Когда я говорю «официальное дело», я имею в виду, что многие люди, похоже, предполагают, что если инопланетяне сейчас здесь или посещают нашу планету, то они являются частью какой-то крупной организации, галактической федерации, правительства или иным образом просто какая-то монолитная «официальная» группа, существующая внутри их общества. Кто сказал, что со всеми их гипер-продвинутыми технологиями, что все эти НЛО/НВП и наблюдения инопланетян не просто отдельные действующие лица со своими собственными планами и причинами пребывания здесь. Что, если эти посетители настолько развиты, что межзвездные путешествия могут совершаться их эквивалентом «среднего Джо» или даже их эквивалентом гражданского пилота? Это могло бы объяснить, почему некоторые истории кажутся такими странными и неуместными, это объяснило бы предполагаемые «сбои», а также объяснило бы, почему в некоторых случаях UAP хотят быть замеченными, а в других они пытаются избежать обнаружения ( хотя кажется, что они не очень стараются.Я бы даже назвал некоторые из их поведения избегания обнаружения небрежными). Это становится еще более логичным, когда вы думаете о таких случаях, как высадка в школе Ариэль. Моя теория о приземлении школы Ариэль состоит в том, что по какой-то причине большинство инопланетян не могут открыто посещать Землю и вмешиваться в нее. Причина действительно может быть любой, но ради этой теории давайте просто скажем, что это для некоего типа рассуждений типа «главная директива», что делает фактически «незаконным» для инопланетян открыто просто появляться на Земле и вмешиваться в нас. Имея все это в виду, странность приземления школы Ариэль теперь имеет больше смысла. Инопланетяне, появившиеся так внезапно в случайной школе на юге Африки, можно объяснить тем, что у них на самом деле не было много времени, чтобы выбрать суперспецифическое место, или что конкретная область в то конкретное время была слепой зоной для тех, кто их более авторитетен. (их правительство или любой аналог, который у них есть). Они выглядят как стереотипные серые, но некоторые из них описываются как имеющие волосы, в то время как некоторые описываются как безволосые, что может быть попыткой людей «замаскироваться» или попыткой заставить себя выглядеть более человечными, чтобы дети не слишком сильно сходили с ума. И причина, по которой только у некоторых из них, как говорят, есть волосы, может заключаться в том, что они люди, которые не работают в какой-либо официальной должности, они могут не согласиться с тем, действительно ли такие волосы помогут или нет, поэтому некоторые решили иметь волосы. в то время как другие просто остались лысыми (или, может быть, у некоторых седых просто есть волосы, а некоторые просто лысые, лол). Если бы они были индивидуумами, действующими по собственной воле, это также объясняло бы, насколько торопливым и почти небрежным все выглядело и насколько туманным было их сообщение для детей. Если бы инопланетяне действительно хотели донести до этих детей ясный экологический позитив, можно было бы подумать, что им потребовалось бы гораздо больше времени, чтобы объяснить себя и то, что они имеют в виду, вероятно, с помощью своих передовых технологий. Но если вы были группой людей, делающих что-то незаконное, что вы и ваша группа считаете правильным с этической точки зрения (что-то вроде эко-террористов), у вас было не так много времени, и вы также просто так вышло. иметь телепатию, чем проще всего телепатически вбить в головы этих детей, что они должны заботиться о планете или о чем-то еще, показывая им страшные картины климатических катастроф и тому подобное. В любом случае, это всего лишь мои мысли, и я хотел поделиться ими с вами, ребята, и узнать, что вы о них думаете.
As some other Redditor already pointed out, we anthropomorphize (that’s a $5 dollar word) things and situations and our human nature lead us to imagine they are part of a society and they have policies and agendas they use to interact with us.
The real, true reason (if there’s anything real at all) is that we’ll probably never know, imagine this: the smartest of dogs could use a toilet or search for food or even communicate feelings of anguish or concern and still will never understand the geopolitical aspects of the Russo-Ukrainian conflict. If a higher intelligence had a similar comparison between our intelligence and theirs, we would never understand what their real motives are.
It’s like a vacation for them. They’re just here to clap some human cheeks and go sightseeing
They could just be space mites. Just bottom of the barrel bugs no one thinks or cares about. Just hopping around, doing their thing.
Some sightings could also be explained by something along the lines of a Von Neumann Probe. That is, a sufficiently advanced craft, capable of replicating itself for the purpose of exploration.
In replicating itself, it would be able to exponentially increase the rate at which it’s creators were able to survey the universe and return data.
