Берчетт: «Нам было отказано» в доступе к кадрам перестрелок над Канадой/Аляской. Кадры якобы «неоспоримо то, что это было. И вы действительно могли видеть структуру вблизи».

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Тим Берчетт сделал это заявление на «[That UFO Podcast](https://youtu.be/PA-LSrwG2LI?t=1765)» вчера (соответствующий обмен начинается в 29:24 в связанном видео, а приведенная выше ссылка должна привести вас прямо к этому месту на видео). Он заявляет, что ему было отказано в доступе к кадрам перестрелок, и ему было разрешено только взять интервью у пилотов. был. И вы действительно могли видеть структуру вблизи. ** «Он не говорит, что то, что было сбито, было внеземным или даже UAP. Однако из того, что он действительно говорит, похоже, что бы это ни было, правительству не нужна информация о том, что это выходит. Если это был просто радиолюбительский радиозонд ([K9YO-15](https://www.npr.org/2023/02/18/1158048921/pico-balloon-k9yo)), или метеозонд, или другие подобные предложения, зачем правительству пытаться подавить это? Стыдно сбивать такой безобидный объект? Стенограмма интервью ниже: **Джереми Корбелл**: «У меня есть к вам вопрос, Тим, а именно: вы видели или вам было отказано в просмотре информацию — визуальные эффекты — обстрелов над Аляской и над Канадой, или вы их видели?» **Тим Берчетт**: «Я их не видел. Нам нужно встретиться, чтобы я мог узнать подробности. Потому что так они обходят таких людей, как я. Вы знаете, я забрасываю широкую сеть. И тогда они могут, их адвокаты могут выпотрошить меня такими вещами. Я хотел бы получить какую-то формулировку по этому поводу. э… это было бесспорно, что это было. И вы действительно могли видеть структуру вблизи**. А потом, когда мы добрались туда, **нам отказали в этом**. А потом они привели пилотов, и они… вы знаете… вы могли сказать, что призраки в комнате, ЦРУ или кто бы они ни были, очень нервничали из-за того, что они говорили нам. И я чувствовал, что, возможно, они были подавлены из-за того, что они могли говорить. Эреми Корбелл**: «Я знаю, в каких кадрах вам отказали. Я знаю, какие кадры вам отказали. И он действительно существует». **Тим Берчетт**: «Да, ну, я хотел бы, ммм, может быть, вы и я могли бы собраться вместе, и я мог бы конкретно, ммм, нацелиться на некоторые области нашего правительства, где я мог бы это сделать».

От admin

29 комментарий для “Берчетт: «Нам было отказано» в доступе к кадрам перестрелок над Канадой/Аляской. Кадры якобы «неоспоримо то, что это было. И вы действительно могли видеть структуру вблизи».”
  1. the way everything went down over those couple days with all the shootdowns and the balloon — its just completely obvious something fucked up was happening. you know its serious when the government would rather be totally ok with portraying itself as bumbling idiots than admit what was really happening.

  2. How can it be «undeniable what it was» when we do not know what this $#!+ is? Was it undeniably a classic saucer shape thingy that is unidentified? That would be cool to see, but it is hard to say it is «undeniable what it was» when we do not know what that kind of thing really is.

  3. I maintain and will continue to maintain the reason they have not released the footage is because they tried to shoot it down and failed. Nothing was shot down because whatever it was either evaded or disabled the ballistics.

    Showing military inferiority against an unknown party would cause panic.

  4. Jesus Christ just tell us already!

    I’ve completely lost all patience for this tippy top secret shit from the government. Why is admitting aliens are real so top secret, the world already suspects it anyway, it won’t be a shock.

    Don’t share the technical stuff on how it works, fine, but they can’t just show us a damn clear picture????

    It’s abundantly clear to me that all three branches of government are being denied access to this information. But for some reason the CIA , pentagon, and Lockheed, a private company, are allowed to have it.

    So the CIA, pentagon and Lockheed are more powerful than the president of the United States, the US congress and the courts….great.

    Let that sink in……the denials of information is literal proof we live in a country run by the military industrial complex.

    No conspiracy any longer, it’s proven.

