans that have come and gone, what bothers me is that the author doesn’t even acknowledge that UAP are real despite NASA, AARO, and numerous government officials acknowledging them and that we don’t know what they are. You’d think the government acknowledging the existence of aerial phenomena that seem to display unusual flight characteristics would be compelling, but not to this author I guess.

  4. The fact is that serious journalists won’t take on this story until their is hard verifiable evidence. There are many people in news rooms who have strong personal beliefs which connect to religion and most of the audience for those newspapers and news programs have similar beliefs. Very few people will risk harming their career by putting themselves behind this story

  5. Folks like these keep walking around like they are at the top of the foodchain.

    It will be such a rude awakening for them when the truth comes out. When first-hand whistleblowers will step forward and start to show evidence of craft or bodies.

    It will be these people who will have an extremely hard time accepting the new reality:
    -Not at top of the foodchain anymore.
    -Scientific dogma’s they’re holding on to will become meaningless in an instant.

  6. Sir Francis Bacon, was a devote Christian, and scientist. He (countless times) states to him it is insanity that the two seem so far apart culturally, whereas he sees them as the same thing. He then creates the scientific method.

    If people followed the scientific method for everything, they might be happier. Just put a little thought into you religion, and you might save yourself some years. Same thing with science.

    The one thing you shouldn’t do in science and spirituality is to just blindly accept or blindly dismiss. That isn’t a step in the scientific method.

  7. >By Keith Kloor

    According to Scientific American, [Keith Kloor](https://www.scientificamerican.com/author/keith-kloor/) is «New York City–based journalist and adjunct professor of journalism at New York University.»

    This is Keith Kloor’s only story published by Scientific American.

    According to [US Right to Know](https://usrtk.org/industry-pr/keith-kloor-the-agrichemical-industrys-favorite-writer/), «Keith Kloor is a freelance journalist and an adjunct journalism faculty member at New York University who has written for Nature, Science Insider, Slate — and dozens of articles for Discover Magazine — **promoting genetically engineered foods and attacking critics of the pesticide industry, while also assisting industry public relations efforts behind the scenes**.»

    >Emails obtained by U.S. Right to Know, posted in the UCSF Chemical Industry Documents Library, reveal instances in which **Kloor coached and edited his sources**, **obscured the industry ties of a source**, and **selectively reported on information in ways that bolstered the pesticide industry’s product-defense narratives**.

    The [Organic Consumers Association](https://organicconsumers.org/monsanto-cheerleader-keith-kloor/) is also not a fan of «Monsanto Cheerleader Keith Kloor»:

    >When journalists writes even slight critiques of GMOs and biotechnology, Kloor tends to react swiftly and aggressively. Columbia Journalism Review (CJR) wrote in 2013, «Keith Kloor makes a beat out of policing frightful coverage of GMOs.»

    TL;DR — Keith Kloor is a documented corporate disinformation agent.

  8. They’re not wrong. Everyone is leaning way to hard into this alien shit. I’d love for it to be real but there’s no hard evidence, just people letting their imagination get away from them. And a lot of people are going to profit off people like you.

  9. I read “articles” like this(if you’d call it one), and as much as I feel we are not alone, unless someone can and does come forward with definitive, undeniable proof, or were contacted on a global scale be it through open communication or annihilation, I can’t help but have this nagging feeling that maybe we are alone.

    I can remember way back in the day when AboveTopSecret.com was a booming website with all the tin foil hats and conspiracy theorist all mainly talking about aliens, disclosure, abductions, the government lies, etc and now it’s all politically motivated posts by people who wouldn’t dare speak of aliens because we’ve been so strung out hoping for any shred of proof and grabbing at any and every straw we’ve had in front of us for the result to all let us down.

    I’ve watched the interview with David Grusch, I’ve seen the Vegas video and there is no amount of photoshop that can show me that anything is in that video and those are just the recent things.

    I feel this is what it’ll amount to and we’re being conditioned to this. But I do want to believe.

  10. Eh, I don’t know, I feel like I completely understand where he’s coming from. Grusch is important for what he represents and WHO he’s spoken too. The who is important, because until we get serious whistleblowers of first hand knowledge and get a real investigation going where people are allowed to report on what is being researched and where they got it from, none of what Grusch is saying matters. You can put his story on the pile of 100s of other stories that have gone nowhere. This article does miss the point that an ACTUAL investigation is in the works with congress. But for the rest of Ufology, the author is pretty much correct, there’s too much fluff and not enough meat. The Las Vegas incident is a perfect example that smelled like a hoax to begin with, but our desire to uncover proof of aliens lead us down a rabbit hole that got us nowhere. Let’s hope that doesn’t happen with what Grusch has opened up, or otherwise this article is spot on once again

  11. Is it garbage because you don’t like the narrative? Journalists are simply reporting what they’re finding, nothing and I don’t blame them. I’ve been interested in UFOs for more than 50 years (I’m 58) and other than a few exciting posts, haven’t seen anything new.

    It’s the same drivel. Some whistleblower gets everyone excited (e.g., TTSA, 2017, others over the last three decades I’ve been following this) and then, crickets… All that’s left is UFO stories on Coast To Coast along with the time traveling conspiracists and other whackos… Just tired of it. I remember when *Close Encounters of the Third Kind* came out, I was enthralled. I thought, «Oh! This is it—this is the movie that blows the lid off of this… » and then we got stupid crap like «ET, AVP, Alien…» So… it was just entertainment and seems like it still is.

