Есть какие-нибудь мысли о таинственном звонящем из Зоны 51 на шоу Арта Белла среди недавних разоблачений, которые мы получили?
Есть какие-нибудь мысли о таинственном звонящем из Зоны 51 на шоу Арта Белла среди недавних разоблачений, которые мы получили?
It was a hoax. Confirmed by hoaxer/
Many years ago a mysterious caller made an appearance on Art Bell’s radio show making claims of working at Area 51 and that inter dimensional aliens controlled the military industrial complex. What made this call even strange was that the satellite got knocked off air, abruptly ending the call.
It was all chalked up to be a hoax or prank caller, but with all these recent revelations we’ve had, his claims of inter dimensional aliens does make me wonder?
Or he’s just a really good actor with a lot of time on his hands lol.