Всем привет! Я внимательно следил за дискуссией об исчезновении MH370 и хотел бы добавить кое-что, чего здесь не обсуждалось. Несколько
в Интернете говорится, что было обнаружено несколько частей самолета, и подтверждено, что они принадлежат MH370 с положительным результатом. идентификация серийного номера. Учитывая эту информацию, все еще правдоподобно, что видео, которые мы видим, могут быть подлинными?
They couldn’t match one serial number to the plane.
Could have also reappeared after whatever the eff was going on. Wreckage and possible NHI interference is not mutually exclusive.
The Flaperon; MH370’s Book Depository Building
It’s like the Roswell crash. You gather some scraps, take a few pics, and the public stops talking about it. Disinformation campaign successful, you move on.
Holy crap, you’re right! Literally nobody has mentioned the debris even one single time
I don’t know how you found out this obscure detail, when it managed to completely slip past everyone else, good find!
>An “‘OL’ part identifier” was legible on the plane piece, the ATSB said, which allowed investigators to definitively identify the wreckage.
This should’ve been the end of this MH370 craze on this sub.
Ten thousand posts about this shit and the wreckage has been found and identified.
Because that doesn’t really disprove the video. We don’t know what happens to the plane after it disappears.
No UFO connection here… down vote
Deep fake is real.
…because the videos only show the plane disappear. Who’s to say it didn’t come back later?
The circle jerk is now too big to stop…
They found 8 pieces of wreckage, only 3 pieces had serial numbers linking them to MH370.
Missing people reported where?
Parts get replaced and presumably saved. Bad actors could access these old parts and use them to salt shore lines with wreckage.
I read somewhere MH370 had a wing replaced at some point before it’s demise.
I raised the same issue maybe a week ago and was politely enjoined to consider the idea that these pieces of evidence were planted/fabricated/faked/etc… Well, politely may be a bit strong. There is a tendency for some people to take the ‘anything is possible’ notion (which is undoubtedly true) and internalize it as ‘possible means probable means support for whatever I believe.’ There is less emphasis on what is likely — maybe because that’s prosaic or uninteresting. Of course, that’s funny because one thing we’ve learned from Quantum Mechanics is that everything is probabilities, and what we take for reality is, in substance, a series of very likely things. Anyway, I think your point is well raised and wish you luck with it.