Я собрал большой объем информации, в частности, о серых видах. Я пытаюсь создать всеобъемлющую информационную базу, пытаясь объяснить феномен увечья крупного рогатого скота. Существует слишком много факторов, чтобы приписать все это человеческим существам или природным факторам, таким как хищничество. Я не верю, что это происходит просто из злого умысла, как некоторые пытались сказать, или из-за психологических манипуляций. Я считаю, что существуют биологические последствия, и, проще говоря, явление увечий во многом похоже на способ обработки пищевых продуктов. Просто все по-другому, если мы посмотрим на некоторые из наиболее примечательных описаний физиологической стороны этого вида. У многих из них, по-видимому, нет внутренней полости для переваривания пищи, или, лучше сказать, наевшихся желудков, к которым им пришлось приспосабливаться путем искусственного извлечения. На мой взгляд, это очень интересно и указывает на то, что они претерпели довольно резкий эволюционный спад, который мог повлиять не только на их биологическую сторону, но и на то, как они обрабатывают чувства и эмоции. Я также пытался понять феномен похищения, поскольку сам принял участие в двух событиях, которые навсегда изменили и навсегда изменят самое фундаментальное понимание того, что я считаю правдой как человек. Я намерен опубликовать эту информацию в формате PDF, который будет доступен каждому БЕСПЛАТНО, поскольку знания никогда не должны стоить денег. Это тормозит эволюцию на культурном уровне. Я пытаюсь показать структуру собранной мной информации, которая включает в себя только информацию, полученную от военных свидетелей, документов и интервью, проведенных через военных, военно-морских и правительственных чиновников, в надежде пролить свет на оставшиеся без ответа и загадочные вопросы, которые мы еще есть что касается их вида. Кажется, они играют большую роль в нашем технологическом прогрессе как общества, и, как правило, они также выполняют над нами биологические действия. На данный момент у меня около 120 страниц подробной информации, которую я пытаюсь представить в формате, позволяющем вести научные дискуссии, дебаты и открытые предположения. Это не приводит к предвзятости, а просто основано на информации, которая, по моему мнению, соответствует высочайшим стандартам достоверности. Я излагаю свои собственные теории, но это требует деликатного рассмотрения информации. Это моя попытка дать более широкое представление о виде, который действительно обладает способностью к состраданию, но он затенен нейтральностью, и я считаю, что это происходит из-за их прямого нарушения природы, которое представляло собой чрезмерную интеграцию технологическое развитие.
Grays are why I have such an interest in this subject. Ever since I was 7 years old (now 44), I’ve had a fascination with them. No idea why, they scare the crap out of me
This is a thread I made yesterday along these lines:
Suppose the human origin story begins with genetic manipulation by some advanced alien species.
If something is technologically manipulated to serve a technological function, does it become technology?
Are we a technologically-inclined species because we are, in fact, technology ourselves?
And as our own technology develops and we start getting into things like cyborg technology, aren’t we moving in a direction where we become less biological and more technological?
Was this the alien plan all along? Maybe this is what happened to them and now they go from place to place creating an intergalactic cyborg brotherhood.
I’m happy to help the Grays survive. They’re easily the most familiar NHI. They’re our pre-contact contact.
The notion that they’re motivated by evolutionary pressures makes so much sense. I remember when Botox first came out and people started making jokes about looking surprised no matter what was going on.
Some scientists studied it later and found that not only did Botox suppress a person’s ability to express emotion, but it worked the other way too. Frozen face muscles impeded one’s ability to feel emotions in the first place.
If you spend a few thousand years communicating telepathically, what need is there for language and facial expressions and waving your arms around to tell a story? It’s easy to see how a body would then adapt to become a much more cerebral being.
Lear stated decades ago (Knapp interview) that the cattle killings is so they can extract certain enzymes from the cows that they rub on their skin which they absorb, apparently Grays have damaged or compromised digestion from their evolution.
They then excrete the toxins and waste back out via their skin, consistent with the Brazil incident.
Maybe the hybridation program is just to creat a better more apt workforce than can operate in both worlds, as they’re scaling up their operations here.
