Considering the thousands of «historic» ufo meetings that lead nowhere everytime , it’s probably not worth watching and makes more sense to just wait for the inevitable posts from this thread talking about how much it sucks that nothing comes from it. I wanna be wrong but…
I’m pretty sure this whole thing is about how this team can help provide a framework for nasa to help study uaps…they won’t be discussing specific cases/photos
Maybe NASA will do this same shit for one or two decades.. And when they finally do announce that aliens / intelligent beings do exist in other places in the universe, nobody would give a shit because by that time it’ll be norm that people believe / take it for granted that aliens existed for a long time..
NASA is the biggest of the fuckers. They will do everything to denounce the videos. “It’s the ball from a Dyson vacuum rolling over Mosul, it popped out its actually just rolling down a hill. Don’t think so? We’re nasa, 🖕”
Not gonna watch it, im assuming it’s going to be them asking for more money to research the anomalies more. Anyone give a quick run down when it’s finished?
«Yeah, there seem to be some unidentified craft out there. …Thank you.» — saved you a 4 hour video
«Thank you for coming. We don’t know what it is. It could be Jesus. It could also be China. Thanks and goodnight»
After an exhaustive investigation, we can say if they a from a foreign adversary, or if they are from space, we just don’t know.
Im excited and prepared to be hurt again. 1pm yall!
Considering the thousands of «historic» ufo meetings that lead nowhere everytime , it’s probably not worth watching and makes more sense to just wait for the inevitable posts from this thread talking about how much it sucks that nothing comes from it. I wanna be wrong but…
Narrator: “It wasn’t a historic meeting on UFOs.”
Did anything historic actually happen? Or was it all Bun and no Meat.
I’m pretty sure this whole thing is about how this team can help provide a framework for nasa to help study uaps…they won’t be discussing specific cases/photos
I do feel like they’re slowing drip feeding us. I doubt they’ll ever tell us the truth until something massive happens.
If anybody expects disclosure…keep on waiting.
can someone summarize when it’s over?
Let me guess. Some dots were seen far away and there’s no footage…
Maybe NASA will do this same shit for one or two decades.. And when they finally do announce that aliens / intelligent beings do exist in other places in the universe, nobody would give a shit because by that time it’ll be norm that people believe / take it for granted that aliens existed for a long time..
I’ll save you the time…… it’s a «roadmap» to determine how to get data and where the data is coming from. That’s it.
“They found no extraordinary evidence…” — the Nasa video, basically
«Its all optical illusions»
The UAPs you saw are actually Bart Simpson.
In for the «They didn’t say what my preconceived worldview thinks they should have said so they’re lying» replies…
So, who cares?
We will still be slaves to the capitalistic pigs that run everything. That’s the real reason information is being withheld.
How long will this cry for more funding be?
Low expectations
Did they ignore the last 80 years..again?
And like always they will say nothing.
Sorry folks, nothing to see here but Balloons.
Lol is it really historic tho? Just some bs we already knew about
“Basically the aliens fucking hate us”
A historical waste of time. Nothing new brought to the table. Just a reiteration of “swamp gas” for a new era.

You spelled HYSTERICAL wrong.
“The conclusion is that it’s not aliens, we have no photos and no other information to share” you’re all brain dead. NASA is a FRAUD
NASA is the biggest of the fuckers. They will do everything to denounce the videos. “It’s the ball from a Dyson vacuum rolling over Mosul, it popped out its actually just rolling down a hill. Don’t think so? We’re nasa, 🖕”
Historic my ass
What if, after all this time, it’s discovered that squirrels are super intelligent highly advanced creatures, and they’re the ones in the UFOs?
This will be a big fat nothing like usual
Will this be streamed on any youtube channels?
it’s live!
they live now
Yea yea
I’ll jerk ol Werner von B if they’d just give up the actual truth
“The universe is big, I’m not saying it’s aliens, but it’s aliens…”
We know, this was already posted multiple times
A whole bunch of left overs. There’s nothing new to see here folks.
Uh huh, yup, sure, ok NASA.
They need better data why holding a metting to say that 😂🤣
A hole lot of nothing said..
Excited to hear about fluid dynamics and balloons.
Historic bullshit
Not gonna watch it, im assuming it’s going to be them asking for more money to research the anomalies more. Anyone give a quick run down when it’s finished?