Выступление доктора Гарри Нолана на мероприятии iConnections SALT в Нью-Йорке — плюс комментарии к нашему обсуждению один на один

By admin Май19,2023
Выступление доктора Гарри Нолана на мероприятии iConnections SALT в Нью-Йорке — плюс комментарии к нашему обсуждению один на один,

Выступление доктора Гарри Нолана на мероприятии iConnections SALT в Нью-Йорке — плюс комментарии к нашему обсуждению один на один,

Выступление доктора Гарри Нолана на мероприятии iConnections SALT в Нью-Йорке — плюс комментарии к нашему обсуждению один на один

By admin

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  1. Hey folks, as promised OP has delivered. I was not able to ask many of the questions that I received from you, but I did get to speak with Garry Nolan for about 15 minutes one on one. I asked for permission to post the video and he gave me his blessing. He said he doesn’t post here anymore because he got «too many crazy DMs».

    Some highlights from his panel:

    1. About 7 years ago he was 2 weeks away from seeing a recovered craft that crashed, but then the rug was pulled out from underneath him
    2. A whistleblower last week testified to Congress and it created a «hornets nest» in Washington
    3. Everything we see is likely remotely controlled drones or AI

    Ok so now for the juicier bits when I got to speak with him:

    1. The Wilson Memo is legitimate
    2. Bob Lazar is a fraud, he agrees with Dr. Eric Davis’ opinion
    3. He resigned from TTSA because Tom Delong went off the deep end in some of the things he was posting and was hurting scientific discussion of the topic
    4. He think that any bodies recovered are not actually aliens, but avatars that they created to interact with us
    5. Whatever «it» is seems to be testing us and our intelligence to see if we can «peer behind the veil» — he made an analogy that we can make a robotic ant that can create pheromones to chemically speak with ants but we can’t teach them how to make an iPhone
    6. There will be big news coming out later this summer that will turn heads and change opinion
    7. He said Doty is full of BS
    8. Dr. Avi Loeb went from a non-believer to fully believing ET is here in under a year due to all the ground work that has been laid out evidence wise
    9. I mentioned Luis Elizondo’s video and how it didn’t help (was actually Cahill’s video) and Garry shrugged
    10. He said that there may be various factions here of whatever we are dealing with, so it isn’t likely one entity or species
    11. He agreed that some trusted names on the topic are Stanton Friedman, Jacques Valle, Avi Loeb. He had a low opinion of Neil Degrasse Tyson
    12. He is close friends with Jeremy Corbell and said he has his place in the topic, but isn’t for everyone’s taste

    Happy to answer any questions!

    EDITS: edited some points with Garry’s feedback in the thread

  2. Truly incredible times that we live in. When I was a kid 20 years ago, every piece of knowledge that I could get my hands on stated that UFOs were all a hoax. Now we might be living in an era where disclosure is right around the corner, I never thought we’d get here (this far in my lifetime). Hoping for some world shattering technological and energy leaps in the next decade so I am still young enough to live a happy life in this new paradigm!

  3. I guess I am surprised anything I said is surprising to anyone. People have been talking about the entire matter for decades. Ross Coulthart and George Knapp have been talking about it on their shows as well as many others. Richard Dolan has written entire books about it. Conferences are held on it at UAP dedicated conferences.

    It was probably news to many in the audience if they’ve ignored it on Netflix documentaries or otherwise not part of the echo chamber. We’ll have to see if Congress decides to bring more information forward or context things in a way that is significant. I personally doubt that if any public scientist gets access to the materials it will see the light of day before much study and MAYBE a publication indirectly referencing it. I’d like to hope and advocate otherwise. In the meantime, Avi Loeb’s Galileo project is a best of class approach.

  4. Great post and thanks for quizzing Dr Nolan.

    I’m starting to wonder if James Cameron knows something…

    The Abyss foreshadowing the aliens coming from the ocean

    Avatar foreshadowing what the aliens are doing to interact with us

  5. Can I ask what was specifically said about the Wilson notes? Like what exact phrasing?

    By the way for any that didn’t already know Nolan knows Davis, the supposed author of the notes personally, and has been able to easily know whether the notes are legitimate or not for a long time.

