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Всем привет. Я надеюсь, что кто-нибудь здесь сможет отговорить меня от уступа или помочь мне попытаться разобраться в том, что я испытал прошлой ночью в своем доме. В настоящее время я сижу один в прогулочном парке в нашем городе, сняв с работы немного ВОМ, так как сегодня утром я не спал с 12:45. Немного предыстории: ничто за последние пару дней не могло спровоцировать это, ни кошмар, ни приступ сонного паралича. То, что я увидел прошлой ночью и из-за чего потерял сон, — это то, что вы видите на (по общему признанию, грубом) рисунке. Кошмары мне снятся регулярно, но они другого сорта, более обыденные, более… рутины. У меня не было сонного паралича с марта 2015 года. Я полностью верю, что жизнь существует вне нас, в другом месте, наблюдая за нами. Вчера вечером я занимался своими делами дома, занимался домашними делами и смотрел телевизор в надежде что-нибудь посмотреть. Я и SO готовы лечь спать примерно в 9:50/10 часов. Пошёл в туалет, почистил зубы, прыгнул в кровать и быстро уснул. В качестве предисловия к моему пробуждению (и этой встрече): через «Эхо» доносится окружающий шум (точнее, гроза), и у меня включен поворотный вентилятор, так что шум царит повсюду. Но эти звуки определенно были не тем звуком, от которого я проснулся сегодня утром. Вместо них эти двое. Стою над моей стороной кровати, между ними находится что-то вроде устройства, изображенного в виде трех точек. Фактически, три точки, которые напрямую соответствуют веснушкам на моей правой руке, идеальный треугольник. Подумайте о настройке радио на станцию, но настройка немного отклоняется, поэтому вы слышите приятную, здоровую смесь помех со всем, на что вы ее включили. Это то, что я услышал издалека, когда лежал в постели и смотрел на то, что нарисовал наверху. Раньше я видел в Интернете немало видеороликов о «Серых» и других, но это были… Не они. Они были такими высокими. Неестественно высокий. Головы нормальной формы и, конечно же, глаза. Черный. Расчет. Цвет этих вещей я не мог визуально разглядеть. Никакого прямого физического контакта не было. Полная остановка. Я смотрел на них, казалось, целую вечность, прежде чем смог выразить панику и страх, пробуждая мою ТАК, туда, где она повернулась и схватила меня, но к тому времени они уже ушли (дематериализация?), и я перевернул Я поднял ноги с кровати и объявил, что больше не могу заснуть. Я пошел в нашу гостиную, где сел на диван и просто обрабатывал информацию. В итоге моя кошка помогла мне, несколько раз за утро прижимаясь ко мне рядом, но ущерб уже был нанесен. Я не уверен, чему именно я был свидетелем прошлой ночью. Я не совсем знаю, как еще описать это чувство, и, как уже говорилось выше, моя история с снным параличом уже давно позади. Мой SO придерживается довольно рационального мышления, предполагая вышеупомянутый SP, а также (комично) предполагая, что наш другой кот, который спал у них в ногах кровати, шипел бы и плевался, если бы там действительно что-то было. Но опять же, я не уверен. Они молчали. Как я уже сказал, между мной и ними не было никакого физического контакта; У меня такое ощущение, будто они просто наблюдают. Наблюдая. Был ли это действительно сонный паралич или более, неземной вариант, я не знаю. Но мне бы хотелось знать. Мне нравится думать, что значительное большинство читателей этого раздела (и других) в основном убеждены, что жизнь есть где-то еще, и в этом смысле я с ними согласен. Для скептиков: я также понимаю ваши доводы и мысли. Я просто хочу ответов, вот и все.

