«Ряд этих [whistleblowers] верят и заявляют — и мы верим им теперь, — что они что-то видели. И мы проводим расследование», — сказал он.
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Кулхарт: «Мне говорят это [UFO phenomenon] это будущие люди. Есть опасение, что обнародование этого изменит временную шкалу».
Sean Kirkpatrick is lying to the public.
Of course the Pentagon is going to deny they have craft from aliens. [They just stonewalled members of Congress from getting access to any evidence that can call their bluff.](https://youtu.be/wdjtssFpOi8) (6:05)
LOL The Kirk probably realized:
* He has been handed over 1st hand witness testimony in person, he cannot spin, or deny having received it.
* he’s still able to leave the sinking ship.
* doesn’t have to go down into the history books as the DOD stooge.
* Knows he’s going to be present in an upcoming hearing, but this time he will be UNDER OATH and won’t be able to lie.
Still, FUCK HIM! Because he knew about this shit for already some time, and yet choose to lie to all of us.
Finally, Sean Kirkpatrick says something of substance that forwards the conversation on this subject.
I don’t trust this guy, he’s a decoy. trying to fool the rest of us. If he’s real and honest he should have contacted David Grusch like he was supposed to do, but he didn’t. I bet he knows what’s up. a cover-up within a cover-up.
Sounds like the government has little dick syndrome.
My top concern is that the fucking warmongers are in touch with the aliens instead of the people
Kirkpatrick is a sack of mashed potatoes.
It’s hilarious how our government pretends there is even a remote chance that the US would have any technical advantage over ETs
Have you ever thought about how strange it is to have a building named «the pentagon».
Excuse for the war machine to build more new weapons. Out with the old weapons to Ukraine and in with the new weapons to fight the at least potential alien «threat», since there’s no other new wars going on, yet. Fun.
I wish we didn’t have to make things all about us but people are too ignorant wish is why aliens need to take an aggressive approach and put people off their high fucking horse
Guy’s name is so close to Captain Kirk
Just watch, this whole thing is just gonna be «justification» for more military spending/government oversight on citizens.
General human dipshittery would be my primary concern.
Soft reveal
A number of wbs…who? Grush is the only one I know.
Is this the guy that was saying there’s no evidence after his lengthy investigation? This seems like a complete turn around
Time for all you Americans to start contacting your representatives demanding this guy be replaced as he’s evidently not doing his job correctly
Is iiiiiiiiitt????
A top concern because humanity loves to be the one dominating shit. The domination perspective needs to end.
And in other news: water is wet. Obviously technical superiority is a top concern.
How would he know? He didn’t see anything. Fuck off, Sean.