Хьюстонский адвокат, космический ковбой: «Мы готовимся подать судебные иски (десятки или более) против подрядчиков, которые в ближайшее время держат технологию anamolous»
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аби настаивает на раскрытии (вроде)
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Подозрительный объект попал в небо над Нью-Йорком
keeping the pressure high, that’s good👍
I can say that based on some previous posts, space cowboy is likely indeed a practicing attorney and appears to be in touch with UFO researcher Robert Hastings.
Here is the link to the tweet:
This is a flush them out campaign now and that’s smart. Because if they don’t comply then they risk losing ability to work on any SAP at all and considering how much of their business is based on that, they should comply. Shareholder lawsuits would also work.
I’m familiar with Spacecowboy he’s been posting for years and I follow him on Twitter. I believe he’s connected to Mellon and co.
I wonder if they accept volunteers from outside of US.
Interesting if real. But will these lawsuits go anywhere? They’ve been getting away with hiding this shit for almost a century.
Weird that litigation will scare people who have the most powerful tech on the planet.
Who are the effing plaintiffs? whistleblowers?
I think this bloke also posts here on Reddit under the same user name — ‘Spacecowboy78’. Apologies in advance if the Reddit profile is a different person from this Twitter user 🙏
This is how it works! Carrot and stick approach. Take the offer or go broke.
His misspelling of «anomalous» makes me think this is going nowhere…
In order to take legal action wouldn’t they need substantial evidence that these people indeed even possess “anamolous” tech and proof of it’s origin as something these people didn’t come up with? I also think that if you can’t spell “anomalous” correctly the legal counsel for the plaintiffs won’t be too intimidated by these lawsuits or take them seriously.
Never heard of this lawyer. Who is he?
Dayum now THATS how you get shit done
Holy shit.. They aint playing anymore.
You are real heroes. Destroy this fucking dam
lawsuits for what, specifically?
This guy posts fake UFO videos daily fyi
I know nothing about law, so please correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t there a high likelihood these would get dismissed based on lack of evidence?
This is the way.
This case will likely get dismissed
Maybe we should get a lawyer who can spell for this
keepin that pressure up! good hustle fellas!
Without proof can’t they just say we don’t know what you’re talking about?
It doesn’t hurt to try, but I’m not that optimistic this approach is going to work, sorry.
Boy im getting wet with all this action
Lockheed hates this one trick
Hopefully some I retesting details will come out in discovery if they sue
Big lol to think civilians can actually hold the government and its entities accountable for anything they don’t want to be accountable for.