Джордж Кнапп о том, почему сокрытие правды (если это тревожит) может быть понятным.

By admin Июл11,2023
Джордж Кнапп о том, почему сокрытие правды (если это тревожит) может быть понятным.,

Полная ссылка на обмен Джереми Корбелем и Джорджем Кнаппсом: https://youtu.be/ET1hGeXClpI Джордж Кнапп ускользнул от того, к чему пришли многие другие в этой области: реальность присутствия НЛО в лучшем случае тревожит, а возможно, даже ужасает. — Груш упомянул о «злонамеренной» деятельности. — Лю Элизондо сказал, что его реакция была «мрачной» и «любить своих детей». Существуют и другие сообщения о том, что люди встревожились после того, как их проинформировали об НЛО. Как обсуждалось ранее здесь, чиновник Рейгана, как говорят, плакал, пока не заснул в течение месяца, в то время как Джимми Картер, возможно, имел аналогичную реакцию. Хотя эти анекдоты трудно проверить, они следуют шаблону. Прежде чем Wikileaks подтвердил причастность Тома Делонга к представителям военной разведки, он поделился сообщением, которое он получил от своего советника по программе «От побережья до побережья» с Джорджем Кнаппом в 2016 году. нас на нашем месте, стоит держать в секрете? Я так думаю. Мы говорим о крупнейших учреждениях на планете и основных мировых религиях. Оно больше, чем просто большое, плохое правительство США, и, если вернуться к грекам, включая русских и немцев, делает его достаточно глобальным на протяжении столетий. Возможно, свидетельства исчезнувших древних культур, острова Пасхи, майя и инков являются свидетельством того, что происходит с теми, кто не подчинился, тем самым поощряя сохранение тайны. И может ли история развиться от того, как разные группы людей использовали эту технологию, чтобы увидеть, как раскрывается весь секрет, переписывая мировую историю и разрушая многие из наших самых уважаемых святых институтов, за исключением того, что на этот раз они приходят, чтобы стереть нас с лица земли, как и другие? , мы на самом деле готовы к ним. И эта готовность является еще одним примером того, почему все так долго хранилось в тайне и действительно представляло собой странное международное партнерство». несколько лет назад видел, как Лю Элизондо на CNN сказал: «Возможно, мы не одиноки», и после 3 лет яростного просеивания наиболее достоверных сообщений и отчетов я пришел к аналогичному выводу. есть плохие новости, и большинство людей в обществе могут быть не в состоянии справиться с правдой. Как мы можем даже подготовить маленьких детей или молодежь в целом к ​​чему-то глубоко тревожному. Любое подтверждение того, что было предложено, разрушит наше понимание того, кто мы являются и откуда мы пришли, разрушая основные религии мира. Мысль о том, что мы являемся собственностью или обрабатываемой землей, может вызвать большие психические расстройства даже у самых сильных людей. Кажется, что «уха» и высокая странность явления НЛО появляются быть взаимосвязанными, если не одним и тем же. Мы здесь, в этом подразделе Reddit, можем смириться с правдой, но сможет ли остальная часть общества? Я хотел бы услышать от вас другие мнения и идеи о возможности тревожной реальности.

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23 комментарий для “Джордж Кнапп о том, почему сокрытие правды (если это тревожит) может быть понятным.”
  1. I’m watching this now and I was actually kind of shocked at George’s answer. Like he said he discloses* the truth for a living so why string us along?? We’re all in this together and it’s our right to know!

    *edited for spelling

  2. I think the main reason this has been kept secret is because there is some unsettling aspects to it all. No the US isn’t worried about UFOs coming down and bombing us. It’s about the wider implications of an interdimensional reality. It’s more about things not being what we thought they were, then interaction with a different species.

    I think the UFO community can be rather naive assuming that there aren’t potentially serious implications that could unsettle society if not handled appropriately.

  3. Lots of holes and flaws with «aliens created humanity». The biggest is who said so, the aliens? Why should we trust that? An advanced race coming into contact with a vastly inferior race would benefit greatly by saying «we are your God».

