Полное интервью Дэвида Груша (продолжительность 60 минут)

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Полное интервью Дэвида Груша (продолжительность 60 минут)

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25 комментарий для “Полное интервью Дэвида Груша (продолжительность 60 минут)”
  1. Whistleblower is an Airforce veteran, Military Intelligence, and worked on UAP task force.

    Inspector General determined the whistle-blower complaint urgent and credible for Intelligence Committees

    May not necessarily be extra-terrestrial, it’s possible they may be interdimensional; in that, they may co-exist in our local environment in higher Dimensional spaces, which we can only indirectly perceive (time, gravity may exist as physical spaces in higher dimensions)

    Craft are exotic in that; they exhibit specific isotopic ratios that require engineering and contain high order materials in relation to the periodic table (to the degree that we do not properly understand the emergent properties). Craft demonstarte sophisticated engineering not by humans.

    The US Military has drawn some level of material technological practical scientific understanding of the craft but have been held back due to compartmentalisation and secrecy from academic community. The technology has the chance to revolutionise energy and vehicle propulsion

    US Government has been involved in disemminating disinformation on the subject. A main goal was to make the subject in popular culture appear crazy. The cover-up extends almost 90 years into the past.

    The first vehicle recovery was in Europe 1933 in Magenta, Italy. They recovered a partially intact vehicle which was moved into a secure facility until somewhere between 1944 and 1945. From there, THE POPE back channelled the information to the United States Government and the vehicle came into US possession.

    Separately, there are Internal memos from the Mousillini regime demonstrate UAP knowledge, including a crude drawing of a craft.

    The Roswell Incident was in fact a crashed vehicle which was recovered. Although meant to be thoroughly debunked, Grusch says this is was actually a part of systematic disinformation efforts from Military and Intelligence Groups.

    Some recovered vehicles are crashed, some are landed. Despite advanced technology and higher sentience, it is still possible for some small percentage of operations to reach an unfortunate conclusion.

    In 1967, a craft appeared over a nuclear Silo in Malstrom Air Force Base, Montana. It shut down ten Nuclear Inter Contintental Ballistic Missiles. Multiple veterans have come forward about this incident.

    Recent declassified footage from the DoD is «just the tip of the ice berg». Grusch says some videos he has seem are concerning. There is a large discrepancy in the content between footage available to the public and that which is classified.

    Some space craft are «very large» and «football field size».

    Crash Retrival Programs have been active for a long time and have operated outside of jurisdiction of elected officials.

    Some people involved in crash retrieval have been injured in their duties; radiation or exposure to other unknowns has seemed to have damaged some amount of people. At least one large aerospace company is involved in storing retrieved craft.

    Some activity may appear to malevolent from a humanistic lense. The US at times has acted offensively against craft and have techniques to bring them down. People have been injured and killed at times.

    China also has crash retrival programs. There may be something of a race to understand the nature of non-human intelligence, its implications and strategic opportunities.

    They may be already be agreements between the US and Non-Human Intelligences. At least one human nuclear treaty references UAP presence at Nuclear facilities and creates avenues for communication between countries on such matters.

    Criminal activity has not been verified but there are ongoing concerns that it was employed to keep UAP knowledge secret

  2. I think something big to take away from this is that he is only providing us with limited information at this point, meaning that there is a lot more that he is not saying and that he us aware of. Even they just kind of rehashed topics that we’ve been talking about for years, it’s nice to have some form of confirmation from someone who appears to be legitimate.

    Good interview, can’t wait to see what chain of events this whole thing has set in motion. Here… we.. GO!!

  3. Does this mean that some are good and some are bad? Similar to human beings? I wonder if they are self conscious in the same way as us? I’m pretty sure they would be since they are extremely intelligent.

  4. I found the mention of Malmstrom AFB very compelling.

    I grew up in Montana, near Malmstrom AFB. I had a friend who’s dad was fairly high up and partly in charge of site security of the base in general, and for the missile silos in particular. His parents were having a house party and the guests were all military and worked at the base. We overheard his dad quietly talk to a few of his friends about weird shit happening at the base. Surveillance systems going down, stuff working one minute, then not working the next. In particular he seemed to be troubled about the effects it was having on some of the site security personnel.
    Apparently it was SOP for site security personnel when doing their checks to physically get out of their vehicles to do a walk around and then to check in with security office to confirm all was ok.
    I guess the problem was the security personnel would not stray too far from the vehicles as the engines of the security vehicles could clearly be heard in the background when doing their radio checks. This was (I think) confirmed through CCTV footage. I guess this was happening after
    «a bunch of weird shit» was happening at the base. UAV sightings, strange lights, and security systems randomly going offline. He was concerned the morale of the personnel being negatively affected as they were having a lot of requests for transfers off the base.

    My friend and I were transfixed by this discussion, never having heard any of this type of stuff anywhere but in the movies. His dad discovered we had been listening and was not pleased. He took us to my friends bedroom and instructed us to «keep our fucking mouths shut» as to what we had heard.
    This deeply frightened us as his dad was usually a really nice guy who took us fishing and hunting all the time. It was the first time we had seen this side of him, and he seemed like a completely different person from the man we had known. He was not fucking around.
    This was happening in the late 1970s. There was stuff happening at the base on a regular basis and was of great concern to its personnel. We never heard anymore about it, and we were happy not to.

  5. He says like many, the secrecy of the tech which could benefit the world compels him to come out. I find this interesting to have this perception. I’d love to know the truth like many. But to what cost?

    If in fact, this were true. The US gov has crafts and has been keeping this under wraps for nearly a century. As fascinating as it may be to learn of life’s existence and tech not of this world whether beyond space or dimension. The notion that good would come from this is greater science fiction than the many alleged stories of alien bases on the dark side of the moon.

    Admission to having this tech would lead to the demand for Information sharing with allies. Espionage from adversaries to acquire this tech would transpire. Just as it all happened with the atomic bomb. First order is to find a use to weaponize this tech, it would be silly to expect anything less from any country’s gov.

    Chances are, it will not bring the world together or advance the human race. I’d wager that war will have evolved beyond imagination. Just further divide and strike new fears far beyond the threat of nuclear fallout. But, at least some of us are enjoying the benefits of a nuclear power plant……yay? But it sure as hell didn’t add to the greater good of the world.

  6. So great, thank you for posting! I want to believe this, I really do but there is still a small percent of me that has to be critical of such a claim. My biggest hesitation is that if Mr. Grusch is being truthful that means hundreds (assuming) of people directly involved over the last 90 years would have had to keep this secret. I guess you could take it one step further as well and double or triple that number if you think they told spouses or family members (if I worked with or saw ufo’s my Wife would not be able to get me to shut up about it!). The odds can’t be in favor of everyone keeping their mouth shut.

    At the end of the day though the fact that we are even talking about the possibility is awesome, bring on the aliens!!

  7. If you wanna believe that’s fine but ppl with credible careers, knowledge and backgrounds have lied before. Ppl have also lied under oath before. I literally just watch a doc where multiple ppl were called into court and questioned about cheating on a game show and most of them lied. Clearly lied under oath. Over a fucking game show. I don’t blame anyone for needing more before they just starting accepting this as fact.

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