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NZkH3EnC0j Eu7VVMBLGBN iahIoreAyjF I4toivBA

New York Times приближается к созданию настоящей статьи на эту тему.

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35 комментарий для “New York Times приближается к созданию настоящей статьи на эту тему.”
  1. I always enjoy the comment sections on NYT. This is a «readers pick» by someone named Pat in Seattle.

    The dismissive tone of this piece was disappointing, since the contributors (worst being Michelle Cottle) seem to think they need to swallow the whole «alien autopsy, vast international conspiracy» enchilada. Wouldn’t it have been helpful to admit there is something strange going on and have a serious discussion? The facts are that multiple military technical assets and their own highly trained personnel have recorded reported multiple encounters with anomalous objects for decades. Credible whistleblowers have testified under oath that there’s something going on we don’t understand. The head of AARO has said in a nationally televised NASA meeting that they have observed metallic spheres from 1-4 meters diameter (aka UAP) behaving anomalously across the globe. Too bad this evidence was ignored while they discussed a catalog of conspiracy theory driven red herrings. Do better.

  2. I listened. They all have their minds made up that it’s the gov either running a psy-op or covering up new weapons tech that they’ve been working on.

    They don’t really entertain the idea that it could be legitimate. It felt very smug and like they were making fun of the whole thing. And I’m saying this as someone who generally views the NYT in a positive light.

  3. It’s so sad and cringey to me how the average person has been so mentally stunted on the concept of extra terrestrials. To a point where people actually think its silly or crazy to think we’ve ever had non-human intelligence discover this planet. Something about it, as a fellow human, I just find it a little embarrassing. Like we’re these small thinking little primitives that believe so much in God that it’s sacred and entire wars waged for our beliefs in the bearded wizard, but something as simple as a non-human intelligence in a vehicle passing through our skies is a bridge too far.

    I guess these headlines are cringey to me because it just reminds me what babies we are as humans. We have to be gentle. Remember. Most of these people still think the sky wizard made this place.

  4. Just so people understood their are different levels to The NY Times.

    The stuff printed in the paper as an “article” is the premier standard for investigative journalism

    The stuff as op-eds or opinion pieces, are rife with agendas either corporate or government

    The podcasts are for fun and non-serious mostly

    If you get an article that’s the serious thing, the rest is not (and this is the lower level)

  5. From the perspective of someone so far to the left I risk popping out the other side, this was exactly the story of milquetoast fluff that pushes people away from the centre. Some cogent arguments, for sure. Maybe even worth listening to for a different perspective. But ultimately the one guy with an interest was bullied into stating skepticism before he even got a chance to talk about the compelling aspects of the story. Like, they didn’t even really talk about the issues at all, they just lumped it into Trump-loving populism and laughed into their chardonnays.

  6. The podcast **IS NOT** the paper. There’s little cross-influence.

    The NYT needs **firsthand accounts** from people who were «*in the room.*» And they need to corroborate that individual’s credibility with other witnesses.

    Y’all need to slow your roll. Major papers take time and they don’t deal with the secondhand accounts from sources who didn’t actually see anything.

    I believe Grusch, I’m on board. But I understand how big news operates.

    Take a chill pill and wait for the bigger news that’s surely coming, which the NYT may even have an exclusive on.

    Remember this *little* story from Leslie Kean, Helene Cooper & Ralph Blumenthal — it was an exclusive firsthand account.

  7. I haven’t listened to it yet but I am hopeful that it won’t be an X-Files theme laced hatchet job. It’s a New York Times podcast that I haven’t listened to before. I will come back after listening and see what they have to say. Anyone else hear this yet? Also, it was interesting to see that Michael Shermer came close to a retraction of his woo-woo thoughts on all of us.

  8. It’s really sad that in order for this story to be relevant to some people, it has to have a New York Times label on it.

    This is the same reason people don’t buy off-brand jeans or off brand shoes. They want to have the name brand.

    So this story is only going to mean something to you when you get the New York Times logo on it?

    It’s pathetic.

  9. I been mentally cataloging all the really nasty comments about the NYT because it won’t post a “UFOs are real aliens and we have them and everything believers believe is true” article.

    When the NYT finally publishes an article by Keene saying “Maybe there is something to these second hand stories” I’m going to smile as I read “The best paper in history of all mankind, the teller of truth, the keeper of the record is so awesome and that’s proof enough that it’s all real”

    Seriously — you guys flip so much so quickly.

    When Avi Loeb said Omuamua might be some kind of interstellar “probe” he was praised. When he criticized the Ukrainian UFO report he was a uneducated clown of a moron. Now he finds a few unusual piece of metal and he’s a visionary genius again.

    Basically — you praise anyone who says what you want to hear and demonize anyone who doesn’t chant alongside you. And this can be the same person just months apart. This is part of what is called an “echo chamber”.

    I’d be amused if Mick West were to analyze some new video that came out tomorrow and he said, “well, that is truly anomalous; don’t know what it could be” — and people were like, “He’s not such a bad chap after all. He’s come around to see the light. One of us. One of us.” lol

  10. What I don’t understand is, wasn’t it the NYT that broke the ATIP story? This seems like a complete about face. Why be dismissive of something they reported as true just a few years earlier? Is it new management? Did they suffer some blowback? What’s the frikkin deal?

  11. Has everyone forgotten the important role the Times played beating the bullshit war drum for Iraq? The Times will do great reporting only when it doesn’t firmly clash with the military industrial complex that it has forged a peculiar relationship with. NYT management actively suppressed stories their own best journalists were uncovering about how the Iraq WMDs and yellow cake materials and all that was pure crap. You’re getting the same treatment re UFOs. It’s complicated. The Times will come around to the topic because they’ll be forced to come around by the sheer force of reality encroaching. But yea, fuck the Times.

  12. I’m highly skeptical that there are «aliens» but at this point, it’s pretty clear that something we cannot explain is going on and reputable outlets like NY Times play acting like this is silly doesn’t help. NY Times has an agenda, clearly. Why their agenda is to obfuscate and not dive deeper into a story that could potentially reshape the way we view humanity in the cosmos is disheartening to say the least.


    I started the podcast thinking there was a chance for some legitimate journalism but this conversation sounded like break room talk between people too terrified to step outside their coddled pseudo-intellectual lives and embrace the humility of not knowing. I am a staunch liberal and watching the NY Times get watered down by this kind of gutless bullshit over the last decade has been appalling. Where is the real story? Are we seriously gonna get Congressional hearings before we see anything on the front page of the Times?!

  13. NYT? WAPO? They sure know their job. They may do what they may do. Its cool. We may frame a bigger picture. Aliens? Cool. Any ants doing their daily business in a gutter in front of a walmart are the same mystical wonder as aliens. They are here? They are advanced? They are like some Superheroes or so? Okay. Wow. We still have to feed our kids tomorrow.

    If there is something — talk.

    The whistleblowers should seek for security first. Personal safety is first.
    I see only one opportunity- for the greater good or the minimizing of suffering.
    Secret knowers title 50 or so or above- they are traumatised.
    They need legal and psychological help.
    They are victims too.
    Maybe they can talk then.
    For our next generations.
    The kids have an emotional right to know how their world works and how to frame a bigger picture of existence.

  14. It seems like the gov and military know that this is foreign tech. Not extra terrestrial. They are playing the populist rhetoric and attempting to cover up the fact that other countries are years ahead of the USA in tech.

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