Жители Порту-Алегри, столицы штата Риу-Гранди-ду-Сул в Бразилии, сообщают о огненном шаре, пересекающем небо города (24 августа 2023 г.)
UAP fireball in a sky of Brazil, Aug 24. Thoughts?
byu/kolesnykbogdan inaliens
Жители Порту-Алегри, столицы штата Риу-Гранди-ду-Сул в Бразилии, сообщают о огненном шаре, пересекающем небо города (24 августа 2023 г.)
UAP fireball in a sky of Brazil, Aug 24. Thoughts?
byu/kolesnykbogdan inaliens
Cool, but I don’t think this is unidentified.
UFOs don’t produce tails or trails.
My thoughts? This post is a good example of what this sub has slowly been turning in to.
Come on guys, do we really not know what a meteor is?
This sub LOL
Unless this starts to move up or down and not like the curvature of our atmosphere, definitely not UAP lol
Since you have already determined this to be a «fireball» and you already know what it is … how then is it a UAP???
Just wondering. Thanks.
** Next time, try posting this in r/meteorites
I’m sure that it will be appreciated there.
Burning rock. Next!
Straight line, flaming tail, slow constant speed, that’s a meteor / space junk
This is not UAP. This is Soyuz SL-4 RB stage.
Meteorite 😶
I think this belong in r/astronomy not here.
Optimum pride. Ooo uh ah ah ah
My thoughts are: why does the video stop so far before the landing!? Likely some normal bullshit
Maybe it’s a comet, space has other things
Its very common. Its space junk
space junk entered atmosphere or hyper-sonic missile test
Space trash. Trash…from space.
Optimus Primes brother has arrived, Optimal prime.
Its Alien! WE ARE SO BACK! Finally the proof we need is here!
How does anyone look at this and see everything but what it actually is. A fucking meteor dad gummit
My thoughts are that this is bullshit. Easily explained, does not belong here.
Fireballs are not UAP’S. Especially when they just move in a predictable straight line 🙄
The More You Know Star 🌟
It’s something burning up in the atmosphere