Another 4chan “whistleblower” came forward about his uncle’s death bed confession .. I don’t necessarily believe it ,but it is in line with a few other theories ( as these often are )
His uncle said — greys are biological AI . They are unable to reproduce naturally so they clone themselves or experiment on cross breeding with humans . Some live on this planet , others in space. he also said they were created by an advanced civilization that perished a long time ago. I guess like blade runner AI . Therefore, the Greys aren’t capable of understanding human emotions such as empathy. They are unable to create new technology , as they were designed to maintain whatever current tech was prominent during that time. They are single minded beings
There’s a lot of talk lately that these could be biological «drones» elegantly built Frankenstein style from a bunch of different terrestrial DNA a long time ago (this might also explain why other «aliens» like reptilian and insectoid critters look like they’re built from various earth dna too).
I feel like this makes more sense to me than completely unrelated space life miraculously evolving just like us then inventing interstellar space travel just to troll us for thousands of years.
If grays are intelligent life engineered by whoever to perform a function, they could very possibly develop their own sort of culture and beliefs, but I cant imagine they’d be a hopeful bunch. In this case ‘drone’ doesn’t mean robot, a much better word would be ‘slave’, they’d be intelligent life purpose built to perform work.
I always thought it seemed malicious that they would tell school children «don’t tech» while arriving in a space ship. But actually, if it’s because they’ve become some stunted thing reliant on tech, it would make sense they would warn us. But it would also make them seem really quite flawed, just like us.
Seems to me like this theory is overly influenced by motives and hypothetical situations that our species and social systems can relate to. It posits that they are more like humans than whatever else they may really be closer to.
My theory which isn’t really based on anything is that the UAPs that are seen around the world really are from the future, but humans have nothing to do with them. Another species from the future is watching the moments in their distant past when they still were an unsignificant species living in the sea.
Maybe they need to speed up their progress as a species to be able to fight off some unknown threat in the distant future?
I wonder how they veiw the nordic type aliens, first contacted in the 50s. Do they think the nordics are show offs, or feel like a real second place Sally in terms of the looks department?
I am excited to read when you finish your project! This is definitely important information that will help the public understand without researching for years on their own.
They always claim to be here for different reasons and claim to come from different star systems (first they were from Mars or Venus, now from Alpha Centauri, Orion, etc.). This means that they lie at least part of the time, and since they keep trying to hide their activities, it leads me to believe that they don’t have our best interests in mind. These things are not friendly.
Until they land tomorrow we’re in the land of speculation. This can’t be disclosure from the random abductee who supposedly had an interaction with them through hypnotic suggestion or was manipulated into the belief they are good. Then there’s also the channeling people that supposedly talk to them because they say are that person, could be a troll speaking to them or something else entirely. It’s probably bs.
The fact that they would rather talk to the govt which is corrupt and does terrible things we won’t ever know about, speaks to what they are about as a species. Entertaining the idea they are real.
I apparently cannot edit my initial text. It was supposed to say withhelding information stalls us on a societal level that determines evolution. All knowledge should be accessible to us as it gives us a chance to go change what we know fundamentally. Not culturally as I initially stated.
u/ forbiddensnackie has a few posts over on the experiencers sub about their interactions with greys that line up pretty well with the text you shared above. I’d recommend a look over their posts if you haven’t already 👍
Kind of unrelated, sorry for the rant. I had a vivid dream that Greys entrusted a little grey baby in my care. I loved it so much, honestly that feeling of love in that dream was stronger than any emotion I’ve had in my waking life. The grey baby could make anyone immortal with one touch. My father refused to let the grey baby touch him. The FBI came and killed my baby and it was the most depressing and horrific feeling. I felt weird and sick for a whole week after. The dream still haunts me and I think about it often. As the baby was dying I held it and cried, telling it I really tried my hardest to give it a good life. I’ve never wanted to have children and still don’t so the whole thing was weird.
In the course of their work, the greys, or as I like to call them, the Stewards, have seen what you might phrase as, «some shit.»
This proverbial shit is beyond our human imagining.
In short, on a long enough time scale, you see a lot of civilizations, which may include a lot of beings you particularly loved, experiencing annihilation.
