Почему раскрытия не произошло и почему не произойдет: солидная теория, которая вам точно не понравится.

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Сообщается, что Джимми Картер «глубоко рыдал» и был явно встревожен в течение нескольких недель после того, как ЦРУ раскрыло ему правду о реальности наших инопланетных геодезистов. Люди здесь склонны верить, что инопланетяне — это моральная группа, которая желает человечеству только лучшего, которые видят наш потенциал, которые хотят помочь решить наши проблемы и, по сути, передать нас в руки нашей захватывающей судьбы Галактической Федерации. Пожалуйста. Это такой авторитетный образ мышления. Конечно, они продемонстрировали, что способны остановить некоторые ядерные удары, и у некоторых людей, столкнувшихся с ними, сложилось впечатление, что они не хотят, чтобы мы полностью уничтожили себя или планету. Но это не значит, что они морально хороши. Даже Рамси Болтон держал Теона Грейджоя в живых и кормил его целую вечность, чтобы медленно его пытать. Эти инопланетяне не обязательно могут быть совершенно садистскими. Но во всяком случае, мы, вероятно, очень дорогая и отнимающая много времени колония «лабораторных грызунов» для этих существ. Точно так же, как мы меняем лоток для мусора и обеспечиваем условия, пригодные для жизни в наших экспериментальных колониях, эти НХИ посещают нас, чтобы присматривать за колонией, чтобы мы не облажались полностью. Но я вполне убежден, что они собираются причинить нам всем массу экспериментальных страданий, настроив симуляцию, чтобы они могли научиться любым корыстным целям, которые они преследуют для себе подобных. Их существование не вращается вокруг нас. Не навлекайте на наших похитителей стокгольмский синдром. Тот факт, что людям так трудно принять, что мы на самом деле находимся под наблюдением аморальных высших существ или, по крайней мере, всех могущественных высших существ, способных на морально предосудительные действия против человечества, — это все, что мне нужно, чтобы объяснить, почему правительства продолжают скрывать правду. Несмотря на ВСЕ доказательства в истории того, что о нас не заботятся, что мы не спасены от катастрофы, что мы продолжаем страдать, человечество просто не может смириться с тем, что аморальный высший разум контролирует ситуацию и всегда так делал. Если это правда, вы хотите раскрытия? Я так не думаю. Вот почему это не разглашается.

От admin

31 комментарий для “Почему раскрытия не произошло и почему не произойдет: солидная теория, которая вам точно не понравится.”
  1. Social upheaval? Bro they had a hearing where an intelligence official claimed there here and NO ONE GAVE A F*CK.

    Aliens are real. Cool! I still can’t afford a house.

    We’re ready to hear it if only because our immediate problems are so heavy already.

  2. Absolutely I still want disclosure. It’s pretty obvious if you even just scratch the surface of the phenomenon that it’s way too highly complex and multifaceted to be boiled down to a good/bad type of scenario. I fully believe that in the long run, we’d be better off knowing the full picture of what our governments know, whatever that is.

  3. I think these entities care about life in general, and want to protect us, but only on the broad scale to ensure we don’t actually destroy the planet.

    Now, I have an alternative theory, they don’t want disclosure because the Aliens want OUR technology.

    While there may be some common scientific breakthroughs, what if they’re more fascinated by watching us…. Be US. They want to see our solutions to these problems. It’s like an adult watching a toddler try to put the right block in the right hole, eventually we’ll figure it out.

    They likely have completely different technology, they might have evolved beyond «entertainment» and leave us to develop because perhaps their society is boring.

    There are so many what ifs and unknowns, if the NHI doesn’t want disclosure, it probably won’t happen.

  4. What facts do you refer to when you say we’re under surveillance and what morally reprehensible acts have they done?
    Genuinely looking for facts because as far as I know aliens have still not been confirmed to exist yet, don’t get me wrong, I believe they do but there are no facts as far as I’ve ever seen.

  5. If this was true I would definately want Disclosure so I would know who our real oppressive overlords are. And I would like to know a lot about them. Good to know in the future If we want to rebel.

  6. Listen…we’re at the mercy of any «alien » that can reach us. I believe their greater good is above ours. We are ants. Love always wins. We’ve experimented on «lower » lifeforms which in some cases could be viewed as cruel, but it’s for the greater good.

  7. That’s the conclusion I’ve come to as well. It’s damn depressing. We’re a slave race for a higher power and there’s nothing we can do.

    I wish I didn’t feel this way. Or that I even started reading about this bullshit. I was happier ignorant. I hope we’re wrong but everything I read point to us being domesticated animals.

  8. Jimmy Carter blah blah blah. I have a question, Reportedly by who? Who’s the source? Has this story ever been confirmed to be real or from The Weekly World National Enquirer Sun? Because it sounds like a load of rubbish to me.

