Интересная вербовка для британских ВВС.
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Что вы знаете об УСО?
Спектральный и трассировочный анализ на вашем документальном фильме?
Карл Саган умер до того, как мы получили ответ Аресибо, но Фрэнк Дрейк и другие участники этого не сделали. Знаем ли мы, видели ли они ответ или что они сказали и подумали об этом?
Напоминание связаться с местным представителем. Это был ответ, который я получил из офиса сенатора Марка Уорнера относительно моего мнения об открытом даче показаний Грушем.
«Внеземная гипотеза» Жака Валле — что НЛО и инопланетяне — это форма сознания, сосуществующая на земле, из другой реальности и из любого времени
Дэвид Аттенборо — лучший кандидат на роль представителя Земли в контакте с пришельцами
Гражданская война в Твиттере НЛО
Главный разоблачитель Майкл Шермер начинает менять свое отношение к НЛО. Он перешел от того, чтобы называть Grush «десяткой ерундой» до «мотивации смотреть глубже». Молодец Михаил!
Так что это конечно интересно. В режиме разговора?
Интервью Майка Уоллеса с майором Дональдом Кейхолом (1958)
Вопросы и ответы о существах Зетов.
Кулхарт: «Мне говорят это [UFO phenomenon] это будущие люди. Есть опасение, что обнародование этого изменит временную шкалу».
It’s like Star Wars and Orwell’s 1984 had a baby and put the birth announcement on a bus stop.
Strange and interesting. I don’t get the hook here? Are they trying to sell recruits on some gaming theme?
At first glance it looks like one of the members of Daft Punk is recruiting you
The British RAF are one of the few airforces to actually attempt to fire on a UFO (missile was jammed). This means they know what they are. RAF would NEVER fire on an unidentified craft no matter what they say. They have to know its malevolent .
I didn’t even know the UK had a space command, might be interesting to see if they’ve had and FOI requests submitted on UAP.
Found this one here which was recently denied, https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/what_information_can_we_provide#incoming-2352451
The UK is still in the blue book era.
I’m still convinced this is what it’s all about. It’s such a great trump card for military institutions to drum up recruitment numbers, funding, more civilian and bipartisan support, and more. It’s a handy little tool that I can’t see them ever getting rid of. So many outlandish exercises are complex military recruitment drives and/or public relations/support tools. Muddy water is good and it’s just getting muddier.
This is because they’re preparing us all for Project BlueBeam.
So they’re ramping up the narrative of an «alien threat».
When in reality, if the aliens were hostile and wanted to harm us, they clearly could have at any time they wanted… And yet they haven’t.
BlueBeam is coming.
Found this to be an interesting recruitment drive for the RAF. How are the RAF protecting space? What do they actually mean by this? The timing seems very interesting in light of current events. Saw an advertisement during a cinema trip too during the trailers. Love to know thoughts.
The space force trump created out of the blue has always been an eyebrow raising moment for me. Right before covid
A seen the new advert on the television for this aswell, something’s coming 😱
Fkn Starship Troopers (but you know, the British version) Never thought I’d see the day where I unironically saw ‘Join up Today!’ for the real life thing. The ads for this will be bangers I bet.
But they only do diversity hires!
If I had to put my tinfoil hat on and take a guess at what’s going on (not what I *believe* but ya)
Gov has analyzed & used machine learning/AI and believes these are Von Neumann probes and a fleet of ‘something’ is coming
But that’s a 1am I’m high and taking a guess at the zeitgeist
Wonder if they’ll take me? I’m 49, with 40% vision. I’m still pretty good on Star Wars Squadrons though.
The US said they’re ready to fight China in space, makes sense our allies are as well. In for a penny in for a pound.
They have a TV advert too.
Shit, where do I sign up?
I’d always thought the U.K. was an also-ran when it came to military space activities.
I always wonder how the UK black intelligence service operates/ if it exists like in the US.
I never seem to see any leaks or info about them
I love it.
20 year old me would’ve signed up seeing this.
That picture is fucking terrifying.
People don’t seem to be aware that **the UK set up Space Command in 2021.**
How is this «interesting»?! It’s so cringe. Military recruitment posters trying to be cool.
This has such a “Are we the baddies?” vibe I can’t ignore it 😩
I haven’t seen anything like this in the states but it’s scary.
Protecting space from what though?
Are white people allowed?