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  1. >Gough: “To date, AARO has not discovered any verifiable information to substantiate claims that any programs regarding the possession or reverse-engineering of extraterrestrial materials have existed in the past or exist currently.”

    Lol ok this quote will go down in history as the most ridiculous propaganda attempt.

    >Gough: «there is no restriction to AARO receiving any past or present UAP-related information»

    Ok great so you guys have access to all programs even if they’re title 50 and you’re title 10 so you can verify the program names, locations, individuals, documents, photographs submited by Mr Grusch and other firsthand whistleblowers to Congress right??

    >Gough: “The issue of potential supplemental statutory authorities for AARO, whether codified in title 10 or title 50 of the United States Code, will be considered as part of its mission requirements. This issue, however, is separate and wholly unrelated to AARO’s unimpeded ability to receive all UAP-related information through authorized disclosures.”

    Huh? So why do you need extra authorization if you already have access to all programs?

    >Elizondo: ‘The [O]USDI is the one single office that has continuously lied about this topic and persecuted whistleblowers.’

    Yup sounds about right.

  2. This continued dancing around the expression «non-human intelligence», referring to «extraterrestrial» instead, along with Grusch’s wording («spacecraft not the right parlance») makes it more and more likely that we are dealing with something other than classical ET.

  3. “AARO has been rigorously investigating alleged programs mentioned by individuals who have come forward as part of the congressionally-mandated historical review. To date, AARO has not been denied access to any United States government program, past or present, during the course of its work.”

    Is this a finely crafted declaration to say they have not looked into programs mentioned by whistleblowers ?

    If a US citizen could get into contact with Burchett office about these questions before the hearing that would be nice.

    Grusch mentioned that he reported some concern to Kirkpatrick and that he has his phone number but has never called back.

    If there is a hearing this is probably one of the first question to ask to Grusch and Kirkpatrick, a confrontation would be nice.

  4. This is getting more interesting by the day, feels like the DOD is feeling cornered. Susan tried to serve the press some «linguistic spaghetti», to muddy the waters. However, with the answers she gave, she/they only made it more difficult on themselves. They’ve cornered themselves.

    * They Keep sticking to Extraterrestrial, while David Grusch has paved the way for Non-Human-Intelligence. When asked about NHI, she couldn’t go any further……LOL
    * So when David Grusch stepped forward a few weeks ago, the DOD said they (AARO) had no knowledge of such programs. Now AARO appears to have access to these programs? What happened in the Time between?

    The combination of, David Grusch interviews and testimony, involvement of the ICIG, various Congressional and Senate committees must have freaked these fuckers out. Also the possibility of current and former program employees testifying to congress and ICIG, surely is on their minds.

    Ross and others have mentioned already many times interviews with these people are going to come out. I think the DOD is trying to prepare for this.

    This is starting to feel like «Bagdad Bob» for those who can remember. UAP Bombs are falling all around the DOD, yet the DOD is still pretending there’s nothing to see here. LOL

  5. This sounds like a very carefully worded statement to avoid lying. Here are some of the lies-by-omission that could or could not happen here :
    — they have lots of witnesses and/or credible evidence, but none of this is «verifiable» because they never saw the crafts and materials.
    — US goverment structures do not have the evidence — private firms do. Note that nothing outside of the state structure is mentioned.
    — they have no evidence that any of this is extraterrestrial, as «from another planet». Lots of non human things around, but that may or may not be extraterrestrial, so, again, no verifiable evidence.

    Just my 2 cents — but it pisses me how much American officials and magnates love to lie to your face while » technically telling the truth».

  6. At the top of point number 4, the clause defining members of AARO as limited access after repeatedly stating that they have full access?? that’s the pure definition of saying «Yes» while shaking your head «No» and winking.

  7. FYI, this is called a [Glomar Response](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glomar_response)

    >In United States law, the term Glomar response, also known as Glomarization or Glomar denial,[1] refers to a response to a request for information that will «neither confirm nor deny» (NCND) the existence of the information sought.[2] For example, in response to a request for police reports relating to a certain individual, the police agency may respond with the following: «We can neither confirm nor deny that our agency has any records matching your request.»

    >In national or subnational freedom of information policies, governments are often required to tell people who request information (e.g. journalists or attorneys) whether they located the requested records, even if the records end up being kept secret. But at times, a government may determine that the mere act of truthfully disclosing that the records do or do not exist would pose some actual or possible harm, such as to national security, the integrity of an ongoing investigation, or a person’s privacy. For example, disclosing that a police department has documents about a current investigation into a criminal conspiracy, even if the content of the documents is not disclosed, would make it public that the investigation is happening and could help suspects destroy evidence.

    >Glomar responses are commonly associated with the United States Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), which generally dictates how federal agencies must disclose information. The term «Glomar» originated in association with the FOIA law. Lower courts have thus far ruled the Glomar response to have potential merit if the secretive nature of the material truly requires it, and only if the agency provides «as much information as possible» to justify its claim. Otherwise, the principles established in FOIA may outweigh claims to secrecy.

  8. This article finally does what all good media reporters should be doing, asking intelligent follow-up questions to dig into these carefully worded statements by the DoD. Great read!

  9. Obfuscation is the last refuge of cornered liars. It isn’t used when there is nothing to hide.

    Ordinary citizens who have encountered NHI already know we are being lied to. We are all talking about it and there are too many of us to still effectively dismiss as crazy. Also too many of us who are highly educated and credible.

    The NHI are themselves complicit with if not in control of disclosure. As they are interacting with us extensively and discreetly, there is no other possibility.

  10. What we REALLY need is for the senators interested in this topic to introduce legislation that requires the project and activities of any public corporation that is funded with tax dollars to be subject to FOIA.

  11. Lies. The CRADA the Army signed with TTSA some years back referred to the Office of SECDEF for information and history on at least some of the recovered materials. What a bunch of lying liars who lie, but what’s new?

  12. AARO, akin to Project Blue Book, operates with its own ‘Hynek’ figure, employing a combination of sleight of hand and misdirection. The path to disclosure is unfolding, and while we eagerly anticipate its culmination, it’s crucial to maintain patience. 😉 Let us not be distracted by minor details that might divert our attention from the imminent grand revelations that lie ahead. Rest assured, significant revelations are on the horizon, and we must remain focused on the bigger picture. 👽🛸👽🛸

  13. It might make sense why Grusch used the term Non-human Intelligence so much in his interview.

    Up until that interview I had never heard the term being used.

    They can deny Aliens and Extraterrestrials all day long because it would be true if the reality is these things aren’t technically Alien or Extraterrestrial.

    So now instead of asking do you have alien craft or extraterrestrial craft we can start asking do you have non human craft?

  14. Actually a pretty funny delivery of information :

    Saying that AARO has not been refused access to any program from past or present US gov. Hmmm … Define program vs project? Is he pruposefully being this obtuse??? Is he saying people part of the AARO do not meet the highest security standards from the start???

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