    I actually thought this latest whistlblower had something but without proof, which we haven’t seen… It’s the same crap. Journalists jump on this and continously end up in dead ends. Then it’s the same stuff… «oh, I’d tell you but it’s classified.» Ok… then we can only make our own conclusions since «it’s classified.» If there’s no information because it’s classified, then we have to make our own conclusions and as far as I can tell, it’s nothing.

    LOL… I think what I’m tired of is telling my wife, *»Oh, this is it… it’s happening…»* and then hear, *»yes, dear…»* and watch her be right.

    Sorry for the rant but I’m tired of it.

  12. I’m pretty much new to this subreddit, I had no clue people actually believed in this stuff. I agree with the article though, I feel like people just love indulging in stuff like this because they just have boring lives and want something special to happen. I believe aliens are way more plausible than the supernatural but I need someone to convince me.

  13. It’s disparaging to see «opinion» journalists like this here in Scientific America and in the New York times recently give such an uneducated, cock-sure synopsis of why it can’t be aliens. I guess it’s to be expected, but man, we can really tell who’s not paying attention. I expect the tone of these types of articles will quickly change in the next few months. The greatest thing about the UFO phenomenon in general is going to see all the people who have to rethink everything they thought they knew. It’s going to expand their minds, which is really the greatest gift any of us could ask for. After 40 years of watching this subject, I think it’s finally time to put the popcorn on the fire because it’s going to be one hell of a show. See you there.

  14. > The phenomenon has stable, invariant features, some of which we have tried to label clearly. But we have also had to note the chameleon-like character of the secondary attributes of the sightings. The shapes of the objects, the appearances of their occupants, and their reported statements vary as a function of the cultural environment into which they are projected.

    -Jacques Vallee, “Dimensions”

    > He “draw(s) a parallel between religious apparitions, the fairy faith, the reports of dwarf-like beings with supernatural powers, the airship tales in the US in the last century, and the present stories of UFO landings.”

    Slightly paraphrased:

    > “Due to the consistency of the phenomenon combined with their scientifically illogical elements, there is a vacuum that human imagination fills with fantasy”

  15. This is the thing that really bugs me:

    «(A quick public service announcement: All this talk for decades about a “[cosmic Watergate](https://www.livescience.com/6577-physicist-calls-ufo-cover-cosmic-watergate.html)” is not amusing to everyone. Some people get really worked up and land [in serious legal trouble](https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/1998/01/11/out-there/89f520c3-bb7b-41d3-a991-6c4a1a2ff322/); others find it a gateway to a toxic, paranoid swamp and [entice](https://newrepublic.com/article/150922/pioneer-paranoia) vulnerable minds to join them.)»

    By treating the topic as quackery, by not keeping alive and leaning into the possibility space on the topic that’d still open, you *drive* people to the «swamp.» Especially when coupled with the state of education in America.

  16. Do you not like it because it is wrong or because it doesn’t agree with your world view?
    As to your other statement, I really wonder what you’re going to do or think in a few months time, then a years time, and then ten years time and there has been NO disclosure. Because there won’t be.

  17. It’s not a garbage article at all. Why is it so that people don’t trust the government and claim it’s all lies yet when some GOP fruitcakes from the same government make outrageous claims about UFOs / UAPs they believe it 100%? It’s a sign of the times.

  18. Trash article. It’s just another pathetic attempt by the author is his backers to bury the readers heads deeper in the sand and attempt to ridicule people for their interest in one of the most profound questions humanity has asked. This piece is laughable at best. Nice try. Your playbook has been outplayed.

  19. One of these people need to have an unmistakable sighting. Changes one’s life. As someone who’s had one, reading these articles is like reading a jr college kids essay on why the USA should transition to an anarcho-communist country. Aka, absolutely naive and very wrong.

  20. “Opinion” pieces like this in an otherwise “reputable” scientific publication make me strongly believe that Richard Dolan is 100% correct when he states that mainstream media in America is not covering this issue because the entire establishment is compromised from an intelligence standpoint.

    This is disgusting. It basically says “don’t even bother looking into these junk claims.” That’s not sad or pathetic, it’s downright counterintuitive, HIGHLY suspicious, and flat-out damaging to the dual concepts of scientific inquiry and free democratic process. For those reasons, it’s clear beyond doubt — even to a non-believer — that this is a “sponsored” hit piece.

  21. The arrogance of this perspective is galling. In some ways perhaps, it represents the epitome of why we aren’t aware of a larger truth. These people need their security blanket, and fiercely suck on the pacifier of condescending the subject as a whole. It’s the mark of a feeble mind, and it alarms me for the future. These are the people whose shock and subsequent cognitive dissonance will represent a danger to others.

  22. A similar thing has happened in archeology, there is evidence that the human race has been intellectually developed for far longer than archaeologists thought, but the academics are too stubborn to acknowledge the facts and stick to ‘their’ rendition of the timeline of advancement in human nature.

    There’s a very good docu-series on Netflix (UK, not sure about USA) titles “Ancient Apocalypse” that details these new discoveries and findings as well as the stigma and disregard a well travelled and well informed investigative journalist has received after sharing his findings.

  23. >Like the latest UFO “whistleblower,” these fellows all have otherwise impeccable credentials. As Mick West, a prominent skeptic and debunker

    Who cares about their credentials when the uhh, the famous skeptic and debunker is on the case. Beyond parody.

  24. I’m usually fine with skeptical articles because they generally want to see evidence and are interested in the phenomenon.

    This guy however is just a big downer of a writer.

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