Вот так…

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Установите еще один флажок для «они — это мы» и «они были здесь все время».

От admin

35 комментарий для “Вот так…”
  1. I mean finding new hominids is cool, but I don’t see how it applies to aliens. We are bound to discover new species that give us a clearer picture of our evolutionary history, doesn’t mean aliens though.

  2. I like this line of thinking. This particular spiecies is not the link we’re looking for.

    I can’t think of any reason to believe they aren’t just normal homosapiens that broke away sometime in the 195,000 before we started recording history.

    The more like us they are the easier it is to explain how they hide themselves, or even blend in.

    This is going to be controversial but I keep thinking about that silly EBO Biologist post, I know, I know, but please read these quotes and see if my interpretation makes any sense on the other side.


    **Their genetics are like ours, based on DNA.**

    **..beings from an alternate biosphere would have genetics based on a completely foreign biochemical system..**

    Several conclusions can be drawn from this surprising revelation. **The one that immediately comes to mind is that our biosphere and theirs share a common ancestry.**

    They’re eukaryotes, which means their cells have nuclei containing genetic material. Which suggests that **their biosphere would have been separated from ours sometime after the appearance of this type of organism.**

    The term **Exo-Biospheric-Organism is actually a misnomer**, but as it’s a historical term, it’s still used. **Their genetics are not only based on the same genetic system, but they’re also even compatible with our own cellular machinery.**

    If our present modern biosphere and these «gray alien» meat drones share a common ancestry that split, this means they were engineered a long time ago *here from local ingredients available at the time*, but when? He also says there is animal DNA in these things. I wonder *what* dna specifically, because if there is genetic material from animals that no longer exist this might be the very detail that tells us roughly how long ago these gray drones were invented, which might in turn lead us twords finally learning the right questions, if not actual answers about the enigmatic engineers themselves.

  3. If you read the Abstract of the scientific paper that the sensational news refer to [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0047248423000908?via%3Dihub](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0047248423000908?via%3Dihub) you’ll find that although unexpected it is not that extraordinary since the skull displays a «combination of both archaic and modern human features» that was never found before. That’s just it. In the past when we found other hominid remains that we didn’t know about they didn’t turn up to be aliens.

    But I don’t blame you that much for jumping to these conclusions. It is just that we need to fight the sensational news with critical thinking. And if everyone does it they’ll eventually learn something.

  4. We went from hominids to homo sapiens.
    There is a barrier in our evolution we havent discovered yet. And we are sure its because we are also some alien. Maybe not everyone. Maybe yes everyone. 🤷🏼‍♀️
    Maybe by finding more types and kinds and aged the Most. Could eventually help maybe

  5. I’ll be honest, I didn’t read the full article. But for those of us playing UAP BINGO check a box for “they us” and “they’ve been here the whole time”

    Edit* All you haters need to chill. Y’all acting like this is a peer reviewed journal. It’s Reddit. Relax.

  6. Yeah I mean it’s definitely a rejustification of the “Peking man” narrative they have in mainland China. Their theory is stemmed from the fact that they are descended from a different branch than homo habilis and therefore “superior”. Chinese people don’t actually believe this so please don’t view this as a way to besmirch them, but it’s perpetuated by their government

  7. Take this into consideration and overlay the many world quantum theory to explain the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Then extrapolate past, present, and future to each new world created.

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