Доказательства инопланетной жизни могут существовать в разломах ледяных спутников Юпитера и Сатурна | «Такой тип разломов может облегчить обмен поверхностных и подземных материалов посредством процессов сдвигового нагрева, потенциально создавая среду, способствующую возникновению жизни»
I’ve been reading this theory since 1998
I’ve always hoped that Europa has life under the ice crust 🤞🏻
So how exciting would it be to realize that we have some new species of paramecium on Europa and other moons of Saturn. Not exciting? Does it always have to be those reptilians or sexy Nordic women with red pubic hair? The verdict is that it will still be considered monumental even if we find some paramecium or plankton on another planet.
Literally been hearing this same shit for the past 20 years. Boring.
Booooring! I demand more papier mache aliens now!!!
The irony of the masses being so excited about ~potential~ single celled alien life, yet utterly dismissive of actual intelligent life is incomprehensible to me.
While it is true alien life could exist on these moons . What people don’t see to understand is the politics of NASA.
NASA is funded by congress primarily to search for alien life .
They are not being funded to find alien life .
Finding alien life on somewhere like Enceladus, would mean congress potentially would want to send additional missions there . Which may well result in an overall funding reduction to NASA as NASA will be creating less probes to sent to other places to look for alien life signs .
NASA cares first and foremost about extracting as much money as possible from the congressional budget . The best way to get the most money. Is to never find any alien life that way they are guaranteed going to be paid to keep looking for it .
I don’t doubt there’s microscopic alien life in our own solar system, hell probably on Mars even.
And saturn. How the Universe works, had a good episode on Saturns moons.
Life’s already here. This post is misinformation imo. Face peelers in Peru. All sorts of UFOs flying around our planet. People are being abducted.