Намекает ли Билл Клинтон в конце этого ролика на большое событие, связанное с NHI/Breakaway Civ?

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Намекает ли Билл Клинтон в конце этого ролика на большое событие, связанное с NHI/Breakaway Civ?

Is Bill Clinton by the end of this clip hinting at a huge event coming to do with NHI/Breakaway Civ?
by inUFOs

От admin

28 комментарий для “Намекает ли Билл Клинтон в конце этого ролика на большое событие, связанное с NHI/Breakaway Civ?”
  1. He could just be speaking on his thoughts for the future, using the the two fish as metaphor of we don’t know what we don’t know kinda stuff? I do hear what you are saying though

  2. Submission statement: “So I think there are lots of interesting discoveries, biological on earth and uh other discoveries in the heavens that those of you who are younger will get to see unfold, you will have all kinds of problems with them but on balance it will be a plus, and it will make life much more interesting.” Interesting tone, facial expressions and choice of words ‘get’ ‘will’. Let me know your thoughts, am i looking too deep into it? Could he actually be hinting at a huge future event to do with NHI or a breakaway civ?

  3. I read through that 4chan whistleblower Q&A and he did mention Bill Clinton. I can’t remember exactly what, but I think he made a joke implying Clinton was in the know. I plan on going through that 4chan post again but if someone remembers what I’m talking about, please confirm or deny for my lazybones.

  4. He also said it would bring unbalance to life. Meaning some type of paradigm shift I believe, in what we think we know about ourselves and this place we inhabit. Crazy stuff!!!

  5. «You’ll have all kinda problems with ’em, but on balance its a plus. … and it’ll make life more interesting.»

    So, shits going to get wild before it gets cool?

  6. I want this to be a cryptic message about aliens just like everyone else, but when I read the transcript, it feels pretty straight forward:

    “So I think there are lots of interesting discoveries, biological on earth…”

    Here he’s just talking about scientific break throughs he anticipates in medicine and biology, which I think we all anticipate…

    “and uh other discoveries in the heavens that those of you who are younger will get to see unfold, you will have all kinds of problems with them but on balance it will be a plus, and it will make life much more interesting.”

    And here he is talking about scientific breakthroughs we’ll have in the exploration of space. “All kinds of problems” is simply the scientific process, ie. It will be challenging.

  7. **This sub is fucking insane**. Directly from the horses fucking mouth in visual. He was president from 1993-2001. Why the fuck was the president of the united states with a goddamn scientific team **in the amazon, supporting** **marine biologist with something they had trouble getting to**? are you guys fucking shitting me ? 2 NEW ***LIFEFORMS***. INTERESTING ENOUGH TO CAUSE DISINTEREST IN EVEN UNMANNED SPACE EXPLORATION?? NOT ANIMAL, PLANT, FUNGI, ***LIFEFORMS.***

    Lue Elizondo said from the get go «shadow biomes exist where organism thrive in environments hazardous or extremely difficult for humans to reach» . Congress is told during the first hearing USO’s are classified, immediately held a briefing and came out that building SKRESSED. Thats when UAP/UFO/UAAP,UAASO, was being changed every three fucking days. Followed with Gilbrandt making it explicatly clear in no uncertain terms they wanted data about all anomalies sea,land, air and space. Bill Nelson from NASA then chimed in stating » *there are still areas on earth where life can be found not just space*» Why does [Now. Powered by Northrop Grumman](https://now.northropgrumman.com/hiding-in-plain-sight-the-argument-for-invisible-aliens/) randomly have an article about shadow biomes?


    Nimitz tic-tac was interacting with something underwater, we literally had a leak 4 days ago about a » *mobile underwater construction facility».* What attracted james cameron to the ocean trenches feeling compelled to go so hard producing *The Abyss* which depicts [this](https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=fCQ40wLC&id=0DE0CA1416E81889E5B94E999F949ED8878714E1&thid=OIP.fCQ40wLCKlKCg6MF0AGMzgHaEM&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2f3.bp.blogspot.com%2f-hvFNEAPbaNY%2fWIIianfO4SI%2fAAAAAAAAA6c%2fdUyvysmBU-YFRNtuxym29cCNNUSQ63jmACEw%2fs1600%2fvlcsnap-2017-01-20-20h00m32s183.png&cdnurl=https%3a%2f%2fth.bing.com%2fth%2fid%2fR.7c2438d302c22a528283a305d0018cce%3frik%3d4RSHh9ielJ%252bZTg%26pid%3dImgRaw%26r%3d0&exph=908&expw=1600&q=abyss+movie+alien+&simid=608050662453372975&FORM=IRPRST&ck=BBAD9BBC7BA85CD36A4C8751D838F4C2&selectedIndex=3&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0). Why do civilizations globally have myths and religions about «men from the sea» teaching man knowledge to create a civilization? Mermaids?

    He outright closes with » y*ou will have all sorts of issues with it but it will balance out for the better».* This is going to be exactly like Ukraine every single escalation ignored until everything absolutely shatters one day. I AM SCREAMING

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