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Письмо старшего сержанта ВВС США в отставке Марио Вудса из AARO с приглашением дать показания под присягой о его опыте UAP во время службы в 44-й эскадрилье противоракетной безопасности в 1977 году.
Ветеран ВВС и репортер Roswell Daily Record Шейн Фрейкс (@OldVetSymposium в Твиттере) приводит интересные подробности и анекдоты относительно предполагаемого обнаружения «НЛО Муссолини» в 1933 году:
«Репортеры» «Холма» обсуждают, как следует использовать новости об НЛО
Миллиардер Роберт Бигелоу о контакте с инопланетянами: «Вы должны быть немного осторожны в своих желаниях… общение звучит великолепно и… оно всегда подвергалось испытанию со времен Дельфийского оракула».
Причудливые звуки трубы — кто-нибудь видел эти видео раньше?
Инопланетяне приземляются на заднем дворе.
Законопроект Сената о разведке дает владельцам «неземного происхождения или экзотических материалов UAP» шесть месяцев, чтобы сделать их доступными для AARO.
Видеодоказательство существования инопланетянина, которого описал разоблачитель Дэвид Гурш! ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ!!!
Поиск сбоев OSI, дезинформация и то, как они хранят секреты. — Ричард Тейм
Почему я считаю, что статья The Black Vault несправедлива по отношению к Лю Элизондо
Спорный документ 1995 года, который был немедленно запрещен
Localized gravity.
Some sort of method to warp the third dimension so that they «slide» from point to point despite seeming to fly.
Maybe it isn’t really an object but an open window that they’re moving the access point.
Some form of material ballast where they can sling density around and use that to propel themselves.
But a decent hypothesis requires testing which is where I’m going to fall down and possibly where UFO rejected it. Because we can’t explain it, we also can’t really test it. Gravity we can detect gravity waves, but I don’t know how sensitive it would be to detect the craft if it isn’t zipping around near one of the sensors we’ve built. The other theories would require testing collisions with them to see if our materials behave different. But people tend to not like getting shot at. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)
That’s a great question, I don’t see how that is low effort.
One thing I suspect is that whatever method they are using, one side effect is changes in the speed of time for the craft relative to the world outside the craft. This would account for the perceived speed of the craft, lack of sonic booms, and the issues with inertia that a traditional craft would have when changing direction suddenly. Time may move slower for the craft than it does for the outside world, so it is not moving as fast as it seems to be moving. Whether they are using a fifth mysterious force of nature or whether this is a side effect of manipulating gravity, or something else entirely, is up for debate
If they can travel through space with relative ease I can only assume maneuvering through our world is a walk in the park for them. They seem to move like a super fast balloon.
The Universe exists by virtue of mutual observation. The Universe observes itself through the mechanism of light, radiation, and absorption.
Observation transforms the native indeterminate state of reality into a determined observation — turning potential into specificity while simultaneously increasing entropy.
This process creates and maintains the world we observe.
You can’t break the speed limit of the observed world.
Observation is what fixes the speed of Light and that’s why the speed of light is the same for all references. It is the speed of observation.
If you want to go faster than the speed limit of the observed world you need to become unavailable to its observation.
You can do this by making yourself invisible and non-interactive with the electromagnetic spectrum.
When you do this you effectively hide from the observed world, and are thus no longer bound by its rules.