Основываясь на заявлениях разоблачителей, можем ли мы уже исключить какую-то гипотезу, например, будущих людей? Или другие?

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Термин NHI (нечеловеческий интеллект) несколько раз использовался в интервью осведомителей. С другой стороны, если вы посмотрите [this video](https://youtu.be/rQjbFZT9_EM?t=2420) (временная метка 40:20), вы заметите несколько вещей: (1) разоблачитель говорит о «множественном» интеллекте (2) очевидно, разоблачитель не хочет говорить о происхождения, потому что они не уверены в этом. Также год назад [Coulthart himself mentioned that sources told him future humans were involved](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfixnKYCbfg&t=60s) (временная метка 60 секунд) Наконец, помните, что [Garry Nolan mentioned AI intermediaries](https://youtu.be/e2DqdOw6Uy4?t=338)? Смогут ли люди будущего, возможно, через тысячи или сотни тысяч лет, создать беспилотники с искусственным интеллектом? Ребята, что вы думаете?

От admin

13 комментарий для “Основываясь на заявлениях разоблачителей, можем ли мы уже исключить какую-то гипотезу, например, будущих людей? Или другие?”
  1. I never really gave the «future human» hypothesis much consideration. I am willing to bet that there is both an extraterrestrial and interdimensional interaction here. The interesting thing about the interdimensional part is that, after over a thousand years of science dismissing religious contentions (beings outside of our perception which are able to interact with us), we are at a point where science might not be far off from accepting it.

    This is me just musing a little too, but what if there was some sort of galactic ley line structure and Earth or Sol (our solar system) is one of the regions where these lines intersect? Part of the extraterrestrial interest in our planet is not *just* the abundant life in some sort of harmony, but the interdimensional interaction with the planet. Again, not really saying anything, but just entertaining wild possibilities.

  2. Offtopic but Dr. Michael masters has two amazing books on the «extratemperalist» ( beings from other timelines) and does a great explaination , other is by Dr. Philip j imbrogno and Dr. Michael Salla .

  3. *»Also, a year ago Coulthart himself mentioned that sources told him future humans were involved (timestamp 60 sec)»*

    Not true, I just listened to the video in your link and he said he «was thinking about it as a hypothetical possibility». Big difference.


  4. I’d argue because he says non human, it’s probably mechanical. Perhaps scouting probes distributed through out our galaxy and one ended up on Earth. One would imagine these probes are self replicating and thus self propagating at that kind of technology.

    Future humans has crossed my mind, as did Martians. But I don’t think so, I’m going with most likely scenarios until there’s more info.

  5. save this I bet they are not from outer space, they are just some other kind of earthlings ¿can you imagine how an old civilization could be if survived for more than 12,000 years?

  6. I don’t think this is the time to start excluding anything. For me at least the more I hear and read the more the door opens up for more possibilities.

    I started out as a skeptic with an open mind in this subject and I’m becoming more skeptical and more open minded by the day.

    Exciting times.

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