Онтологический шок, когнитивный диссонанс и пещера Платона

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## Почему Дэвид Груш либо игнорируется, либо подвергается нападкам со стороны мейнстрима

[Claims Made By ‘UFO Whistleblower’ David Grusch Are Pure Science Fiction | Forbes](https://www.forbes.com/sites/danidiplacido/2023/06/13/claims-made-by-ufo-whistleblower-david-grusch-are-pure-science-fiction/?sh=507bbdf13a41) Подтверждение существование неопознанных летающих объектов (НЛО) как разумных, нечеловеческих сущностей вызовет онтологический шок, подобный сейсмическому событию, в нашем коллективном понимании вселенной и нашего места в ней. Это откровение вызовет глубокий когнитивный диссонанс, поскольку мы боремся со своими предвзятыми представлениями о жизни и существовании. Это было бы так, как если бы человечество, когда-то запертое в [Plato’s allegorical cave,](https://youtu.be/69F7GhASOdM) внезапно попадают в царство реальности за пределами нашего собственного; где наши ранее существовавшие убеждения и тени, проецируемые на стену, внезапно вытесняются гораздо более сложной реальностью. Эхо нашего прежнего невежества останется, борясь с яркой яркостью нашего вновь обретенного сознания. Мы столкнемся с философскими и психологическими препятствиями, пытаясь примирить эту поразительную новую истину с нашими устоявшимися рамками понимания. Это будет смена парадигмы беспрецедентного масштаба, и нашему обществу потребуется перестроиться, открывая новые возможности для исследований и исследований. ————————- Редактировать: добавить это, чтобы поддержать утверждения Груша: >Хоули сказал, что он чувствует, что утверждения Груша совпадают с тем, что он утверждает, что слышал на брифингах. >«Он говорит, что правительству известно об этом больше, чем они заявляли ранее. Меня это не очень удивляет. Потому что мне кажется, что правительство уже давно отслеживает эти UAP и мало говорит об этом», — сказал Хоули.

[US has ‘downplayed’ the number of UFO sightings: Senator Hawley](https://thehill.com/homenews/4062715-us-has-downplayed-the-number-of-ufo-sightings-senator-hawley/)

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11 комментарий для “Онтологический шок, когнитивный диссонанс и пещера Платона”
  1. People keep bringing up ontological shock, over and over and over, but I’ve yet to see anyone actually defend the claim that it would be so significant. How many average people do you think include the non-existence of aliens or alien visitation as part of their worldview? I’m sure there would be lots of feelings and, depending on the details, plenty of shock, but going so far as to claim it will be a seismic event level of ontological shock is something I’d like to see backed up a bit more.

  2. I dont see a big deal about. He is not saying anything huge. Here in Brazil, we announced about UFOS and aliens in the 70’s. We have open files in the government about this stuff. Always something in the news about lights, Ufos, strange creatures attacking cattle, people being abducted, all stuff. Go to the government website and search for SIAN, and then for the subject you want. You can find files since 1952. But dont search for UFO, search for OVNI. A good case is from 19/05/1986, when 21 UFOs were chased by 5 fighters from our airforce, and played cat and mouse. (Sorry by the bad english)

  3. I know for one think I’m getting sick and tired of trying to put the the warning out to my closed minded friends and family about changes to come. Not particularly on the NHI front, but that our way of living is going to change abruptly and they need to be prepared. It’s funny though, cognitive dissonance is very real. Whereas at first it was normal for them to disagree and poke fun «this is America, nothing will change» to now awkward silence in light of recent revelations, especially with Grusch. They don’t know what to think but deep down they know that what I’m saying has legs (im the serious one that doesn’t just say stuff to say it). It’s interesting watching the mental gymnastics at play.

  4. Yes, it would be a huge ontological shock. The most important revelation in all of human history.

    But the subject is not really treated that way by whistleblowers, the military, the politicians involved framing it as a «matter of national security» or «lack of government oversight», the media, or in fact, most of the American-centric UFO community.

    The fact that none of the top people involved in these things seem to treat the subject with the due severity and hardcore skepticism it requires is, to me, the single biggest red flag. It means either these people don’t understand the implications of their claims, or if they do, they don’t believe in what they are saying.

    There’s no way to downplay this subject if you knew it as a matter of fact. But that’s exactly what we see time over time: the matter being presented within the confines of politics and the legal system, and unverifiable claims being treated as evidence.

  5. Grusch’s narrative would be shocking indeed, if they were true. As of now, we have zero reasons to believe they are true.

    So I wonder, why should we be anxious about something which we don’t even know to be true?

  6. I get tired of everyone acting like he did the world a favor… All he did was file a complaint that his department withheld information about UAPs … Then goes on a staged interview and makes bold claims about the matter and it doesn’t violate his NDA and his answers are approved by the DoD in advance…

    And ppl wonder why he is a joke… Lol

    He makes claims and has 0 proof but but I’m credible I’m who I say I am so that automatically makes me credible and you can’t deny that and why would I lie???

    Credible to me is showing the proof not just big words…

    There could be a homeless guy and he comes out with actual proof I would believe the homeless guy before someone that is called credible and just speaks about things and can’t prove anything…

  7. That first article is far from an attack. He does pose some interesting questions and again, you shouldn’t just blindly believe whatever Grusch says… Evidence is obviously required. You’re saying but oh there will be a shock and this and that, but the main point is that no credible evidence was provided. And without evidence, we won’t ever get the truth.

  8. 1. Think about the money needed to run such a program, the tools, people, locations, energy. You need infrastructure, and access to minds.
    2. Think about the companies that can effectively provide that. Where the owners of such companies dealing with UAP might have their capital embedded, even just for it to not loose value.
    3. Think about how much of their investment is currently on the line if disclosure becomes real. There is potential future of humanity on the line. Trillions of dollars to either land in private or quasi public hands.

    There is no fear of ontological shock here. Just money/power at stake.

  9. It’s ironic that you’d mention Plato. I’ve been told that his «Republic» is the second most influential book in Western civilization. It is read and studied by almost every student in those elite boarding schools where the students are intended to become the next leaders of the world. This is according to John Taylor Gatto (RIP).

    The book is a description of a utopia that is embraced by the elites and has guided them for centuries. One feature in it that you may find interesting is that the children in the Republic are raised by the state, like day care is today. Of course the Allegory of the Cave is famous also.

    But yeah, your point is well taken that the shock of realizing that we are not alone would be too much for many people. The emotional trauma from them showing up and revealing themselves would cause a lot of bad side effects for a while in my opinion. I have trouble with it myself, and I’ve experienced ET personally.

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