«НЛО, снятые с Муссолини во время Второй мировой войны»
«НЛО, снятые с Муссолини во время Второй мировой войны»
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Теория спекуляций: вся жизнь на Земле была посеяна из космоса посредством биогенеза от давно умершей цивилизации, которая создала жизнь по своему образу и подобию. Давным-давно Марс был тогда пригоден для жизни, и он был засеян первым, жизнь на Марсе возникла в форме Homo-sapiens, но Марс был уничтожен. Они все еще здесь.
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This is huge!! But I’ve believed that Nazi Germany had at least one UFO in their possession as well. We undoubtedly acquired it at the end of WW2 along with the scientists with Operation Paperclip.
What do they mean by generation officer?
Tell me The Vatican doesn’t know anything..
[Original Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/142gvh5/dutch_website_revu_journalist_max_moszkowicz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)
What are the odds this guy’s name is Grey?
It all goes back to project Paperclip and operation Osoaviakhim, and the formation of the globalists classified space program. In Jim Marrs books he talks about the CIA/OSS aiding the Nazi paperclip scientists stay in contact with their Soviet counterparts. Working in concert each building disparate elements with an ultimate goal of a collective human/earth based program, an alliance against ETs. With the Cold War being a way to drum up billions in tax payer dollars to build fleets and bases.
Gray = Grey?
JK but this is getting really interesting. Hope someone starts investigating this more in depth.
Fascinating and I absolutely cannot wait to hear more!!! Exciting times peeps!!
It’s really convenient for the aliens that they crashed in Europe’s least competent country
I so hope this is all true.
My disbelief stems from the fact that why couldn’t they have come forth earlier? Like, why is it so hard to come forward? To me, it seems like it shouldn’t be that hard. Were pensions on the line? Something else?
yea that Sicily ufo wreckage is the first time I ever heard. And frankly could be true among so many other places where they recovered it and we never even heard about it for any leak nor rumour
«Generation Officer». That’s not a thing.
It’s really convenient for the aliens that they crashed in the land of Europe’s least competent engineers
I don’t believe any of it. I’ll believe it when Joe Biden calls an impromptu press conference at 8pm EST to announce this to the world. Until that happens, it’s just a bunch of nonsense. Too much mental illness and hopium
this makes those old tv shows and movies of the n-zis going around chasing artifacts even more dramatic then
Gray man
This is crazy
Why were there so many crashed UFOs? You would think aliens had already perfected their craft millennia ago. And another thing, why aren’t aliens retrieving it? They should know better than to leave it at the hands of human beings.
we gotta give it back to Italy
What the heck is a «generation officer?» And why are people so willing to jump on this as truth? I want to believe, but this is getting out of control with the rampant speculation and hair on fire histrionics. Lot’s of claims, no verifiable sources of truth.
i would like to add for all of those interested further, that a lady named Elizabeth Klarer told us this about 40 years ago!
long listen but oh boy, does she reveal some gems. — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRFT_YGL04c