Движение мыслью: что свидетели инцидента в школе Ариэль, Рува Зимбабве и Джон Лир могут сказать о способе движения Существа
Move by thought: What witnesses of Ariel school incident, Ruwa Zimbabwe and John Lear has to say about the Being’s way of motion
byu/movebythought inaliens
I read another account by a man that said he and his friend witnessed an avocado shaped crash in the SW U.S. in the mid to late 40’s. He said they were boys at the time. He said the ETs appeared to move as if on skates, or by «willing» themselves around. I think one of the boys was named Remi, or perhaps Rami.
Holy shit. This is the exact same type of movement description that Betty Andreasson gave! She said they moved in a graceful, fluid manner, floated above the ground, and left behind a “ghostly after-image” like a blurry photo, while moving.
This comes up again and again over the decades. The beings move without touching the ground, they move by power of thought. Their craft is controlled by thought. Their craft are «willed» into existence. They can affect the experiencers emotions and thoughts. Everything these things do is through thought.
Think Anomalous has an excellent video on the Hudson Valley UFO flap in the 80’s [link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=syj1T11xFMA%5D where people report that the craft seemed to respond to their feelings about whether they wanted to actually see the ufo. If people felt fearful the ufo would start to leave, then the experiencer felt sad that they were leaving and the ufo would come closer. I would like to dig deeper into this aspect of ufo reports.
Kids and adults saw it has to be one of the most witnessed UFO’s and extraterrestrial encounter
Very interesting. I suspect it has more to do with some sort of time-manipulation.
They might create some sort of time bubble to do their experiments and testings quickly. It could probably explain some of the animal mutilations too.
The whole «running in slow motion» thing makes me wonder if they come from a place with higher gravity? It reminds me of watching people running around the moon.
There’s another story of this man who had a sighting very similar and he described the way the moved as kinda mechanical, never saw the legs touch the ground
Space time manipulation? Interdimensional traveling?
Communication with observers consciousness?
High strangeness.
We see stuff like this in many cases and incidents as some have mentioned.
There has to be something else at play here besides «interstellar aliens».
So many possibilities to consider.🤔
What’s the source video of the interviews please?
Definitely odd, definitely recurring theme in sightings and abduction reports. It would be awesome if the video mentioned that many of the excerpts are from our film 🙂 Check it out, if you haven’t already. And please spread the word. Still low on the general radar of the public. Thanks.
Their craft must have some time dilation. To break gravity you must break time/space. I’ve been reading thousands of reports in a pdf from encounters from 1970s to 80s. THOUSANDS of short reports of the 3rd kind Greys being discussed before greys became common. Very interesting to see people describe them and not know how common it is to us now. I never seen one report of them being naked. Not one! Must be a Hollywood invention. The most common outfit I think was a metallic silver suit. Especially when seen outside of ship. Inside was blue, black and gray. I think the metallic outfit was to protect them from the craft energy and maybe time dilation. After spending so much time reading these short reports its clear that something changed. A lot of these reports show that people stumbled upon a ship that was already landed and when the aliens noticed they have been spotted they used a device to freeze you in place or invite the people on the ship and they did examinations. Apparently very friendly. Seems mid to late 70s is when the stealth abductions started. If you want to pdf I’ve been reading I can send you a link from the site I got it from. So many witness reports of alien encounters.
John Lear was most probably right, thanks for sharing that after making the connection, because the Ariel School incident had me puzzled because of this exact thing; the way the aliens moved was not a normal way of moving and I assumed maybe it was a holographic image, or a play on the kids consciousness, some kind of mental projection/telepathy.
Isn’t John Lear the guy that said that the “planes” that hit the World Trade Center were just holograms?
All the schools are early 90s, Jesus was 33?