Очередная мутация крупного рогатого скота, то же самое, точные порезы, без пролитой крови, Ни хищники, ни птицы не съедят останки.
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I don’t like these kinds of aliens.
The lack of scavenger interest is odd. I wonder if there has been any investigation as to whether the carcasses are emitting/exuding any volatiles that would deter scavengers and cause them to pass up a ‘free lunch’?
Do they know how long the cattle was missing for or?
Where are the pictures?
Maybe now we start asking questions to the Punjabi people and Indian people, figure out what logical reasoning they have for worshipping cows, because they don’t seem to have these issues iirc
Almost makes me wonder if someone is looking for a way to taint the food supply….some sort of covert terrorist plot or something. Do these cattle mutilations occur outside the US?
If there is an active timeline for disclosure, this would be a potential next step in the sequence. It seems likely that if this continues we should be seeing a live EBE on global news outlets in no time.
When i pick fruit from a tree… I dont feel bad for the tree…or superior to the tree to the point where its even a thought that im superior. Or care about the worms and squirrels that live in the tree that wouldve loved to eat it.
If they need blood… I dk… Just be happy its not yours…
My father was raised in that area, and he told me that it had happened many times before. When he was a teenager, he heard about cattle mutilations in the area as a not uncommon phenomena. He doesn’t ascribe to the ET theory and says that some people are just messed up.
It’s because the meat is abiotic, smells funny (it’s been ‘lightly’ irradiated); it’s basically like pickled meat.
What if the cattle had some disease and the parts cut out were evidence of it? What if they are trying to save us from a disease we don’t know about? Maybe there’s an alien outbreak of mad cow disease on earth?
My cat once was found with what looked like a hole somewhere on it(forget where I was going) i kinda remember it being surprisingly like a round hole maybe an inch or so across. Cat lived but it was was weird and never could understand what could do that