Являются ли человеческие виды, которые вымерли, потенциально людьми, которые покинули Землю и теперь являются «инопланетянами»?

By admin Май27,2023
Являются ли человеческие виды, которые вымерли, потенциально людьми, которые покинули Землю и теперь являются «инопланетянами»?

Являются ли человеческие виды, которые вымерли, потенциально людьми, которые покинули Землю и теперь являются «инопланетянами»?С течением времени мое интересование инопланетянами стало все более нарастающим, и, через свои личные исследования, я начал осознавать, как неопределенной может быть временная лента истории человечества. В процессе погружения в тему Homo sapiens и нашего происхождения, я обнаружил факт, что более девяти различных видов человекоподобных существ населяли Землю 300 000 лет назад. Это только то, что известно нам на данный момент, хотя предполагается, что еще есть множество неоткрытых тайн (ссылка: https://theconversation.com/were-other-humans-the-first-victims-of-the-sixth-mass-extinction-126638).

Наши общие знания о наших «предшественниках» сильно ограничены, и ученые лишь в общих чертах могут объяснить причины и способы исчезновения этих вымерших видов. Существует научное представление, согласно которому Homo sapiens были более сильными, насчитывали больше население и обладали развитым интеллектом, что привело к исчезновению других видов. Тем не менее, обнаружены маленькие залежи ДНК более известных «неандертальцев» во многих частях Европы.

Теперь появляется все больше доказательств, указывающих на существенные расхождения в временной шкале истории человечества. Особенно интересен факт, что мы можем признать, что большая часть ученых не располагает полным пониманием того, почему некоторые виды вымерли. Это может подразумевать, что эти виды были более развитыми, чем мы предполагали. Возникает вопрос: возможно ли, что в какой-то момент истории все виды человеческого рода сосуществовали в гармонии, и, возможно, Homo sapiens не были самыми разумными среди них?

Также встает вопрос о происхождении пирамид и их реальной функции. Существует множество свидетельств, указывающих на то, что они могли существовать гораздо дольше, чем это подразумевает традиционная история. Возможно, в какой-то момент истории все наши виды могли сосуществовать в гармонии, и неандертальцы и другие виды помогали нам развиваться. Возможно, они пришли к согласию покинуть Землю, зная, что в тот момент были достаточно развиты, чтобы исследовать космос и продолжить свое развитие далее. Может быть, они сохраняют нашу историю и наблюдают за нами, в ожидании момента, когда мы сможем вернуться к их уровню развития.

Может быть, они даже освоили путешествие во времени и понимают его законы. Хотя это создает парадоксы, стоит задуматься о возможной цели их вмешательства. Хотя я новичок в мире исследования инопланетян, эта потенциальная идея открывает интересные горизонты и вызывает множество вопросов.

By admin

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35 комментарий для “Являются ли человеческие виды, которые вымерли, потенциально людьми, которые покинули Землю и теперь являются «инопланетянами»?”
  1. It is totally possible there were advanced civilizations before the civilizations we typically regard as the oldest.

    New finds keep pushing back the date that civilization began, and there may have been many that left no evidence.

    If humans went extinct today, in a million years there would be no evidence that we were ever here. Maybe a few fossils, but good luck finding them. The vast majority of people would not be fossilized, all the buildings would crumble to dust, all metal and plastic would disintegrate, and former cities would be completely covered in forests. Maybe a few features in stone like Mount Rushmore could still be identified as not natural formations, but it would take a very persistent alien archaeologist to uncover evidence we were here.

    If a civilization existed on Earth in the Pleistocene epoch 2 million years ago, the only evidence we might find is a high carbon level in that layer (and in fact, that is what we find).

  2. Why stop with humans? What if the sentient dinosaurs saw the asteroid and had a way to leave and a place to go? They went there, continued their civilizations, and came back to check out the recovery. Now, it’s just a cold and crappy place to them, as they moved on to greener pastures 65 million years ago. It even lets the government off the hook 🙂 «It’s terrestrial technology».

  3. Thanks for this very interesting n informative discussion 🙏 I’ve always believed, albeit lack of any evidence, that maybe there were life forms or humans who’ve existed long before us and left earth for the stars! Maybe they will come back or dont need to. Ive been fascinated just imagining that possibility 🙏 and am happy to find that there are others who think on these lines

  4. I can definitely get down with this idea. So much time has existed. We might not even be the only “species” that’s exited on earth. There might be a lot of players and species that got off, which is why alien’s supposedly look so many different ways. Hell- maybe the whole idea to survive is to get off this damn rock. It’s a starting point- not our only future. We NEED to get out there amongst the stars. Maybe that’s the whole point of life. Spread.