    «Maybe evidence of disappeared ancient cultures, Easter Island, the Mayans, and the Inca, is evidence of what happens to those who did not obey»

    None of those simply disappeared, Easter Island overexploited their resources and destroyed themselves. The Spanish destroyed the Inca over time and the Mayans suffered a long drought.

    Saying they «disappeared» because they couldn’t keep aliens a secret is irresponsible, grade A bullshit. Not to mention detrimental to getting the topic taken seriously.

  4. I also wonder how the world’s societies would react and if it would be trouble. While we are one planet, we are not one society.

    But I wonder if disclosure is being held back because of the American government’s perspective- if a secret program has been hidden from the citizens for over 90 years, with aerospace contractors involved. How do you unravel that?

    Likely with disclosure, there would also have to be admittance of reverse engineering efforts as well as light shed on the progress made, while trying to keep the upper hand on perceived global enemy states like China and Russia. I’m just not sure how you can open the Pandora’s box of disclosure and keep it from getting out of control immediately.

    While I was optimistic after hearing John Ramirez recently that disclosure is coming, after reflection of the likely circumstances, I just don’t think the military-industrial complex will let it happen way too many secrets and campaign donations are at stake.

    My big question is why has AARO been given so little access to data through limited clearance? It seems to me the Pentagon has set up a scapegoat to point to, as in “well, AARO has no evidence”- because they never allowed them access to it. I’m not sure how Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick gets up and goes to work every day- he seems like a puppet to me.

    But, I admit to to being relatively new to this and welcome other’s perspectives. Make me smarter please!

  5. George Knapp has alluded to many things, not the least of which is how terrifying disclosure might very well be to a rather sizable & surprising majority of people.

    The idea that religion(s) will fall because of an other civilization’s interaction with Humanity during some of its most formative stages, proves that religion should never have been allowed to take place to begin with if a higher degree of future progress was an ultimate goal. It is just like handing a child a video game during the onset of the end of the world, and expecting them to fully comprehend what is about to happen.

    IMHO, George Knapp has got it right … and he generally doesn’t seek to elude too much of anything, at all.

    *’Just some thoughts.*

  6. All great questions. Many of which have been asked by myself and others on this sub in the past.

    Personally, I think it’s not just one revelation that would shake the foundations of our society. It’s all of what your suggesting and more. I believe the subject is so vast and complex that our leaders don’t even know a fraction of the right questions, much less the answers.

  7. This sounds a lot like the “global civilization reset” theory.

    I suppose that is a plausible reason for the major nuclear powers to cooperatively keep a secret.

    Still, does that make it ok for the global powers to hide world changing technology from their citizens?

    If we are truly meant to be preparing for their arrival, the global population needs to be informed. We are missing out on the collective brain power and ingenuity of an informed populace.

  8. Personally I’m very interested in the topic of NIH and excited to see how the next round of congressional hearings go. However, most of the ‘disclosers’ this community adores make a lot of money doing the talk show circuit and waiving around their expired security clearances like a magic talisman.

    Think of how easy a grift this is if you once held a security clearance. You spend some time ironing out your story, find someone to pay you for it, then stick to your guns. No one will ever be able to verify your claims and even if you’re discovered to be a fraud (Lazarr), you just blame the deep state!

    I mean hell, even if you only make a few thousand dollars off the interviews and articles and no one ever buys your book or donates to your freshly minted disclosure non-profit, that’s a handy side hustle for not a lot of effort.

    I think this community struggles to see that just because a lot of people walk out of government and claim a conspiracy doesn’t mean any of them are telling the truth.

    Furthermore, ex-intel guys are exactly the kind of people with the experience and skills to tell elaborate lies that become news stories. Grusch and Lue could just be the heirs to a long con man tradition spanning back to Roswell.

    Disclosure needs hard evidence, not a bunch of fantastic stories from retired boogey men.