They know very well death is not the end, since most go through it themselves before being «assigned» to the job, but, mass death and destruction is actually not very ideal to most through out the universe. Its generally ideal to prevent it before it begins.
I mean…if I was studying our planet and it’s inhabitants…why WOULDN’T you take a good look at cattle? There are more of them than us, bigger than us, etc.
I don’t think they’re here to help us. I think they’re here to help themselves. They want us to create ai. They want us to integrate with technology because they ARE technology. Once we integrate with them, they will have full control over us and will be able to fully harvest our existence for their purposes.
People just don’t consider deeply enough the presence of Grays throughout Art History and the implications of the constant presence. Nor the profound effects and affects present in those cultures in relation to the times the Grays were recorded.
The Grays appear to have a deep investment in the continued existence of the Human race.
Perhaps more than Humans have invested themselves. At this point.
A point that someday will fall into the category of History, just like all the other archives. The points where Grays were present
I appreciate your thoughts here but I’m not sure I agree. It’s kind of feels a bit like the “invade earth to take our resources” narrative. Im not sure we have anything they need other than as a study topic/curiosity, or as a steward or cosmic gardener. These organisms are so far advanced that they would be able engineer their way out of any sort of evolutionary bottleneck. If they’ve been here and have engineered us over the eons, they would have no need to hybridize us or take our cattle and use our glads for feeding or anything like that. They can create anything they need, any resource, any energy source. In my view, if they’re here, it’s because we’re a project or an interest, not because they need anything from us. Just my two cents.
I for one welcome the chance to help the Asgard avert a biological collapse caused by their excessive use of cloning. That would be vastly preferable to anything crazy like their entire race committing mass suicide and blowing up their homeworld.
We’re close to being able to play with DNA like a programming language, and we’re nowhere near as advanced as they must be. The idea of trying to get a new species or get certain traits via breeding over generations just doesn’t make any sense in that context. They could simply program whatever they want effortlessly in like 2 seconds flat. So this whole line of thought is ludicrous. Whatever’s going on, you’re way off as to why it’s happening or what’s actually happening, or both.
I believe that grays are the biological aspect of fallen angels / demons. They may or may not be from before the flood. They are malevolent and not benevolent. They do harm and not good. I believe it is possible that the war in heaven is still happening or has moved to our plane of existence, out in the cosmos and on earth, the holy angels are warring against the evil angels. Please accept Jesus The Son of God today as the ruler of your life, and understand that any spirit or non-human being that leaves its station not in the Holy name of God, is evil and the only defense is calling out for Jesus our Savior and King.
Edit: I’m sorry if the content of my message is troubling. I just think that I need to share how to defend against these beings if they do torment you. I wish I knew Him when I was tormented by them.
Immediately I see problems with this idea. They can communicate telepathically and travel faster than the speed of light. That isn’t over reliance, that’s peak performance!
«Many of them seemingly do not possess an internal cavity for food digestion, or, for a better word, gorged stomachs which they had to adapt to via artificial extraction. To me, this is very interesting and shows a large indication that they have undergone a rather dramatic evolutionary downswing which might have not only affected their biological side but also affected how they process feelings and emotions.»
Which I don’t believe at all. I think people look for certain visual cues in something and when they don’t get what they want they, accuse whatever it is like Gray aliens of being emotionless, souless, drones.»
They might liquidize their food, or swallow it and digest without chewing, or stick to specific foods that are easier to break apart without teeth. Perhaps their internal stomach moves to digest the food rather as they don’t have teeth. We don’t know anything because the only claims we have of what their bodies are like from alphabet ‘whistleblowers’ half the time don’t even match close encounter/abduction reports.
What about the very rare reports you get where its claimed that they don’t have bones?
I bet you didn’t even know about those ones.
The ones I saw didn’t have bones, no teeth, no nose (just nostrils), no ear holes ( that I could see), four fingers, wearing unitard blue grey suits, slit for a mouth, enormous cat like almond eyes that are covered by contact lenses . Didn’t make them emotionally dead, they also told me that they do eat, that they’re just people and they have no idea how long they go back they’re that old (so over 10 million Earth years less than say 30 (except galactic time dilation from gravity wells throws time out the window anyway).