It would explain prospective crashes and a non-contact scenario, whilst still being around for witnesses to see. Maybe they’re just hard to see, but they aren’t specifically designed not to be seen.
We send out probes all the time in order to explore the solar system. It seems reasonable that given enough time to advance technologically, we’d arrive at something similar in order to autonomously collect data from across the Universe. Just surveying and cataloguing everything out there, taking note when something of interest is returned.
It would also mean that a probe, or numerous probes could remain on planet to collect data over an endless course of time whilst replicas continue on.
Somewhere out there in the Universe, Earth and it’s current inhabitants could just be a data point on some mad computer. One of many, many other planets that have also been logged as hosting life. Not unique enough to investigate further, but interesting enough to have our existence logged somewhere by an advanced race of beings.
To some degree, it’s creators could even be extinct, or advanced beyond their requirement for physical bodies in a context that we understand. The probe project, a relic of their earlier society, continuing on until the end of time and reporting back to no one.
Not only was the Ariel event sloppy, it seemed like it was difficult for them to be here. The way they seemed to be stuck in a time loop in some of the details from the children makes it sound like whatever technology brought them there was a little glitchy and they definitely seemed in a hurry.
Teasers are usually rich kids with nothing to do. They cruise around looking for planets that haven’t made interstellar contact yet and buzz them.” “Buzz them?” Arthur began to feel that Ford was enjoying making life difficult for him. “Yeah,” said Ford, “they buzz them. They find some isolated spot with very few people around, then land right by some poor unsuspecting soul whom no one’s ever going to believe and then strut up and down in front of him wearing silly antennas on their head and making beep beep noises.
Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (Hitchhiker’s Guide, #1)
«They were grey with big fat eyes, little mouths. They just stared while I peed. I don’t think I was dealing with the top brass.»
«Perhaps they were collecting biological data?»
«No. No. It felt super off the books. I swear to god, there was one grey alien by a door just kind of peeking out. I think he was the look-out. Look, it wasn’t my worst Wednesday night.»
I have thought seriously that extraterrestrial tourism is likely part of what drives visits.
What if they’re the equivalent of dumb college kids on spring break that just want to check out that place their parents tell them not to go to but do it anyway and hope they don’t get caught so they won’t get in trouble?
Edit: and then what if that means crop circles and stuff are just meaningless graffiti from aliens who are just fucking around lol
And then the stories you hear of them “disabling nuclear missile sites” and stuff are really just one of them turning to their friends and being like, “yo check this out lol” and then the friend is like “duuuude we’re gonna get caught knock it off! Crap they see us let’s get out of here go go go!”
I think if I was an alien I’d just come visit earth for a laugh and a bit of a piss up.
What do u mean ‘always’.
People want to feel special and needed, and if aliena are here on official business it’s bc our planet is important or we are important which in some weird way I think.helps the average person sleep at night
Hide yo kids hide yo wife!
All the motives we impute them come from our very limited human-centric perspective.
How good at guessing our motivations would a monkey be? Let’s say you show a monkey a clip of you doing your homework. How likely is he to sus out that you’re solving linear algebra problems as part of course requirements for a degree that you hope will improve your career prospects? He’d probably get to «that stick thing lets him make marks on the rectangle. Can he eat it?»
Just to answer the original point: because space travel is hard. And expensive. And because they haven’t landed for shits and giggles
Below average earning, rising gas prices, uncertain economy, etc
You propose that a federation or authority perhaps doesn’t exist, and then go on to say «earth is not allowed to be openly visited». By who? Who is stopping them from visiting? Pick one.
Roswell was probably just a bunch of drunk frat boys who «hopped the fence» and wrecked their Camero. That’s why after that they just said fuck it and we see them everywhere now.
They’re often seen with briefcases
One time Joe Rogan suggested that the aliens are just getting drunk and saying to each other, «Hey, you wanna go mess with the monkeys?»
Damn this is the first intelligent post I’ve read in this forum! /s.
I like your line of thought, especially the «eco-terrorist» tourism thing. But who knows? even if it is not the real reason it might still make a good book idea… or movie… You have my ^upvote!
Interstellar travel seems…expensive
Them stopping nukes en masse seems like organized behavior, not individual actors.
What if the only thing they ever accomplished was space flight, and they want to learn from us lol what’s gonna be our reaction
Do most people actually think that? I’ve always been under the impression that most of us think they’re here for a variety of reasons, and random travel or whatever is probably one of them.
