UAP, записанный Sky360 на Аляске

By admin Май27,2023
UAP, записанный Sky360 на Аляске,

UAP, записанный Sky360 на Аляске,

UAP, записанный Sky360 на Аляске

By admin

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29 комментарий для “UAP, записанный Sky360 на Аляске”
  1. There’s is one little orb flying toward the object at the end of the video, that’s pretty interesting..

    Otherwise it looks like it was a balloon getting pulled by its payload after the balloon had burst

  2. I’ve seen the “falling leaf” pattern of movement described in many written reports but this is the first time I’ve seen a video that resembles anything close to that description. Don’t know what it is but that definitely came to mind when I watched this.

  3. Those two orb thing’s are interesting!

    The thing falling might be one of those NFT tickets to space, where you have use a weather balloon and the camera part is attached, the camera part looks like a small cooler. I saw someone do it on tik tok, and I imagine that’s what it would look like on it’s way back down.

  4. I feel like I saw something very similar roughly a week ago in BC. It looked like a single flat shiny triangle flipping around and falling out of the sky. I got a video but my phone camera sucks so you can only see vague glimmering.

  5. The most avg ufo video hits all the marks it’s blurry obviously looks like a popped balloon plummeting to the ground does some crazy acrobatics because of the air stream at that altitude but I can’t be sure because it’s so blurry😌 to make a decision on what it is would be naïve

    Also the smearing effect really takes it home

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