  9. Governments caring about it’s citizens is something I haven’t been seeing for the last 50 years (my birthday), if they are worried about us in relation to the topic, I’d be surprised.
    I don’t buy it, this theory is bs to keep us in the dark, frightened & locked at the prison.
    I want to be free, I’m strong and I want to know the truth!!! I’m no coward!

  10. They are watching us take over the planet and evolve, first as ultimate apex predators who conquered a world where we were very much outnumbered by other species and now they are seeing how quickly we evolve into those next steps in the sciences of economics, politics, and science.

    No doubt there is an over/under card on if we will end up wiping ourselves out by certain dates. Maybe that’s what we are, gambling entertainment for all the galatica.

  11. >But I’m pretty convinced they’re coming to inflict mass amounts of experimental agony on us all via tweaking the simulation, so that they can learn whatever self serving goals they have for their own kind. Their existence doesn’t revolve around us. Don’t go getting Stockholm Syndrome for our captors, now.

    For the sake of conversation, there are people who hold the belief that humans are seen as family to them. That reincarnation is real, and all souls/spirit/consciousness (what ever you wish to call it) come from the same source. That as time goes on your consciousness goes through many lives accumulating experience, and processing it before being born again. In this cycle of increasing complexity. Where the «family» part comes in, is that a significant number of these NHI incarnate as humans.
    It is an interesting perspective on why they would want the best for mankind. Because all living beings originate from the same field of consciousness.

    >People here tend to believe aliens are a moral bunch who only want the best for mankind, who see our potential, who want to help solve our problems and basically hand-off-parent us into our exciting Galactic Federation destiny.

    When it comes down to it, it’s highly unlikely anyone here knows the full intention of these NHI. The world is full of negativity and tragedy. So why not choose to believe the most comfortable and reassuring possibility? At this point in disclosure, with so little concrete information, it really is your own personal choice what to believe. Have fun with this subject.

    If you want to believe «they’re coming to inflict mass amounts of experimental agony» go for it. But it leaves me wondering. Why do that to yourself?

  12. I don’t think it’s difficult to accept we are under surveillance by higher beings, and I doubt others would as well. That’s basically the foundation of every mainstream religion. Nothing would change in that regard, if they are our babysitters.

  13. Your logic doesn’t make sense. If you presume the theory that an alien species wants you to come into your own into some galactic federation, why would you interfere? «We continue to suffer, we arent saved from disaster» — humanity has the capability to stop and prevent most suffering and disasters. We just don’t take priority. We’re divided. Together, humanity is an unstoppable force of nature.

    Save for complete destruction, it makes sense why NHI don’t interfere. It negates the point of free will, growth, ect… if you rely on them to fix our problems, then our species won’t grow. We will forever be sucking alien teet.

    That also doesn’t mean they aren’t assisting. Perhaps they are in ways you cannot understand or see. Why do so many abductees have such positive, macrolevel messages? Such things need to come from us. Nobody is coming to save you from yourself. But you are also not in this by yourself.

  14. Your theory falls quite flat when one considers that if there are one, there are ‘many», leading to a likelihood that there would be a more morals-focused, friendly side to NHI.

    Any evidence that NHI exist is evidence enough to infer that we will be protected as equally as we would be harassed.

  15. That’s it? That’s all? They created us and they’re running experiments on us? This has been going on for thousands of years?

    Seems to be a pretty OK deal. Whatevs.

  16. You are missing the point that humans themselves are higher beings operating on higher levels. Just because you are not aware of it, it does not mean it is not so. It also does not mean you can’t open yourself to that reality. If anything, whether those aliens are assholes or not, this is more than anything else about waking up of humanity. How urgent it is and what are the consequences of humanity not doing it very soon is another discussion.

  17. How come all the people «in the know» Elizondo, DeLonge, Grusch, etc, don’t seem really upset by what they know. Nor do they seem to think the information is dire enough to spill the beans. If they aren’t freaking out, why should we assume the truth is something horrible?

  18. The claims of an apocalyptic event that they are linked to is also an interesting theory. Something about the tectonic plates under the Atlantic cause a Crack and eventually lots if land mass going into the ocean.

  19. To be honest, no I don’t want mass disclosure. People don’t need to know and I don’t think it would help anything, just let the general public live their lives in blissful ignorance. If people are insatiably curious (like myself) then make the answers available to them. I would prefer the subject to be a niche area of study.

    But my biggest problem is with military funding and lying to the scientific community. The Phenomenon represents a window to scientific and evolutionary possibilities. Allow the world to come together to study this without the pressure to weaponize it. And without compartmentalization. Use the excess budget to fund social programs and housing for the less fortunate, education, so on.

    Why must we kill our own?

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