От admin

30 комментарий для “Встреча?”
  1. I mean, any encounter like this ultimately just screams sleep paralysis to me. I had sleep paralysis one time, and could here a creature crawling around on the bed next to me. Some people see things in their rooms. You mentioned you’re a 100% believer in life outside of earth as is, which suggests you may be into UFO/Alien stuff to a degree so it’s residing in your unconscious mind

  2. This is the creepiest fucking post to me because I had the exact same dream and a lot of the way you described how it made you feel after.. it was like that for me. I did not sleep without a light on for about two whole years after that dream. It just was so vivid.. there was two of them as well. They don’t talk and they are completely expressionless. I just said oh I guess this is sleep paralysis and it was just a dream. It was VERY shocking.

  3. It’s a common report for people to hear “static” or “a swarm of bees” during the onset of hypnogogia, leading to sleep paralysis.

    I had a similar sleep paralysis experience — afraid to go back to sleep, tall figure, etc.

    I don’t have an explanation for you, but you’re not alone. For me, it never happened again and life went on. I hope your experience is similar, in that sense.

  4. Hey everyone, OP here.

    I just wanted to take the time to say thank you to everyone for the comments, recommendations, and well wishes. I will heed the majority of commenters here and will chalk this up to a rather bad case of sleep paralysis. Since it had been a long time since my last, I thought it truly well and over. I was clearly wrong.

    Again, I appreciate everyone here, for assuaging my rather weird and terrifying «encounter». One commenter is probably right, that I need to probably curb the aliens/UFO-type readings for a while.

  5. DMed you! I didn’t have a similar dream, but definitely had the same three dots in triangle mark after waking up from an alien dream (imprinted on my waist, looked slightly like freckles but I remember the aliens poking me with a tool to create that mark right before I woke up)
    My boyfriend was in the dream with me and he woke up at the same time too, with the same mark on his body.
    This mark gave me the creeps.

  6. There is a strong correlation between sleep paralysis and experiences with “others”. Does one cause the other? Which one causes the other? The current consensus opinion is that sleep paralysis causes hallucinations (I have had this one time that I recall and it was somewhat traumatic) but I am open minded to the possibility that the others induce paralysis on us when they are interacting with us. It fits a scenario in which they are opting to remain in hiding while they do their work. Memory is wiped etc but still thousands of people have reported encounters with some consistent themes. Whatever you think it is stay positive and positive things will come your way

  7. It was probably a dream. I’ve had a few weird dreams like that although nothing to do with aliens.

    I once dreamt of a ghost child girl with pale white luminous eyes. I woke up from the dream thinking gee that was pretty scary then the ghost girl popped up from the side of my bed… Then I woke up again but for real this time. I was dazed, confused and scared and expecting the ghost to pop up again but after calming myself down I realised I’d dreamt waking up instead of actually waking. The crazy thing is it was so vivid and my room looked exactly how it looked when I was awake.

    Another time I actually woke up and saw a lizard crawling up my bedroom wall. I live in the UK so I couldn’t believe my eyes so I got out of bed and tried to touch the lizard just to confirm my eyes weren’t deceiving. As I reached out the lizard fizzled away and I was touching a blank wall. I was awake and since I was already standing I went about my day. I was awake but just still in a sleep like state that I hallucinated.

    I’ve had sleep paralysis where I hear someone break into my home and then I see a man’s hand reach over. I try to move but can’t — I feel frozen in fear. I try to yell fuck off but a weak barely audible murmur comes out. I remain paralyzed for a few seconds until I can eventually turn myself around, ready to fight but nobody is there. I have no clue at what point I actually woke up on that one but I was awake at the end of it.

    People will sleep walk. They will have full conversations while sleep walking with others. They will cook food. They will have sex. There’s a post on r/therewasanattempt right now where a guy lights up a cigarette while asleep on a plane.

    There’s a reason why these alien encounters commonly happen in people’s bedrooms and my own experiences make it hard to believe stories like yours. They are mind blowing the first time it happens to you and it is a crazy experience but without any other way of validating if it were real then it probably wasn’t.

  8. You gotta be fucking kidding me.

    About 2 weeks ago i had this dream where someone shaked me by the chest as to wake me up, and there was this gray just standing there looking at me.

    It was tall, black eyes and somewhere between humanish and grayish.

    I didn’t felt scared, so i went back to sleep.

