Запись доктора Ширли Райт, которая работала с Альбертом Эйнштейном, обсуждая свой контакт с телами EBE в Розуэлле 1947 года и последним выжившим.
The article in the OG tweet below is a good reminder that Dr. Shirley Wright, who worked with Albert Einstein, by all accounts not only saw the 1947 Roswell EBE bodies, but also stated where they might be living (hint: sounds like they might have been cryptoterrestrials). The… https://t.co/BY3NPbYEny pic.twitter.com/FoVpwC9IIA
— TheJuan1️⃣ (@planethunter56) July 7, 2023
Dr. Shirley Wright goes into great detail about what she saw and heard from the surviving EBE which seems to point towards a parallel intelligent life, on earth.
I believe this was posted a couple days ago and was debunked. There was any evidence this person ever worked with Einstein. No offense to you.
She claims there were nine aliens on the small ship. I think she’s confused.