  5. «Leaving Earth» may not exactly mean what you think it means in this scenario, but I do think you are on the right track. Think about the Vedic ideas of «maya» and «samsara.» There is a veil, of sorts. I know people tend to roll their eyes at this when brought up in the context I am currently, but I think those that came before us had a different kind of knowledge than we do now. We are in our «scientific» era, but unfortunately I think we have lost some «spiritual» knowledge along the way that could help us connect a lot of dots.

  6. I would just say life is full out there and soon the galactic Federation will welcome more of us into the fold.

    Wait till you get to see the black hole field, Picture the ocean with whirlpools every now and then. Then picture each whirlpool as a «portal» to a different part of space. But some of them lead nowhere and will murder you. But you just don’t choose those ones.. No worries it’s mapped don’t let them frighten you as they get a kick outa it.

    And if you ever get taken to the other world takeout or diners act cool like you’ve been there before, and ask them what you should get, by them I mean the ones that took you.

    Safe travels..

    Oh yeah also don’t take the furry puffy things home, they aren’t for you even if they tell you it’s okay to take them. You may piss off your host when they realize they have to come back to get it.

  7. I like that theory. It would explain how Hunter gatherers turned into master stone masons in a few generations.
    A quick aside: my understanding is that only a few groups of people who’s ancestors apparently never migrated out of Africa in the deep past don’t have any Neanderthal DNA. Almost every one else does. I will look for a verification and post a link.
    Does anyone else remember the article? Do I remember this correctly?

  8. We have a very limited knowledge of human history, relative to the age of the planet. An accurate history of major events goes back 1000 years, 2000 if you push it. That’s nothing. Who’s to say who may have thrived here before us?

  9. For all we know; Dinosaurs evolved and left to colonize the stars; maybe more than once, after all they were living on planet Earth for hundreds of millions of years.

    While we have quite a bit of info on them, we only have a small record of only a few species that lived back then; and the same goes for the Human evolution branch.


    There are ancient ruins everywhere, Amazon, underwater, the poles used to be forests, and I am sure we’ll find ancient cities there too.

    Many ancient cultures speak of this being the 4th, 5th, 6th time that human kind has flourished on this planet.

    Hell, even the ancient cultures we do know about, we still can’t translate older languages, we still don’t know how or why they built alot of things, and we still can’t figure out how they acquired the knowledge they have.


    All of this, to say, maybe, but we don’t know, and perhaps we might never know.

  10. I used to scoff at Ancient Aliens (the show on the official History channel, if that tells you anything). Recently I’ve been binge watching it on youtube and going “hmmm, that makes more sense than the history books and nay sayers”.

    Aliens (and oddly likely time traveling aliens or humans) are baked into our history if you overcome the disbelief. People have been telling the truth for years yet we hesitate to believe them time and time again.

    WSD — willing suspension of disbelief — sometimes necessary to figure out the truth of the world.

  11. I could consider believing that Mars was the last earth. And Mars next phase is to turn into the next Jupiter, and the current Jupiter develops into what Saturn is and takes its place. Venus is due to develop into the next Earth. Pluto is what they all end up becoming. the sun pushes Venus into earths position and becomes a unique earth. Mercury becomes the next venus. It just takes trillions and trillions of years to happen and it’s a cycle. Our current earth will be pushed into Mars position and become inhabitable midway through, so humans will have to travel through our solar system to the new earth that was once Venus currently, restarting the cycle of human life from ground zero. Each planet in our Solar system was once the planet before it, Each planet from Mars to Pluto was once their own unique “Earth”. Every planet in our solar system that’s not Earth either was their own unique earth or is on its way to becoming their own unique earth, Mercury and Venus being the planets on their way.I don’t fully consider this as truth just a theory from the information I’ve learned so far.

  12. I read a story of a woman who was found with burns all over her body. She was unconscious in a hospital in Brazil with no way of knowing who she was. A volunteer who always visited her said that one day she telepathically said that she was kidnapped and abducted by beings, she escaped inside a ship and fled from the gray aliens, and running in despair he found a tall and blond being who said telepathically for her to calm down and not try to get into a beam of light that she was close to. He said they were using her to create a new species to populate planet earth. She said she preferred suicide and threw herself into that light. Afterwards she didn’t remember how she had ended up in the hospital. After this report she spoke her name and where she was from, all telepathically. because she was in an induced coma. The next day he returned to the hospital and she was gone. no one saw how she left, disappeared. Humans as we are now will be replaced by a different and genetically modified new generation. We will be replaced on this planet.

