Это может быть грандиозно — подкаст New York Times Эзры Кляйна (мнение) на Grusch

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Да, я знаю, Эзра Кляйн — автор мнений, но он — популярная версия Джо Рогана в средствах массовой информации. То, что он нашел время для решения проблемы Груша, — это ОГРОМНО. Начав слушать его сейчас, я ожидаю открытых, но очень скептических вопросов… будем надеяться, что этот поистине удивительный человек не разочарует…. https://open.spotify.com/episode/39FCgFrtxvMputNIsleVQn?si=CeCxkykJRRqnxk7SuU3iKg

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27 комментарий для “Это может быть грандиозно — подкаст New York Times Эзры Кляйна (мнение) на Grusch”
  1. I think this sub should want any thoughtful person who isn’t already «a believer» to engage on the topic with Klein’s open-minded and nuanced skepticism. He brings up very reasonable objections without dismissing it outright.

  2. Really interesting bit around 54 minutes where Kean says the DoD publication review of what Grusch wanted to say was literally approved over night.

    Finishing it now. Overall a good podcast.

  3. This is certainly by far the biggest spotlight the story has had in America, possibly just the biggest period. This is a huge podcast, one of the most popular on Apple Podcasts. Ezra is an extremely well respected and well connected journalist. Not only will a lot of other journalists listen to this and start taking it more seriously because Ezra did, I guarantee a ton of congressional staff and maybe even democratic members listen to this podcast.

    If you had even a passing interest in this story, now it will be a LOT easier to bring it up to people in certain professional circles now just by talking about this episode of the Ezra Klein show

  4. Thanks for posting this. I tried earlier A
    at 5:30 but the mods didn’t approve it. Happy for Leslie Kean. She deserves her seat at the table when mainstream media finally starts to pick up. I haven’t listened to it yet, but I will listen on my way to work. Currently trying to get through a few chapters of Ross Couldhardt’s book.

    Edit: my bad. If you don’t have sufficient Karma, then your posts are auto filtered for approval. This was early in the morning so that makes sense. I was so excited when I saw it this morning on fucking Times. Thanks everyone for some Karma on this comment! First time trying to post something.. This is my favorite subreddit to follow and research

  5. LOL that Ezra is the mainstream’s answer to Joe Rogan.

    Can’t wait to listen to this. I’m a big fan of his podcast even tho it does not usually include dick jokes.

  6. Anything that gets people to Google UFO is good to me. It will definitely get some more traffic towards significant interviews etc. Fingers crossed these topics keep seeping into mainstream media.

  7. So I finally finished listening. This was exactly what I expected, which is a good thing; Klein was skeptical, but admitted the importance of this topic, and he also left a lot of holes where his wall of skepticism can break. Meaning that he is not dogmatically against the possibility, but needs more direct evidence. The points that he raised were excellent and a lot of his questions about the government keeping secrets and Grusch’s second-hand witness report were raised on this sub as well. I thought Kean’s replies were excellent, she was also skeptical but still falls on the side of believing. Her explanation about publishing in The Debrief was sufficient, but it makes you even more frustrated that the WaPo or even Politico didn’t get to it first, and her answer about why the Pentagon didn’t stop Grusch was a bit unconvincing, which she herself seems to agree on. Still, it seems that the overall effect of this episode was another crumbling of the wall of skepticism on the way to Disclosure. I am so happy that Klein tackled this, and I really hope that he’ll be making more steps towards internalising this topic.

  8. Klein, regardless of where you stand on liking him or not, is far more learned than Rogan. Rogan aggregates me. He buys into crap too easily. He can be a sucker. Klein, a true skeptic on many things so his critical thinking works.

  9. Problem with many of these people is that they are missing information. And have a very shallow understanding. But smart to have Leslie Kean onboard.

    Edit: After listening I’d say it was a good on point discussion. Not shallow but thorough about the events that led us here.

  10. Is this completely free? I opened the site and was able to listen up to a couple minutes in so far, but I don’t know if it’s going to give some BS at some point later and say «sign up to listen to the rest of this podcast!» like a BS National Geographic article

  11. I listened to the episode (I’m a regular listener) and he definitely sounded more skeptical about the Grusch story than about the UAP topic in general. It was a good conversation and he was certainly right to point out some of the holes in the story like the DOPSR approval.

    Anyway, I was glad to see that there’s someone left-of-center and not a huge….conspiracy-monger covering the subject.

  12. To me, Ezra Klein tackling this issue is huge for its credibility & will definitely lift some of the cultural taboo that still weighs down discussions of the topic. I’m excited— only about halfway through listening, but it’s amazing so far.

  13. This was very good, Klein seems to take the subject seriously and Kean had good answers for his questions.

    Also, it was very interesting to hear that the DOPSR review was approved overnight. It appears that they found Grusch’s claim so outlandish that they didn’t even bother to check if there could be any truth to it …

  14. This is a very interesting interview since these are serious people taking a skeptical but open-minded look at the whistle blower story. One interesting point they linger on: the OK from DoD for Grusch giving the interview was given literally overnight, which is strange and suspicious for its enormous speed. Either they do not take it seriously at all, or something pre-arranged could have happened.

    Calling Ezra Klein the mainstream media version of Joe Rogan is misleading though. Klein is a serious, intelligent, well-informed guy, Rogan clearly is not (which is why he is so hugely popular with a large but specific part of the population).

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