Коллаж сигарных НЛО в воде, воздухе, вулканах, горах
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passenger vehicles.
They’re basically unsubmerged submarines. A reverse Navy sub.
Blows my mind to think of where these crafts were built. They must have big workshops. Fuck I wish I could see.
I once saw a couple of with bigass withe cigar shape ufos/uap over some tomato fields in Sinaloa Mx when I was a kid
the image directly in the middle. where can i find that?
There’s a ton of interesting photos from the USS Trepang
Are they Cuban?
What’s the deal with the volcanoe one? That real?
nice ty
Middle left is one of those «thermal balloons» they used to sell as children’s toys that got away.
Several others look like shooting stars, Top left, top right
Based on how the guy sounded when he explained it, it seems like a real thing. Also it doesn’t sound so crazy. If we were advanced enough to travel to other planets with ease. Wouldn’t we send a group of scientists to study and be able to observe a lesser advanced group w/o them interacting?
I heard I can gey a promotion if I capture one of those 🤣
By your powers combined… I am CAPTAIN PLANET
Wasn’t there one of these in space? I remember seeing a picture or even video that looked pretty legit
I saw something very similar in Richmond California about 10+ years ago . it was metallic and hovering at an angle like these pics . my friend and I both saw it so I know I wasn’t hallucinating . I’ve always been interested in UFOs and was very excited to actually see one in broad daylight. He started to panic though. We both turned to tell our other friend but by the time we turned back it was gone. No sound or trace of it in a clear morning sky. I brought it up to him some time after and he acted like he didn’t know what I was talking about but I could tell he was scared just from me talking about it.
Looks like that Umanuma thing however you spell it that’s been chillen in the solar system
The problem with most of these is that they just look like a slow shutter speed. I could go out and recreate one right now.
The middle one at the top is just a fish. This is known. Stop spreading such bullshit.
Top middle is a squid. The others… are actually interesting 🤔
Two of these look like Starlink. I’m a believer, but those are debunked. The others may be real.
“1” at some scale riding the other side of a spatial fold
Top left to bottom right: rocket, fish, camera artefact, some balloon, center:army target balloon, twig, some shit on the lens, mirage, random crap
Those are just Guild Heighliners.
Guess we just need to rename them from UFOs to USOs now!
Just an observation that given all the metallic spheres seen.. these cigars could be a blurred version of the spheres captured in a blur/ or dimensional issue
Well the top middle one is a fish
What if they’re just orbes but look like this because of the speed?
Top middle is a fish but the rest of em look legit
Top middle is a squid, homie
Interesting but all fakes, I know them.