  5. Did you see the same gun footage the Chinese Spy balloon?

    Sure you saw plenty of other photos or video… but did you see the gun camera footage from the planes that shot it down? How many official photos from the air did you see at all? The U2 selfie pic?

    Not suggesting them hiding the footage is right or wrong or whether such footage alone from classified systems poses a threat to national security, but just pointing out that it’s not necessarily a double standard.

  6. I wish Corbell would go away. I’m sick of him constantly bragging about himself and name dropping. I swear to god if you made a drinking game by doing a shot every time he says the word «journalist» in an interview, you would be passed out drunk halfway through. CLEARLY he loves that word and especially loves using it to refer to himself…Over. and over. and over.

    Meanwhile, he claims to want disclosure, then does more bragging about all of the information he supposedly KNOWS FOR SURE, then doesn’t disclose it.

    He should either disclose what he knows or STFU and stop dropping hints. He is merely a middleman holding the very information from the public that he CLAIMS that he wants to disclose to that same public. Interesting how when he gets the info, he then keeps it secret JUST LIKE THE PEOPLE HE CLAIMS TO OPPOSE.

    I don’t know what birthday clown touched him resulting in his BS personality, but he is clearly both incredibly insecure and also smugly enjoying all of the attention he gets.

  7. Burchett claims that there is close-up HD footage of UAPs and that they are either extraterrestrial or were reverse engineered, but he also says that they have been denied to access to all of it. How can he know these things if he himself has not seen any of it?

  8. This shit gets on my nerve, the back and forth and never coming out with hard evidence. This drip feeding bs has been going on for ages. Lets hope (again) Burchett is the man that’ll bring down the house (again).

  9. By complete coincidence (I hadn’t heard of this until your post), I sent in a FOIA request yesterday about this, requesting all unclassified information regarding the incident and the investigation of the crash site that followed (as well as the other 2 objects; not chinese balloon). I was very specific in inquiry, and I will be making a post when I do get a response (hopefully not in 6 months 😅).

  10. THIS is the story. Forget UAPs and NHI for second and ask yourself these questions:

    Why does a democratic country have a military intelligence structure that can operate above governance while relying on govt funding?

    Why is this military intelligence apparatus claiming that triangles filmed over a nuclear-armed vessel were unmanned human-made drones not then highly concerned that another human actor is flying unmanmed drones thousands of miles from its territory in the middle of night with flashing lights over nuclear vessels with impunity?

  11. There is zero chance of f-22 footage being released anywhere for any reason regardless of if it’s a UAP or not. Even just a grainy gun cam would violate OPSEC in the worst way.

    In the entire war on terror I’m not aware of a single piece of onboard footage from an f-35 ever being released even thought it has extensive combat use. Sorry but it’s a gen 5 stealth fighter, that’s how it is.

  12. So sometimes the UAP’s have amazing escape prowess and turn out pilots to puffs of smoke and other times they just get shot down easily without moving. Starting to sound less NHI and more man made.

  13. Incredible times to be living in. I’m curious now as to why the owners of these shot down craft (alien or not) don’t send in more vessels but this time not for sightseeing? I can understand if it was China, they’d put it down to the cost of doing espionage….but aliens? They could go full Independence Day.

  14. Look, all I’m saying is that my buddy who I went to tech school with (we’re both aircraft maintenance) literally launched the jets at Eileson AFB which shot it down. He was told by his squadron leadership that the object that they shot down “had antennas and radios” attached to it. Elmendorf AFB then recovered the debris.

  15. I took this differently. I felt like at that moment he pivoted to the “23-min video” we’ve heard so much about. The 23-min video Has been described as undeniable what it is. It’s a craft. It’s not swamp gas. It’s close

    Unless ge is saying the 23-min video is from the Canada shoot down?!? I thought these were two different things.

    What came first: shoot down, or rumor of video??

  16. Sigh, this hearing’s going to be another nothingburger, isn’t it.

    The more info we get, the more this looks like one massive pseudo-psyop. None of this is a good look for a disclosure movement, at all.

  17. >If it was just an amateur HAM radio balloon (K9YO-15), or weather balloon, or other suggestions like that, why would the government be trying to suppress this? Embarrassment of shooting down such an innocuous object?

    I would be extremely embarrassed to admit I spent several hundred thousand in tax dollars to shoot down a common hobby balloon.

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