They had skin that was dolphin like but not quite, dolphins aren’t drones, sea slugs don’t have bones and they aren’t drones. Lots of animals appear very different to us, eat different foods, digest food completely differently, yet they have sensations and emotions.
I don’t get the logic it sounds like making judgements on people based on aesthetic visual cues humans have decided for themselves and I don’t believe any autopsy report, I don’t believe they would ever let us capture one living or dead. I think its a psy-op.
Look we all hear stories and have different own experiences but I don’t trust the alphabet personnel about what they claim they are or aren’t because they are always looking at it through the lens of military personnel with a piss poor fixation on certain visual cues.
What I saw didn’t seem to have an genetic issue or behavioral lack at all…. humans on the other hand. There is a reason why Bigfoot doesn’t like to get too close to the hairless ape men.
Idk, I personally think they are biological drones and the real puppeteers are somewhere else or under the ocean.
Grays are why I have such an interest in this subject. Ever since I was 7 years old (now 44), I’ve had a fascination with them. No idea why, they scare the crap out of me
This is a thread I made yesterday along these lines:
Suppose the human origin story begins with genetic manipulation by some advanced alien species.
If something is technologically manipulated to serve a technological function, does it become technology?
Are we a technologically-inclined species because we are, in fact, technology ourselves?
And as our own technology develops and we start getting into things like cyborg technology, aren’t we moving in a direction where we become less biological and more technological?
Was this the alien plan all along? Maybe this is what happened to them and now they go from place to place creating an intergalactic cyborg brotherhood.
I’m happy to help the Grays survive. They’re easily the most familiar NHI. They’re our pre-contact contact.
The notion that they’re motivated by evolutionary pressures makes so much sense. I remember when Botox first came out and people started making jokes about looking surprised no matter what was going on.
Some scientists studied it later and found that not only did Botox suppress a person’s ability to express emotion, but it worked the other way too. Frozen face muscles impeded one’s ability to feel emotions in the first place.
If you spend a few thousand years communicating telepathically, what need is there for language and facial expressions and waving your arms around to tell a story? It’s easy to see how a body would then adapt to become a much more cerebral being.
Lear stated decades ago (Knapp interview) that the cattle killings is so they can extract certain enzymes from the cows that they rub on their skin which they absorb, apparently Grays have damaged or compromised digestion from their evolution.
They then excrete the toxins and waste back out via their skin, consistent with the Brazil incident.
Maybe the hybridation program is just to creat a better more apt workforce than can operate in both worlds, as they’re scaling up their operations here.
Another 4chan “whistleblower” came forward about his uncle’s death bed confession ..
I don’t necessarily believe it ,but it is in line with a few other theories ( as these often are )
His uncle said — greys are biological AI . They are unable to reproduce naturally so they clone themselves or experiment on cross breeding with humans . Some live on this planet , others in space.
he also said they were created by an advanced civilization that perished a long time ago. I guess like blade runner AI . Therefore, the Greys aren’t capable of understanding human emotions such as empathy. They are unable to create new technology , as they were designed to maintain whatever current tech was prominent during that time. They are single minded beings
There’s a lot of talk lately that these could be biological «drones» elegantly built Frankenstein style from a bunch of different terrestrial DNA a long time ago (this might also explain why other «aliens» like reptilian and insectoid critters look like they’re built from various earth dna too).
I feel like this makes more sense to me than completely unrelated space life miraculously evolving just like us then inventing interstellar space travel just to troll us for thousands of years.
If grays are intelligent life engineered by whoever to perform a function, they could very possibly develop their own sort of culture and beliefs, but I cant imagine they’d be a hopeful bunch. In this case ‘drone’ doesn’t mean robot, a much better word would be ‘slave’, they’d be intelligent life purpose built to perform work.
I always thought it seemed malicious that they would tell school children «don’t tech» while arriving in a space ship. But actually, if it’s because they’ve become some stunted thing reliant on tech, it would make sense they would warn us. But it would also make them seem really quite flawed, just like us.
Seems to me like this theory is overly influenced by motives and hypothetical situations that our species and social systems can relate to. It posits that they are more like humans than whatever else they may really be closer to.
