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Ridicule: The most powerful tool for maintaining secrecy
byu/Arethum inaliens
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С Днем материнского корабля! Сегодня, 14 мая, мы как коллектив проведем простой массовый мысленный эксперимент, в котором любой желающий может попытаться помочь проявить материнский корабль НЛО над Фениксом, штат Аризона, США, в 16:00.
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Является ли это лучшим кадром с НЛО, который у нас есть, учитывая дату выпуска/качество/и других известных людей, ссылающихся на это видео?
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Мои поиски антарктических аномалий и НЛО выявили несколько интересных случаев и несколько еще более интересных источников. Старые сайты в архиве с 10 тысячами дел, индексом, картинками и видео
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Самый убедительный документальный фильм об НЛО снят… TikToker.
Новое интервью Дэнни Шихана в эту пятницу. @ 14:00 подведение итогов10 Самых Страшных Видео Когда-Либо Снятых На Камеру #3
Что-то в духе Раскрытия. Готовы или нет.
This is fascinating. I feel bad for the people who reported it.
So gaslighting by the U.S. government has been happening for years… not hard to believe at all.
I think what he’s trying to say is that we may have been tricked into not believing what we are seeing.
No need to worry about the people that know what’s going on…
The massive amount of stupid in our population will drown them out.
Well you do know who coined the term «conspiracy theorists» don’t you?
Why would the pilot need an entire suit, wouldn’t a gorilla mask be enough? Can a derby hat even fit inside the canopy? Wouldn’t only the servicemen at the airbase be seeing the psychologist on the base, and they would have seen and heard it take off and land, without a propeller?
This story doesn’t sound quite right to me.
I imagine the sophistication of the ridicule has increased commensurate with the increase in technology
ah Joe Scott
How the hell do you spot the pilot in a jet? I don’t get how that’s effective to lie about.
And that’s why MIB can’t be humans, or the US government. Because it’s easier to allow people to talk about anything, real, fake, mental constructs. That way you muddy the water.
Wish I’d used that title
Below is quick read aimed at wide audience.
[Unraveling the UAP Enigma: Are Intelligence Agencies Pulling the Strings](https://www.linkedin.com/posts/charles-minskoff-8003784a_uap-government-intelligence-activity-7052013503095726080-LchB?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios)
Yes, like the sub r-UFOs, which I mentioned on another post in this sub, which got a mod all worked up and deleting my comment, saying I could be banned. Have all subs been compromised?
i still remember the SR-91it’s such a shame they still hide it lol like no one is aware it exist
They destroyed the lives of those who reported the truth. Now this is what happened to me only on a much higher level and much much worse. The US military is far more evil than anybody could imagine. It is controlled by psychopaths at the top. They rape young boys and kill little kids for a drug known as adrenochrome which contains human endocrine chemicals, they started a campaign to cover it up claiming wealthy people are drinking kids blood called Adrenochrome so if people hear anything about it they shrug it off thinking it is some silly conspiracy. That is not what it is. It is part of a mind control drug discovered and used in the MKULTRA program. They used human brain chemicals to create the ultimate mind control drug. They were kid napping kids from poor and broken homes then killing them by extracting the endocrine. Poor people are over looked and their missing kids do not get much media attention especially when the Gov control the media.
That’s winning on a whole new level
No on
Completely unrelated, but the voice on this video sounds EXACTLY like TheJWittz
does anyone have a link to this?
This is mental abuse all for the sake of secrecy…
No wonder we have been ridiculed for over 50yrs
AND don’t forget that sometimes… things are ridiculed for a reason.
I think of stuff like this every single time people attempt to debunk a valid conspiracy theory with the following logic
» Do you really think thousands of people can keep a secret that big?»
Yes, yes I do. Not only do I think that, I think anyone who believes that’s a valid point of contention are hopelessly naive. Some secrets are so important they will literally kill people who leak information, so yes I thinks it’s exceptionally easy for thousands and thousands of people to keep a secret and believe those who think it’s a gotcha are naive at best and ignorant at worst.
The definition of gaslighting.
Our collective consciousness is controlling 2/3 of the drones that pilot in low atmospheric trajectories. 10% of our minds our utilized in cyber warfare and our dream states are being used for war game scenarios. Connected through etheric alpha waves and responded with theta. The more citizens connected and not aware the easier the manipulation on meta physical accumulation. Minerva Initiative II . I am a rogue state.
What is this I Dream of Genie?
gaslighting occurs on the corporate level all across America. Now imagine the biggest corporation of them all, the USA, with infinite resources lololol .. infinite gaslighting abilities
In Spider-Man 1967, the animated series. Season 2, Episode 6 features criminals dressed as Gorillas in order to pull-off a diamond heist. One of the Gorillas is wearing a bowler hat and smoking a cigar. I would post a screen but that seems to be not available in this sub.
Kinda like the way you ridicule any non believer on these forums?
Pilot must have had terrible visibility with a gorilla mask on??
Bruh not the psychologists gaslighting people