Some of them are cutting up cows, some of them are probing buttholes, some are maybe here as diplomats, some are likely just anthropologists, or keeping tabs. We just don’t know.
Now, most reported encounters imply that they’re very humanoid and thus we typically apply human motivations to them, but the reality is that we have no clue who they are or what their motive or thought process might be. There’s only one advanced species we know of, and until we know about others, we’re flying totally blind.
I suspect that their appearance and behaviors might be much, much different than we think.
Some races are some aren’t.
The same reason you assume they’re not
I kind of think some are like flying schools. The mantids may be teachers/over seers and the greys (immature mantids) are being homeschooled or they’re interns.
If they’re here for sex tourism, the uhh… I’m not gonna say who, but I know a willing participant…
[relevant bill hicks](https://youtu.be/r9yEJpZnqCo?t=6)
If they all had separate agendas there would likely be attempts at mass communication. As far as my knowledge of the subject is, there have been no such attempts. Each and every UFO or ET spotted acts in secrecy here on the planet. There is no leisure present in the sightings.
Maybe dissidents come here and hide from their societies. Would explain the secrecy.
Because humans are not as intelligent as they believe themselves to be. Earth is a very unique and interesting planet for a large number of reasons; humans are not one of them.
In fact, the planet would be far more interesting if it were free of that particular parasite, but they’re so well dug in that there isn’t a way to remove them without destroying everything else in the process.
some are, some aren’t, there you go
Zoo keepers tending to the animals. That and earth’s resources.
I’ve been saying it for years. There some space cowboys flying around Earth.
They are spacetravelling counterparts, or potentially time traveling ancestors, of Ferdinand Magellan, Ernest Shackleton and probably Buzz Aldrin.
They are talented spacetravelers, brave and intrepid explorers, smugglers, maybe even families looking for a better life on a new planet much the same as immigrants to the United States years ago.
I think at least some of them are operating at the outer extreme of their capabilities. Sometimes they come illegally, possibly on the run, possibly to do their crimes??. But sometimes they crash, get caught on cameras, or leave evidence, like the sliced up cows.
Lol, you lost me at the school story. That story is as real as an orgasm in porn. Seriously, don’t be so gullible.
Probing Expedition
Zygards from Epsilon Sigma gotta Spring Break too.
Exactly! Roswell was a bunch of alien college kids that had come to poke a stick at the pond life. Except they crashed their dads car and got captured by sea-monkeys.
Your post made me think of this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roadside_Picnic
I like the whole [Explorers](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0089114/) concept where although the contactees don’t know it initially, the aliens are a pair of kids who’ve stolen their parents’ «car» 😆
As they approach the moon they locked the yours
It’s just as odd as aliens coming to earth and asking to meet our «leader», or learning «earth language»
Earth is probably where they stop to use the restroom… I mean the dominant species here is turning it into a pile of shit so what could it hurt? But no in all seriousness if there were a super intelligent alien presence anywhere near earth I’m 100% confident that no world «leader» would live through contact. They would wipe them out, get rid of all the corruption, identify the bad natured people and kill them, identify the good natured people and give them control of a puppet government that was ran by the ET alliance. A super intelligence would not have time for things like simple politics, sentimentality or bad behavior. They, or it would most likely view us as nothing more than simple animals and in that context bobo the chimp carrying a big stick threatening all the other chimps wouldn’t work out well for bobo. Most governments in the world are probably more than a little bit concerned because they know this to be the truth and are scared to death that they will lose power and may actually die to the last man in a contact situation.
I mean people can also say why do people assume aliens aren’t here on “official business” as you described. I am not all for them being here in official business I actually never though that way. But things are kept so secret and we don’t have answers. So obviously there are going to be many many assumptions. Especially when movies portray things in such ways. In my opinion, I feel movies and tv shows is where our “government” tells truth, but they only do that because people won’t think of it in such a way. You go back and watch all the old classics from back in the day and you’ll see how they “predicted” what it would be like in the future. I usually mainly see this in kids movies like WALL-E and such. I’m not saying oh that’s how it is; but it does get you thinking. There are many ways when it comes to aliens on how people think things are or would happen. And no one really knows how it works because it’s not public. Until then, more and more conspiracies will come out.
Bro they all business 🕴🏻🕴🏻🕴️
Maybe , we’re a simulation and we’re NPC in some video game, they might just be the players of the game
I too like to go to the zoo to see the monkeys. They can be lovable, but very violent sometimes.