    Then i felt them shaking by the chest, and there it still was. Went to sleep again and once again, woken up in the same manner, but it was gone by the last time.

    Now, i’m pretty sure this was a dream. My partner says she doesn’t remember anything (she’s a light sleeper). But the shakes were real.

    I don’t know if that thing was what shaked me or my partner. Maybe she got scared and got the memory erased?

    I’ve been having a lot of trouble sleeping after that, even if i’m 100 percent sure it was a dream.

    Just wanted to share the similarity of what happened to me, real or not, it gives me something to think about.

  9. I stopped to read your post because your drawing reminded me of an experience i had which was exactly like you described. I once woke up in the middle of the night and these 2 really tall and slender alien looking were standing at the other side of an open door. They were standing in a slouched position to be able to look under the door frame. They were absolutely silent and i was literally stunned by fear. I could see them as clear as i can see my fingers typing this message. After about what seemed like 2 whole minutes have passed i finally was able to snap out of it and screamed at the top of my lungs and hid underneath the blanket. After a short while i decided i should take a peak. They were gone. I am 100% sure i wasn’t dreaming.

    I have had sleep paralysis before and this was diffent. I was able to move when i woke up and i didn’t freeze / was unable to speak out of fear until after i saw what was standing there looking underneath the door frame.

  10. This sounds a lot like sleep paralysis.

    Anecdotal, but I used to get sleep paralysis a lot when I was young. The noises you describe and the fact that you felt paralyzed and it felt like a long time sounds very familiar.

    Sometimes my sleep paralysis demons would take form of tall slender things, with “eyes” watching me from weird places

  11. If you have a history of things not being super well in the head, sleep paralysis or otherwise, as someone who’s struggled with lots of things that aren’t there, trust the animals.

    If there was a cat there, but they didn’t respond, that’s the first clue it was something short circuiting in your neurons. If that’s not good enough and you want more proof, consider a motion activated or nighttime camera for the room. Best case scenario, it happens again when your SO and the camera are there to see if they see the same thing, worst case scenario you actually see something or the video mysteriously cuts out.

    All I’m saying is in my experience it’s a lot easier to deal with adjusting or restarting medications than dealing with the ramifications that aliens, the government or some cult has made plans that randomly involve you for some reason. Most folks are more likely to be mentally suffering than chosen ones and that means there’s probably less to be afraid of, at least until you get more evidence either way.

  12. Just trying to be rational here, not trying to debunk or insult you.

    What you described does sound like SP episodes- the noise, the non-contact, your cat not reacting to their presence. Like others said, you are into aliens and you have a history of SP. The simplest answer being the most likely- it probably wasn’t anything other than SP.

    Your experience was personal, and your write up was good, and with the crude drawing it was a bit creepy. And SPs can certainly generate very strong beliefs about what was real or otherwise. But nothing you described in the post, when you strip it down to the essentials, was anything folks with SP haven’t encountered before.

    Maybe I’m wrong, and that’s fine; but unless you can recall anything more certainly physical about the event, I’d just say try to relax and let it go. Good luck.

  13. Not to discredit, this is just my experience, but when I get sleep paralysis it’s often like that.

    I had an «old ghostly woman» sit on my chest, but my GF at the time was awake and saw nothing.

    I wouldn’t be too scared, if they are real it sounds like they didn’t do you harm?

  14. Sleep paralysis. Every you described has been reported as a symptom (lack of a better term) of sleep paralysis.

    I’d wager you frequent UFO sites like this subreddit or are an avid enthusiast of the phenomenon.

  15. Ok, I’m going to receive some hate on this. To preface, OP, I am not saying you didn’t experience this, but the biggest problem I’m having with this is the dematerializing.

    Now, have you been screened for schizophrenia or a history of it in the family? I know it sounds like an insult, I really do. But you need to understand that hallucinations and other positive symptoms could very well explain the “beings”, if it isn’t just sleep paralysis. I’m concerned about the three dot thing though, did it break skin? Any chance you slept on something?

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