  13. There was a movie or a tv series, can’t recall, were the premise was from a time about 700k years in the past. Humans were on Mars and a massive war broke out. The planet became uninhabitable and the survivors came to Earth. Damn good from what I recall and some believe this is our true history. Wish I could remember the name of it.

  14. The silurian hypothesis, in theory it could be true but they’d have to have existed around 30kish years ago minimum to insure that any evidence of their existence would’ve disintegrated by now with the exception of some megalithic stonework that might have had a chance to be modified over time by nature and other hominids. Unless they had plastic everything would’ve decomposed and fallen apart by now.
    If we disappeared tomorrow the only thing left of society to show we were here in 10k years would be mount Rushmore tack on on another 20k+ and microplastics in soil would be the only trace.

  15. It’s an interesting theory for sure. I think the only issue with this is that we have their skeletal remains and can infer that their brains were much smaller and their builds were much different than our own, so they likely wouldn’t have had the dexterity or brain power required to build advanced machinery.

    I think a more plausible theory is that if the earth is 4.5 billion + years old, and we know that it is capable of producing human beings, other iterations of humans just like us could’ve lived and died hundreds of times already, only to be eroded away and forgotten about over millions of years. Or maybe they did make it off the planet. Who knows.

  16. I 100% think this is the answer to UFO/UAP «Aliens» that we’ve been witnessing the last few thousand years. This does not interfere with the fact that yeah, aliens are probably still coming here, that’s just not what we’re seeing.

  17. Thats my theory. IMHO they look too similar to us to be truly alien, although that might not be the case (convergent evolution and all that). I don’t think our missing cousins left by themselves. I think some older civ did the transplanting.

    I think there’s going to be a family reunion soon.

  18. I’m not sure if so called «aliens» are potentially humans who left earth millennia years ago, but I suppose it’s possible. Through my readings and research I’ve found that there are hints of very advanced civilizations pre-flood. Perhaps a civilization knew that a flood was coming and fled Earth. One of the things I also found interesting is that the jump in human evolution, especially intellect wise is unexplainable. Is it possible that the pre-flood humans came back at some time and jump started modern homo- sapiens?

  19. extinction vs evolution.

    extinction= whole loss of a species.

    evolution= the rise of dominant traits, where other traits go extinct or recessive (dormant).

    we are still here. we did not go extinct but evolved.

    really its just wordplay.

  20. It serves no one currently in power to admit or even allow itself to believe that power similar to theirs has existed in the past and been wiped out so thoroughly that it’s clear such power could not provide the safety and security required to preserve itself. It is counterproductive for a world superpower to admit its organization and control is vulnerable in anyway. It must always outshine the others around it. To admit otherwise would encourage the vastly opposed numbers (i.e. the governed) to begin group thinking, and questioning the true power of Power. If the President of the United States told Americans that it is not the pinnacle of human civilization; not the greatest nation on Earth, then it starts to fall apart.

    If people knew that there was a different, possibly more successful way to live before it was destroyed and erased by time, they would be much harder to control.

    Edit: To add — If a world power was to discover that a more advanced civilization did indeed exist long ago and their findings determined that this civilization was NOT destroyed but simply left, there would be even more imperative to keep that shit from ever reaching the light of day.

  21. Today we have a pop culture image of the typical grey alien…People have pointed out that it is suspicious that they should share so many evolutionary similarities with us, such as being bipedal, 2 arms, 2 legs, 2 eyes, etc….Now if those «greys» turned out to not only be real, but to actually be a predecessor of ours then that would explain the evolutionary similarity. It is also rumored that the «greys» seem to be running experiments or even a program (as David Jacobs calls it) that seems focused on genetic material. Some people say that their race is dying and they need our genetic material to save themselves. Skepticism seems called for there BUT if the «greys» are indeed predecessors then their apparent interest in our DNA makes sense. I would only be mildly surprised if some breakaway civilization was born here and had enough time to develop space faring capabilities, but mostly surprised because they seem to have broke off ties with Earth if your theory is true. Those apples fell *far* from the tree indeed

  22. I wonder if the Mahabharata is actually meant to be an historical account of earlier versions of humanity that developed space faring capabilities, fought about it with their Virmana and Bramha weapons, then left the Earth? Zipped off to the nearest habitable exo-planet at such a high percentage of the speed of light that time dilation aged *US* by 50,000 years or so from their perspective….?🤔

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