РЕСПУБЛИКА ЛУНА: «26 июля я и @RepTimBurchett, а также наш коллега-демократ @RepMoskowitz, будем вести слушание в Палате представителей по надзору за UAP. Америка заслуживает того, чтобы увидеть доказательства».
РЕСПУБЛИКА ЛУНА: «26 июля я и @RepTimBurchett, а также наш коллега-демократ @RepMoskowitz, будем вести слушание в Палате представителей по надзору за UAP. Америка заслуживает того, чтобы увидеть доказательства».
How hopeful should we be that something significant would be revealed? And let’s define significant…
In my mind, something tangible like High Quality Videos, Photos, Actual Naming of those involved, places, events, specific details, etc.
What should our standard of “significant” be?
How far should this hearing move the message?
Are we expecting 100% Proof of Non Human Intelligence?
What is our standard for “proof”?
It begs so many questions. Exciting times either way.
Those are rookie numbers
EVEN IF the government says that aliens are regularly visiting the planet, and everyone in the world paid attention- what happens when the aliens don’t change their pattern of interaction, and therefore the people who see them are still so insignificant in numbers that it’s not truly believed.
It will be more like the existence of giant squid 🦑 hundreds of years ago before we all had cameras. I can already hear people using the worn idiom, “I’ll believe it when I see it.”
I really hope for a full disclosure, but realistically, that might not come for a few years. I. My opinion, I think they are going to at least establish the fact, very clearly, that there ARE 100% flying objects in the sky that are definitely not ours. And I know this has been established already but no one really knows or cares. I think this time it’s gonna be pretty much the same thing except it’s gonna be very loud and stern, there are spaceships in our skies and there not ours. The implication is very clear. I think that’s what’s going to happen with this coming hearing. Step 1 . We will move up slowly from there.
If they want to please the panel, they need to release something significant, like clear videos of anomalous craft. Reason: Rep. Burchett said that he has seen the footage. He stated this on the Weaponized podcast. Hence, he will KNOW if they’re holding back.
There is about 60 years of UFO reported sightings missing from this screenshot.
From 1960-2020. Globally that is probably in excess of a million sightings.
Why does it have to be some whackadoodle MAGA congressperson… Not the best look with those amateur hour printouts and her background. (For a good laugh, take a look at her Wikipedia early career and education section.)
Does anyone know if this is going to be broadcast live? And if so what channel?
What’s the significance of reports that happened before March 2021? Is it something special why does reports were mentioned?
Really hope the US didn’t build a Space Force to lowkey fight aliens with lazors
Lol, this is going to be a public horse and a pony show. It will cement the fact that there will be no new evidence brought forward and redicule those who believe. I can already hear the cries from all the subreddits
They gonna use disclosure for bait just like healthcare and student loan forgiveness 😭🤣😞
I’m sorry but anyone who backs Trump at this point in time has no credibility.
I can’t, in good conscience, believe she cares about the goodwill of the people when she adamantly supports someone as vile as him. And apart from being vile, he’s also someone who has been actively pushing harm on to groups of people in the US. It seems to me she’s latching on to this to boost her popularity. She does not care about us.
Feel quite lucky other politicians like Schumer and Burchett are involved because otherwise this whole thing would feel like a circus.
And before anyone jumps on me about not bringing politics into this, nah. Politics are a huge factor in this bill. This is what it being a bipartisan push is a big deal. Just remember not everyone involved so far has the best interest of the people in mind.
Hoping more sane and level headed republicans come forward in support.
This is BS gaslighting, and it’s serving as a major distraction from other topics they really don’t want to talk about. If there was any validity to this you wouldn’t have communication disconnects between military who “don’t know what’s happening to spook their pilots” and these rookie reps who seem to have all the answers. It doesn’t add up.
Mark my words,nothing significant is going to get released.The only thing that will come after this is more books and documentaries, nothing else.
Ill be quite honest, these statistics are not making this whole thing looking good. 12,618 sightings, and out of all that, only 701 were confirmed as UNIDENTIFIED, not necessarily extraterrestrial craft or wtv. So 82% of the « sightings » are actually bullshit/nothing ? Goes to show how people want to believe a bit too much and spread disinformation themselves with an over reactive imagination. It removes so much credibility to the subject. I’m sure there’s something out there, but taking into accounts the most constant facts that these UAPs are just impossible to understand, defies the laws of physics and are so elusive, they must be very rare. And we have jackshit to say about when and where and how we can observe them. To the core, it’s what makes the more sense. Not 12k + sightings of something so secretive
Speaker Mccarthy already confirmed that there are no recovered UFOs. Still, I hope that the testimony shines more light on the subject.
It’s a pathetic presentation that includes debunked sightings. Good luck with that.
Looks like she removed one of the bullets from the page about how the air force doesn’t rule out existence of aliens or whatever stupid fuckin thing it said.
20 seconds of the hearing in the media. Chuckled at by the reporters and talking heads. Now the weather and a story about puppies!
disclosure derailed by a former stripper giving a high school presentation based on sources she found by googling “ufo stuff”