My theory which isn’t really based on anything is that the UAPs that are seen around the world really are from the future, but humans have nothing to do with them. Another species from the future is watching the moments in their distant past when they still were an unsignificant species living in the sea.
Maybe they need to speed up their progress as a species to be able to fight off some unknown threat in the distant future?
A realllll human bean
Was this document from arro ?
Is this a document released from the pentagon website?
I wonder how they veiw the nordic type aliens, first contacted in the 50s. Do they think the nordics are show offs, or feel like a real second place Sally in terms of the looks department?
Another big part of the Grays (Asgard) in Stargate SG-1… soft disclosure
I think they are of a hive mind and are interested in our individuality, our personalities and emotions that they might have lost through evolution.
I am excited to read when you finish your project! This is definitely important information that will help the public understand without researching for years on their own.
They’re more machine than man now, twisted and ee-veel.
They always claim to be here for different reasons and claim to come from different star systems (first they were from Mars or Venus, now from Alpha Centauri, Orion, etc.). This means that they lie at least part of the time, and since they keep trying to hide their activities, it leads me to believe that they don’t have our best interests in mind. These things are not friendly.
Until they land tomorrow we’re in the land of speculation. This can’t be disclosure from the random abductee who supposedly had an interaction with them through hypnotic suggestion or was manipulated into the belief they are good. Then there’s also the channeling people that supposedly talk to them because they say are that person, could be a troll speaking to them or something else entirely. It’s probably bs.
The fact that they would rather talk to the govt which is corrupt and does terrible things we won’t ever know about, speaks to what they are about as a species. Entertaining the idea they are real.
I apparently cannot edit my initial text. It was supposed to say withhelding information stalls us on a societal level that determines evolution. All knowledge should be accessible to us as it gives us a chance to go change what we know fundamentally. Not culturally as I initially stated.
There really does need to be more love for the gray community
u/ forbiddensnackie has a few posts over on the experiencers sub about their interactions with greys that line up pretty well with the text you shared above. I’d recommend a look over their posts if you haven’t already 👍
Kind of unrelated, sorry for the rant. I had a vivid dream that Greys entrusted a little grey baby in my care. I loved it so much, honestly that feeling of love in that dream was stronger than any emotion I’ve had in my waking life. The grey baby could make anyone immortal with one touch. My father refused to let the grey baby touch him. The FBI came and killed my baby and it was the most depressing and horrific feeling. I felt weird and sick for a whole week after. The dream still haunts me and I think about it often. As the baby was dying I held it and cried, telling it I really tried my hardest to give it a good life. I’ve never wanted to have children and still don’t so the whole thing was weird.
In the course of their work, the greys, or as I like to call them, the Stewards, have seen what you might phrase as, «some shit.»
This proverbial shit is beyond our human imagining.
In short, on a long enough time scale, you see a lot of civilizations, which may include a lot of beings you particularly loved, experiencing annihilation.
They know very well death is not the end, since most go through it themselves before being «assigned» to the job, but, mass death and destruction is actually not very ideal to most through out the universe. Its generally ideal to prevent it before it begins.
I mean…if I was studying our planet and it’s inhabitants…why WOULDN’T you take a good look at cattle? There are more of them than us, bigger than us, etc.
Apparently they used to have a language called polari, and according to stereotyping worked as interior decorators and hairdressers
I don’t think they’re here to help us. I think they’re here to help themselves. They want us to create ai. They want us to integrate with technology because they ARE technology. Once we integrate with them, they will have full control over us and will be able to fully harvest our existence for their purposes.
nah, we’re container for souls, on a prison planet.
People just don’t consider deeply enough the presence of Grays throughout Art History and the implications of the constant presence. Nor the profound effects and affects present in those cultures in relation to the times the Grays were recorded.
The Grays appear to have a deep investment in the continued existence of the Human race.
Perhaps more than Humans have invested themselves. At this point.
