Недавно видел это видео на «***X***». Она не только упоминает, что однажды видела различные НЛО в Перу (тема недавних новостей об инопланетянах), но также остроумно указывает, почему правительство держит это в секрете. Довольно интересно и заставляет задуматься о том, что могли видеть эти люди.
What was the reason she gave for the government hiding it?
Interesting how Shirley chose to live for a time in Peru.
Just keep calling it twitter. It will always be twitter.
Here she talks about remembering a past life which seems to be a concept tied to aliens too.
Dennis Kucinich is a friend of Shirley Maclaine, and had his infamous UFO sighting during a long term stay at her ranch near Mt. Rainier.
My first cousin was actually seated next to her on US commercial airline flight a few years ago .
It started off , She asked my cousin if she knew who she was . My cousin had no idea .. lol. anyway she was real friendly and talkative the whole flight, my cousin said that she was nice , but a had some crazy ideas, and was a little out there . .
Now , I am curious about what those crazy ideas , are all about
Man people are desperate to make that Peru thing true if they’re listening to batshit crazy old ladies now 😂
funny how there’s zero mention of any of this at r/PERU …almost as if….
downvote the truth all you want the only people taking this seriously or as in possible are the smooth brains here. No hablas Espanol eh amigos?
Twitter. It’s called Twitter. Also she’s a looney so take everything with a pinch of salt.
If you know history then you would know it is not odd that they would land there
I remember her being on Oprah decades ago talking about UFOs hiding in the clouds and she was laughed at by everyone.
They really can hide in the clouds. I saw one and I think I was the only one meant to see it as it was, cars just drive like nothing unusual going on. I was too afraid to take a picture of it. I don’t think she was crazy, just staring her perceptual experience.