Цилиндрический НЛО

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Что вы думаете? Одни из самых убедительных кадров, которые я видел.

Cylinder UFO
byu/Noble_Ox inUFOs

От admin

46 комментарий для “Цилиндрический НЛО”
  1. Holy fuck, I thought this was just gonna be a crappy white dot in the distance but NOPE that is some decently HD shit right there

    Also it looks like a deactivated lightsaber lol

  2. Is that falling?

    That looks like the first stage of a rocket booster of some kind. Humans make rockets like that. That one looks almost *exactly like* a Saturn V without the nose cone (which is what you’d expect to see from a multi-stage rocket).

    This is really good footage, and it definitely has something, but if this is falling (can’t tell from video frame), I’d bet that this is some detached part from a rocket launch. Admittedly, I didn’t see a launch trail, and the edited footage makes it look as if the thing is suspended in the air. However, the way it’s moving is *very consistent* with a body falling against air resistance.

  3. Not a balloon, this is a bizarre video. If it was attached to a balloon or something like a helicopter, then it wouldn’t be able to flip 360 degrees in every direction. If it was tied to an object above it, then it wouldn’t have completely free mobility like that. Tie a string to any object and move it around in any maneuver. There’s no way for the object to flip 360 degrees vertically unless there’s plenty of slack in the string (like if you yanked the object up by the string and then let it free fall.)

  4. Now this is some intriguing footage indeed. It doesn’t do anything anomalous though. It is hovering though, could it be some strange balloon? It doesn’t seem to traverse sky.

  5. This is interesting. Its movement isn’t all that impressive & is strongly reminiscent of other footage of SOLAR BALLOONS, but I’ve not seen a grey solar balloon with the black stripes before. They’re normally just black, with noticeable creasing often visible when being blown. The part where it appears to reverse its rotation is impressive but I think that may be an illusion. Thanks for sharing

  6. Here’s some more [footage of a very similar object spotted in the wild about 10 years ago](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VsYwrCPUV8w). This old footage points out that it is most likely a solar balloon, presumably metallic in nature.

    Here is a link to [pictures](https://karmamatopoeia.blogspot.com/2012/07/ufo-solar-baloon.html) of the product. And here is a [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DE_paTl1z8E) of someone trying it out. The movement of all of these balloons are very motionless. They tend to float in place or be weighed down by the string that is attached to them, making them float vertically. I think that is what is happening in the old cylinder UFO footage. If wind picks them up and takes them away, and they have a bit of weight at the bottom, they will most likely remain vertical the entire time.

    However, if the wind is really strong, then maybe the balloon will start spinning like crazy in every direction especially since they are very light. I think that is what is happening in the video OP posted, a balloon being carried away by strong winds at those higher altitudes. Also the fact that guy recording was able to track the UFO at all because it wasn’t zooming across the sky like the spherical UFOs that AARO has shown off, leads me to believe that it is moving at wind speeds and probably just a balloon.

  7. SS: found on a compliation of clips but this really stood out to me.

    Some of the most convincing looking footage I’ve seen. Some say it’s a small object like a cigar holder strung out between two objects as it rotates one way then the other but to me it really seems it’s far off in the distance.

    Now admittedly I found it on 4Chan but I’m not gonna knock the source as it was in a long list of clips, some from YouTube, some from other hosting sites. This was from a different hosting site.

  8. I thought this was going to be some shitty video at the beginning, which in a way, also has me skeptical of this. How is the video sooo shitty, but the pic is so clear?

    I’d this is legit, it is amazing.

    I’m leaning 70% fake. 30% real. And hoping its real.

  9. What I found really weird is it starts spinning one way and near the end of the video it stop and then starts spinning the opposite way..

    I’d like to lean on it being some sort of balloon but I can’t find anything with that shape or print on it so far

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