A point that someday will fall into the category of History, just like all the other archives. The points where Grays were present
I appreciate your thoughts here but I’m not sure I agree. It’s kind of feels a bit like the “invade earth to take our resources” narrative. Im not sure we have anything they need other than as a study topic/curiosity, or as a steward or cosmic gardener. These organisms are so far advanced that they would be able engineer their way out of any sort of evolutionary bottleneck. If they’ve been here and have engineered us over the eons, they would have no need to hybridize us or take our cattle and use our glads for feeding or anything like that. They can create anything they need, any resource, any energy source. In my view, if they’re here, it’s because we’re a project or an interest, not because they need anything from us. Just my two cents.
I for one welcome the chance to help the Asgard avert a biological collapse caused by their excessive use of cloning. That would be vastly preferable to anything crazy like their entire race committing mass suicide and blowing up their homeworld.
We’re close to being able to play with DNA like a programming language, and we’re nowhere near as advanced as they must be. The idea of trying to get a new species or get certain traits via breeding over generations just doesn’t make any sense in that context. They could simply program whatever they want effortlessly in like 2 seconds flat. So this whole line of thought is ludicrous. Whatever’s going on, you’re way off as to why it’s happening or what’s actually happening, or both.
I believe that grays are the biological aspect of fallen angels / demons. They may or may not be from before the flood. They are malevolent and not benevolent. They do harm and not good. I believe it is possible that the war in heaven is still happening or has moved to our plane of existence, out in the cosmos and on earth, the holy angels are warring against the evil angels. Please accept Jesus The Son of God today as the ruler of your life, and understand that any spirit or non-human being that leaves its station not in the Holy name of God, is evil and the only defense is calling out for Jesus our Savior and King.
Edit: I’m sorry if the content of my message is troubling. I just think that I need to share how to defend against these beings if they do torment you. I wish I knew Him when I was tormented by them.
We are here as watchers
Immediately I see problems with this idea. They can communicate telepathically and travel faster than the speed of light. That isn’t over reliance, that’s peak performance!
Hey, I’ve kinda been doing the same thing. I made posts about it here on reddit, feel free to check my main one about the Grey collective I know.
And also, feel free to dm me.👋
Makes alot of sense.
«Many of them seemingly do not possess an internal cavity for food digestion, or, for a better word, gorged stomachs which they had to adapt to via artificial extraction. To me, this is very interesting and shows a large indication that they have undergone a rather dramatic evolutionary downswing which might have not only affected their biological side but also affected how they process feelings and emotions.»
Which I don’t believe at all. I think people look for certain visual cues in something and when they don’t get what they want they, accuse whatever it is like Gray aliens of being emotionless, souless, drones.»
They might liquidize their food, or swallow it and digest without chewing, or stick to specific foods that are easier to break apart without teeth. Perhaps their internal stomach moves to digest the food rather as they don’t have teeth. We don’t know anything because the only claims we have of what their bodies are like from alphabet ‘whistleblowers’ half the time don’t even match close encounter/abduction reports.
What about the very rare reports you get where its claimed that they don’t have bones?
I bet you didn’t even know about those ones.
The ones I saw didn’t have bones, no teeth, no nose (just nostrils), no ear holes ( that I could see), four fingers, wearing unitard blue grey suits, slit for a mouth, enormous cat like almond eyes that are covered by contact lenses . Didn’t make them emotionally dead, they also told me that they do eat, that they’re just people and they have no idea how long they go back they’re that old (so over 10 million Earth years less than say 30 (except galactic time dilation from gravity wells throws time out the window anyway).
They had skin that was dolphin like but not quite, dolphins aren’t drones, sea slugs don’t have bones and they aren’t drones. Lots of animals appear very different to us, eat different foods, digest food completely differently, yet they have sensations and emotions.
I don’t get the logic it sounds like making judgements on people based on aesthetic visual cues humans have decided for themselves and I don’t believe any autopsy report, I don’t believe they would ever let us capture one living or dead. I think its a psy-op.
Look we all hear stories and have different own experiences but I don’t trust the alphabet personnel about what they claim they are or aren’t because they are always looking at it through the lens of military personnel with a piss poor fixation on certain visual cues.
What I saw didn’t seem to have an genetic issue or behavioral lack at all…. humans on the other hand. There is a reason why Bigfoot doesn’t like to get too close to the hairless ape men.
Those little atomatons don’t give a shit about human beings.