Новое интервью с людьми, которые работали и видели, что скоро появятся UAP, говорит Росс.

От admin #Внеземные существа, #Внекосмические существа, #Внешний вид пришельцев, #Загадки инопланетного воздействия, #Загадки инопланетных цивилизаций, #ЗагадкиИнопланетныхЦивилизаций, #ЗагадочныеЯвления., #Заговоры, #ЗаговорыВИстории, #ЗаговорыВМедиа, #ЗаговорыГосударств, #ЗаговорыМировыхЛидеров, #Иллюминаты, #Инопланетная жизнь, #Инопланетные существа в кино, #Инопланетные технологии, #ИнопланетныеВоздействия, #ИнопланетныеИсследования, #ИнопланетныеТехнологии, #Инопланетяне, #ИнтеракцияСИнопланетянами, #Интракосмические существа, #Исследование инопланетной жизни, #ИсследованиеИнопланетнойЖизни, #Конспирология, #Контакт с инопланетянами, #Контактные СИнопланетянами, #Космические пришельцы, #МанипуляцияМассами, #Межзвездные путешествия, #Научная фантастика, #НаучнаяОбщаяФантастика, #Популярные о пришельцах, #Пришельцы в алфавите, #ПришельцыВМедиа. ТеорияЗаговора, #ПришельцыВНауке, #ПришельцыИлюди, #связанные с пришельцами, #СекретныеОрганизации, #СекретыГосударственнойВласти, #СекретыТехнологий, #СкрытыеСилы, #СовременныеТайны, #Способы достиженияСПришельцами, #Способы общения с пришельцами, #СпрятанныеПравды, #ТайныеЗаговоры, #Телешоу на инопланетянах, #Теории заговоров о пришельцах, #ТеорииГосударстваОпришельцах, #ТеорииЗаговораОБиологии, #ТеорииЗаговораОмедицин е, #ТеорииЗаговораОпришельцами, #Уроки инопланетной истории. 窗体顶端 窗体底端 ЭкспериментыПришельцев, #Фантастические инопланетяне, #Фильмы о пришельцах, #Фэндом пришельцев, #Экзобиология, #ЭкспериментальнаяНаука, #ЭкспериментыНадЛюдьми, #Явления

Росс сказал, что мы получаем больше интервью, но на этот раз от людей, которые действительно работали и видели эти ремесла и возможные тела. Итак, мы только начинаем.

От admin

21 комментарий для “Новое интервью с людьми, которые работали и видели, что скоро появятся UAP, говорит Росс.”
  1. If they don’t disclose soon I’m just going to open communications with the aliens myself and get them to give me evidence I can post on Reddit, like some element 115 or a ship or something whatever they have going spare

  2. The people that have been in the credible realm on this topic have not just jumped out at us flailing their arms about shrieking warnings of the sky falling but are methodical and professional people who are making calculated and prepared moves forward to whatever end that may be. We’ll be seeing planned out revelations in a manner that will keep a steady pressure up and I’m cautioning everyone I talk to patience, discernment, and skepticism

  3. Cool. Looking forward to people on here complaining that the people who worked on the craft didn’t really fly them and take them to outer space/different dimensions and bring back pictures of NHI.


  4. I personally don’t give a shit if it’s just more people saying stuff.

    Either have the courage of your convictions and leak it, or resign from the military and spend your time lobbying Congress to fix the issues keeping UFOs secret.

    I’m done with half measures. Grusch is cool, but Elizondo showed up with tapes, and so far Elizondo > Grusch for that reason.

  5. You know we just had a massively busy and upvoted post, and threads intolerant of dissent, about Alien Jesus right? I’m a bit worn out after that. So excuse me if I don’t get excited. The sub should have gone dark like the others.

    Downvote me if you want, you crystal hugging morons.

  6. I am hesitent to put too much into this, not because I doubt it but because even if firsthand, the issue will *still* be evidence.

    As a counter to my own point however is if these first hand witnesses went under oath to testify to ICIG or Congress, that might just be enough to pull me off the skeptical fence.

    These can’t just be witnesses. Just telling a reporter what you saw or were part of would be very interesting but a witness =/= an actual whistleblower.

    The counter to *that* counterpoint is if the witness(s) testified under oath to Congress but did not do like Grusch with filing a complaint, that would be a little harder to jump off the fence for but it might still be enough for me, depending on what would be said in a declassified setting. Bonus points if currently working such a «Program».

    I’ve never done this but I would be genuinely curious about what u/blackvault thinks about my reasoning here. If its flawed logic or a misunderstanding of that process, he would be someone I would take cues from.

  7. The tangible evidence , documents , photos have already been given to the Intelligence Dept IG who stated it was credible and urgent. Among the information included were names of high level access individuals working with these crafts whom corroborated to the IG everything Grusch noted in his IG complaint of harassment by Gatekeepers of the compartmentalized program. Also included is the name of the Program and Gatekeepers names, Aerospace company involved in testing and housing , list of individuals that work and had close internal contact inside this program. There’s a process. Kirkpatrick head of AARO was informed by Grusch what he had found out and had been told by others inside this program and he never contacted him back. Congress needs to demand Sean Kirkpatrick and Mouldrey who chose him , be removed at once from their positions. They are obvious planted obfuscators for the Pentagons continual secrecy.

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