Запрос мода: подтвердите сообществу, что постер EDO находится на skooma.
Heads up #ufotwitter, Google’s AI Bard says the EBO reddit post currently doing the rounds was originally posted on https://t.co/Kz5Hq7FA2X in 2013, widely debunked, and then deleted in 2015. I’ll check the Way Back machine in a sec pic.twitter.com/ODfuBSRFpT
— Nick Berry (@withnickberry) July 6, 2023
If your claim is confirmed then I think we all know where the bodies are being kept: Redwater Den.
What is skooma?
The problem is «widely debunked» almost always just means «keyboard warriors baselessly claiming something is fake».
Saw this earlier in another subreddit. Make of it what you will: [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/14sfjtj/post_claiming_that_the_ebo_biologist_has_been/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/14sfjtj/post_claiming_that_the_ebo_biologist_has_been/)
That post can’t be found, so I’m inclined to think that this is just another case of an AI making up info. It does happen. A few lawyers recently got in trouble because AI gave them fake cases that they provided to the court. AI may be a good starting point, but always verify if you can. I’m not saying I believe the EBO stuff, but some much has been happening recently that I can’t outright reject it.