Я записал это 20 марта 2019 года, около 7:00 утра, в Тулче, Румыния. Я не видел ни самолета, ни метеорита, ни самолета, ни поезда и т. д. Буквально ничего не было. Кроме того, это был единственный раз, когда я это услышал, и я прожил там 19 лет. Через несколько часов над этим районом каждый день в течение недели летали вертолеты. Я ценю все ответы ❤️
Not enough info to get any answer. Would have been trippy though if indeed as you saw there was nothing in the sky..
Most likely a jet engine. Sounds a lot like a fighter jet; they often fly low and are incredibly loud. They could be just above the cloud layer or running close to the ground and you won’t see them, but you’ll hear them from miles away!
This could be the result of an inversion layer in the atmoshpere where sound is reflected and refracted over much further distances than normal. The source of the sound may well not be visible, at all, due to the distances involved.
Thanks for posting this! Very puzzling 🤔
That is also no wind, as you can see, the trees were standing still, only some dogs were barking at that time. This sound is hunting me until today…
I heard something like this a few years ago. It was really weird, because the volume was constant — it didn’t fade away in the manner that a plane normally would.
Your mom? I was doing a good job that day.
To me it sounded more like a jet / aircraft, but why I cannot see it? And If It is so fast that I cannot see It, why no sonic boom?
Very much sounds like a high altitude fighter jet making some serious turns.