Приземленный, недооцененный фактор, который потенциально может способствовать «раскрытию» UAP.

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​ Я наткнулся на этот пост в Твиттере только вчера (казалось странным, что Твиттер предложил это почти через месяц после того, как он был первоначально опубликован) и подумал, что это интересно. Альтернативное объяснение «Почему сейчас?» и внезапный порыв. Как раз тогда, когда я исследовал и думал об альтернативных объяснениях того, почему Конгресс, кажется, так внезапно спешит сейчас, когда они спали в течение последнего миллиона лет. У всех нас есть свои теории на этот счет. Я знаю, что у меня есть свой. Но я раньше не видел здесь этого поста: ​ https://preview.redd.it/whphu8rb5scb1.png?width=890&format=png&auto=webp&s=e72599fceaa1c030fef857a3295c899e75c2f9b0 https://preview.redd.it/q70promc5scb1.png?width=892&format=png&auto =webp&s=bfb43413b2461ec89ec29ccdc5b3ec243ac61ea0 Ссылка на твит : [https://twitter.com/matthew\_pines/status/1673163923690868736](https://twitter.com/matthew_pines/status/1673163923690868736) ​ То, что опубликовал Мэтью Пайнс, стало еще более интересным после того, что вчера сказал Маккарти: ​ https://preview.redd.it/zrx2zc1n7scb1.png?width=1038&format=png&auto=webp&s=ecd2f4c701b2646edc9213373e3606c5348fb13f Ссылка на статью: [https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4102158-mccarthy-quips-pentagon-would-tell-us-about-ufos-to-request-more-money/](https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4102158-mccarthy-quips-pentagon-would-tell-us-about-ufos-to-request-more-money/) ​ Что вы думаете?

От admin

8 комментарий для “Приземленный, недооцененный фактор, который потенциально может способствовать «раскрытию» UAP.”
  1. There have always been tons of positions in the private sector that offer serious money as a total compensation package. Look at the money in investment banks and the finance sector in general. Look at the money in the tech industry. Established lawyers make serious money. Same goes for doctors and surgeons. Why would OpenAI offering stupid-o-money for a young-ish AI expert cause the powers to be to spill their morning coffee in alarm and suddenly come clean on the biggest secret in human history?

    Government jobs have typically never paid as well as the private sector. I don’t think that it is a case where the government is suddenly willing to come clean on NHI, alien bodies, UFOs and all that fun stuff because the private sector is poaching all the hottest talent in the market due to a massive pay gap.

  2. TBH money and having access to top talent (tech industry) was my first thought. The Gov is run by mediocre bureaucrats who hire people they know. If they are ever going to be serious about reverse engineering exotic tech(if it exists) they need to compete against Apple, SpaceX, Google, etc…for talent. Even Wall St had to drastically increase internship pay to compete.

  3. it’s about the the money and resentment which is understandable in this situation . I think the companies that didn’t get alien technology 50 years ago are pissed about being cut out and the unfair advantage this gives. The U.S supposed to have a free market but there’s nothing free about giving tech that’s hundreds to thousands of years ahead of ours to a limited amount of companies then told to compete with those same companies. Who wouldn’t be piss about that? This could be a reason for disclosure.

  4. Government _salaries_ are low. The amounts government agencies pay to contractors from the private sector is usually _much higher_ than the same service/product would cost in the private sector.

    «Lowest bidder» doesn’t mean it’s cheap. It means all those bids are bloated to begin with.

    edit: for the ignorant downvoters… when I contracted to the government through a large software company, my company charged between 2-5 times the rate for _everything_ compared to what they charge in the private sector. It was one of the reasons I stopped doing it. You might not like it, but that’s how it is.

  5. I think this idea has been floating around, it’s just usually buried since it’s not very sexy to say ‘because capitalism’. I actually comment this morning on another post that big players are probably upset to be cut out of the action. Space X is now the biggest government contractor, and they probably don’t have any UFOs since they are so new.

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