Может быть, это часть того, что стоит за импульсом «почему сейчас»? У Китая есть новые бесконечные лазеры, которые делают бесполезными множество обычных вооружений?
Может быть, это часть того, что стоит за импульсом «почему сейчас»? У Китая есть новые бесконечные лазеры, которые делают бесполезными множество обычных вооружений?
What if they start putting them on sharks friggin heads?
I hope his liver cancer gets cured and remains in remission. That story was so crazy and I can’t get it out of my head.

Lasers are always making breakthroughs.
I’m still holding out for plasma/directed energy weapons.
Anyone remember those laser fences in tiberium wars?
China says lots of stuff. Most of it is not true.
> The Chinese military has announced

Can’t trust china with shit. Let’s see if this it’s real
That could have been an easy guess. Our navy has been working on laser tech for a long time. Breakthrough is imminent.
This is one small step for lasers, one giant leap towards lightsabers 😁
That’s neat. Looking forward to never hear of it again.
Can’t wait until the navy gets blue lasers so the firefights are color coded
Watch this
Bro china needs to worry about not starving and their economy not collapsing. They don’t have super lasers.
The US Navy has had that tech for a while. They have been using it on pirate boat engines.
There have been a lot of public advancements in laser tech. 4chan poster wasn’t really predicting anything.
Just a claim. They have not demonstrated this device. What is it with UFO believers taking everything they hear at face value. You do know people lie, right? Like you know for a fact that the government is lying yet you believe everything that fits your narrative. You’re not interested in the truth. This is a cult lol.
Who is 4chan guy?
So real problem with that broad of a statement of course eventually there’s going to be an advancement in any technology I mean where do you draw the line between reverse engineered and normal advancement? You don’t and it’s why these people always keep statements to broad unverifiable generalizations
He also reported that the Chinese had a Mining Laser. Even though it would only work for a few seconds, due to either running out of power, getting too hot, or both, the US was freaked out, as the US and the Russians do not have a Mining Laser.
North Korea also wanted to take this opportunity to announce that Kim Jong Un now has the ability to destroy missiles with his mind.

So the new enabling cooling tech is blowing it with…. a gas?
I mean I think the rush to get a military base on the dark side of the moon, together with the US developing space force and the emergence of even more countries around the world having UFO officers/government branches is something.
«use gas that blows through the weapon to remove excess heat» sounds like some pretty impressive breakthrough there haha.
Do you have a link to the 4chan thread or a screenshot?
Upvote just because of the Channel 4 report
Since China announced this, it must be true and definitely shouldn’t be taken with a spoon worth of salt.
Just like I announce that I can shoot cum out of my D hole for an indefinite amount of time as long as I stuff ice up my ass.
China fake propaganda
I won’t be impressed until I see sharks with laser beams on their head
It’s a good idea for a hoax to warn about certain things coming, especially if those things are almost certain to happen.
I saw the post read it and was like yeah I bet that came from aliens 🤣