  6. I’m not gonna lie, I’ve generally been pretty excited about everything coming out over the last while. But lately I’ve been getting a little anxious with the potential reality that we are facing. There’s gonna be so much to unpack, and some people are really not going to be well as a result of knowing about this kind of stuff.

  7. Awesome post thank you very much!
    As far as I’m concerned the only people who don’t believe ETs are here are the ones that haven’t looked.
    He said 100% chance I’d say 99% just because I myself haven’t seen one myself.

  8. Thank you for attending, recording this video, and for the thorough write up!

    There are a couple of call outs here that confirm some long-held suspicions from those of us that frequent this subreddit — particularly:

    * **Everything we see is likely remotely controlled drones or AI**
    * **The Wilson Memo is legitimate**
    * **Bob Lazar is a fraud**
    * **He resigned from TTSA because Tom Delong went off the deep end in some of the things he was posting and was hurting scientific discussion of the topic**
    * **He think that any bodies recovered are not actually aliens, but avatars that they created to interact with us** — interesting
    * **There will be big news coming out later this summer that will turn heads and change opinion** — another mention of news coming this summer
    * **He agreed that Luis Elizondo posting the video from his house of the UFO was a bad idea**

    I’m not sure what to make of this, BUT, it does put us a little bit into that «woo» territory

    * **Whatever «it» is seems to be testing us and our intelligence to see if we can «peer behind the veil»**

    Can I ask what the general response was from the attendees in the room, considering this was an innovation-focused (finance, economics, and geopolitics) conference?

    Thanks again for sharing this.

  9. This was jaw dropping! Of course the one time I eat a weed gummy and then I see this lol.

    I would like to see the evidence for myself but Nolan has credibility so this is big that he’s saying this.

    So why this event? What is SALT? Who’s the audience?

  10. A few follow up questions like the following would have been great:

    * Why do UFOs crash with such frequency? and
    * Why do the entities that control the UFOs not recover their craft? If humans aren’t supposed to «study» the aliens (his words), seems odd.

  11. im not gonna lie, the «years ago i was 2 weeks away from working on ufo crash materials but was gatekept» sounds like a red flag to me, same for «more news soon™» remark.

    maybe im just jaded over the subject, but this feels like yet another carrot on yet another stick… no offense to nolan, but talking is easy, solid evidence seem impossible

  12. There are few issues of fact that contradict Nolans answers here.

    First he said TTSA never offered stocks to thr public. SEC FILINGS for TTSA show that they did indeed offer 4 batches of Regulation A+ securities to the public seeking millions of dollars but selling very little.

    Second he states that he left TTSA because of Delonges activities. However in a written comment he has been quoted In the past as saying it had nothing to do with Delonge but that he was focusing on his Stanford research.

    Why the story change now?

    [Article with quote about leaving TTSA](https://www.theufochronicles.com/2018/10/dr-garry-nolan-resigns-from-tom-delonge-UFO-research-firm.html)

  13. Nolan has zero credibility saying nonsense like that. 100% probability ET has visited Earth? When asked what’s the most compelling evidence: “I think the most compelling evidence is you just need to look at what your government is doing.” Really? That’s it? What a joke!

  14. Another red flag for me is the mention of Vallee and Friedman being trustworthy. Vallee has now fallen for this Trinity hoax, Friedman supports the MJ12 documents and brought us Roswell which all the firsthand witnesses describe as looking exactly like the remnants of strewn radar reflectors. I’d be very wary of this crash retrieval narrative

  15. Just to be clear, all the real juicy stuff happened in a private, one-on-one conversation, with no witnesses, video, or audio recording?

    I need to know why anyone is excited by this. Does OP have a stellar reputation or credentials that I’m unaware of? Please, fill me in.

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