Я не видел много упоминаний об этом отчете CBS News от 2021 года, в котором упоминается Пентагон, изучающий НЛО / UAP, и их упоминание о «многомерном путешествии» в качестве возможного объяснения.
Я не видел много упоминаний об этом отчете CBS News от 2021 года, в котором упоминается Пентагон, изучающий НЛО / UAP, и их упоминание о «многомерном путешествии» в качестве возможного объяснения.
Submission statement:
Around the time that the first ODNI report on UAP came out, I happened to catch this story on CBS News: [Link](https://www.cbsnews.com/video/ufo-national-security-unidentified-aerial-phenomena-federal-report-bryan-bender-analysis/#x)
[YouTube Link](https://youtu.be/o8mY4pY2XCM)
In the CBS News report I linked above, toward the end, the correspondent from Politico being interviewed said:
>And then of course, there’s what I call the none of the above, which is are they from somewhere else? The Pentagon did a study that looked at the possibility that these things could be from here but a different here. They called it multidimensional travel. So are these thigs from somewhere not that far away but we can’t see them. It’s a different reality.
I have not been made aware outside of AATIP, AAWSAP, and AARO any studies that have been made public about the Pentagon looking into this. What the correspondent states sounds like a hypothesis they may have been working on. If so, that seems like kind of a big deal, no? I know that we typically get a whole lot of breadcrumbs regarding the topic. However, the lead up to the release of the ODNI report had quite a bit of speculation and conversation and I believe this may have gotten buried. I may be wrong. What are everyone’s thoughts on this?
Thank you.
My theory is that some things we do/create impact their dimension/world. The main one being nuclear activity. I think there’s a reason we have reports of nukes being shut off by UAPs and an increase in the UAP sightings and reports following the development and deployment of the nuclear bomb. I think nuclear technology and radiation bleeds into their world and affects them somehow, and that’s why they are interested in it.
That is because “multidimensional travel” is fringe and approaches pseudoscience given the smartest physicists and top people in the field have struggled to provide any evidence that more than 4 dimensions exist. It was a mathematical trick for string theory, it is not something they found evidence of them tested, rather something to make equations work but has yet to provide and experimental results.
Possible? Sure. However it does not make sense to put a lot of time into investigating this aspect compared to other more realistic ideas. Not when the science behind the theory is as shaken as it is.
I think the most realistic explanation for these craft would be some manipulation of gravitational fields, because they are seen defying inertia, doing things like hypersonic speed with no sonic boom, accelerating at insane g forces that should rip the thing up and burn it up from air pressure. That all can be explained by moving space around it vs traveling through space. These are things we can test and study. The multidimensional stuff is woo to me, and more of a fun thought experiment than any line of investigation that could lead to anything.
My new fav theory is whatever they are here to make sure our AI doesnt get out of hand. They keep tabs on the nukes sure. But they are really worried about AI getting the nukes.
If i have to watch the aliens battle AI before i can legally smoke weed im gonna be so pissed.
I think what the article COULD reference to are the papers Eric W Davis published with co authors. So in that regard you can officially add: Warp Drives, Black Hole Travel, Multidemensional Travel and so on.
In my opinion the phenomenon is one of the following:
An intelligence of some kind, either biological or artificial, is physically traveling through realspace from a different planet/solar system/galaxy. They may be using drones or unmanned vehicles to observe and gather. The «craft» could also be piloted. Their goal could be anything, including things completely unknowable to us.
It represents entities from another dimension. This hypothesized dimension could be «right next to» or on top of our own dimension, but still wholly separated. The sightings and events could represent a «natural» portal between dimensions/universe, where the energy or whatever aligns just right and the veil between the universes is weakened enough to see or possibly travel through. Or, a portal/opening could be created by said entities.
They are originally «from» somewhere else, but have been hiding in this area for some reason. Possibly they are within the oceans or on/in the moon. These would act as their main base.
Maybe it just proves the simulation hypothesis correct.
I do not believe the phenomenon is human based. Don’t belive China has the capabilities to so anything like this. And do not believe USA black projects can account for every incident.
I do 100% believe that this is a real phenomenon. I lean towards inter-dimensional entities/portals as the solution.
I guess we are absolutely alone in THIS universe, and maybe for some reason (maybe we are a too dangerous specie) we are confined here, and they come for who knows reason to visit us, but never will be contact
I feel like the term multidimensional can mean so many different things. For example, when we look under a microscope we can see a world we couldn’t see before, and they can’t see us. What if we are in the same scenario where we are the ants and we can’t see this other dimension all around us?
Basically earth is the zoo, we are the creatures in the exhibit.
There’s Fractals all around us everywhere, idk what that means, but I heard it somewhere and it has something to do with multidimensional I think, I have no clue.
Light speed is too slow, something faster has to be available otherwise living beings would have to have exceptionally long lives to travel from Star to star. That’s assuming they have life inside the vehicles and are not A.I. machines who have become sentient.
Contact them by telephone and request a follow-up.
We don’t even know if other dimensions truly exist so I’m not surprised they couldn’t “look into it”
Because it’s shit amateur newsreporting. It’s not a possible explanation; they don’t know it that means. Possibility must be demonstrated. Is it possible for a unicorn to take me to Albuquerque? No. Unicorns don’t exist.
I dont believe that we are in a «zoo» that just sounds so lame. Traveling all that distance just to observe just seems like hogwash. Same with food, or rare metals. If the universe is truly abundant with life, there should be plenty of opportunities for food and literally vast amounts of planets to mine. This also applies to the Zoo hypothesis , again a universe teeming with life, which as far as we know would mean other humans……yea coming to Earth just to observe….LOL OK. Doesnt really leave much wiggle room other than multidimensional. Personally, i’ll throw all my eggs into the demonic origin basket and leave it , be it wrong or right.
I’m with the ocean theory. 🤷🏽♂️
Book of Enoch type shit
I remember this too and it’s a detail Ive brought up to people. They say on one hand there’s no evidence for the phenomenon and then on the other hand speculate it’s from an entirely different dimension?
The species probably wouldn’t understand at depth any conversation of multidimensional travel anyway, why broadcast it as news.
If we can’t even agree on cases with film and radar how can we agree on anything.
My opinion is that «Multidimensional travelling» doesn’t even makes sense from the scientific point of view we have to be a explanaition. It looks more like it came from 80s sci-fi comics and it shows a lack of creativity and physics knowledge.
I am not saying that we should know what they are, but to say that it comes from another dimension is the same that saying that it came from the inside a black hole. It doesn’t makes sense and we need a lot more science to back any «explanation».
I usually like Politico, to me they seem to be honest. However, if they are not that far away but we can’t see them? Makes no sense.