  9. Ready for answers? All this and more on next week’s episode of UFOBS! LIke and Subscribe!

    Reality check: You are an alien race that looks like you are made of paper mache and whose saucers keep crashing. You are waaaaay out on the edge. Exposed. Isolated and alone. So do you pick one country and land on their «white house lawn»? Or do you hide, slink around, and act scary?

    This is assuming, which I don’t, that you exist at all.

    Social media is a business. Podcasts are a business.

  10. I’m only commenting on the title here. Concealing the truth usually means the concealer deems the audience either unable to handle or unworthy of hearing the truth. If not that, then it’s to intentionally fill in their own information in lieu of the truth or because they’re being threatened if they do tell the truth. I don’t think any being here on earth has the right to define this for other people.

    Many disagree with me apparently.

  11. My woo woo theory: in order to prevent the public from scrambling because aliens interfered and created the human vessel, the government back engineers craft and tech so well that they stage a fake demon invasion in line with the coming of Christ. Now these are not aliens but demons to be feared created by the fancy extra dimensional tech. They stage a fake demon invasion basically. End times scenario. Millions of people die. Paradigm shift. Total dictatorship under the rule of complete elite hegemony. Ruling class continues to rise, proletariat dies off for a complete dividing of society. Guerrilla warfare advised.

    Another woo woo theory: the government has an intense psyops where we are in cohoots with the reptilians living in holo earth and possibly in the oceans. UFOs are not a matter of another species at all really but rather a species from another dimension. We live in a multiverse. Many species, many timelines, many universes. We are the universe and timeline controlled by reptilians and made to be an experimental earth. We have cut rifts in the timeline. We fucked shit up. The power and control of this knowledge is immense and the rich stay rich.

    Another one: we are actually AI created to do work for others but our programmers created earth as a prototype so the kinks aren’t worked out. They want to see how humans work and function. We are monitored by these UFOs constantly. They keep interfering and trying to fix us through our history and we fail and so the server is wiped and started again. We are close to another wipe and we got so “smart” this time and big in our britches that we think we can outsmart the creator/alien. Public knowledge would jeopardize our chance of escaping the matrix. Can we hack our way out?

    I think not only the religious implications of disclosure are a main reason but also the change in the functioning of society that would inevitably take place. A restructuring of wealth, what success means, how we operate and work. How energy is delivered. What time means. Like damn, we’d need a whole restructuring of basic infrastructure and services. A complete redo of currency and money and value. We would become how do you say “non human”. This is like neo humanism or something. No pun intended. Something grand though for sure.

    Viva la revolucion!!

    Could we just be all of this; an AI created by aliens to run a prototype earth, given an ego and religion to have a sense of self and not act robotic. To give flavor to an earth existence. They have always been here watching and monitoring us. And now people are starting to figure out “who am I” and so the top elite are scared because of the implication that we’re just a zit in the grand scheme of creation.

  12. Minute one is a bothersome idea. He talks about replication and then the power source. Do people that have access to this stuff not understand the small things it could change if true! For example, power lines we use everywhere lose a lot of energy. If we could shore up just that issue, it would be lit (get the joke, lol?).

    I suspect the issue with material science shit is connected to metamaterials and using space to cold weld, or something we don’t even know about yet.

  13. I watched the video you are referring to between Corbel and Knapp. The viewpoint that these issues should be kept secret is extremely disturbing. For decades, the people, whoever they are, who have kept this secret have been gaslighting thousands of people into believing that they are delusional and in many cases should be subject to ridicule. There are plenty of stories of people who lost their marriages, jobs and other social structures because they gave honest accounts of what they saw or experienced. Although I have had reason for many years to be very open to the reality of UFOs, I never gave much credence to abductions. Within the past few weeks I have been rethinking that possibility. The truth may disappoint people but we all will adjust and be fine. For anyone who has not read Kuhn’s book, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, this may be the perfect time to read it (find it on Amazon). There were no mass suicides when humans discovered that the world is not flat, or that earth is not the center of the universe. Instead, mankind advanced and thrived.

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