Сегодня исполнилось 76 лет с момента инцидента в Розуэлле. Чтобы отпраздновать годовщину события, мы составили довольно полный список ресурсов, которые хорошо документируют это событие. \- [No Cap Summary of alleged leaked IPU](https://nocap.today/interplanetary-phenomenon-unit-summary/) (классификация Majic и Ultra). \- Исторический канал [Roswell: The First Witness](https://www.history.co.uk/shows/roswell-the-first-witness/articles/does-an-army-officer-s-secret-diary-reveal-new-clues-to-roswell) \ — Национальный архив [Video Interviews](https://unwriting-record.blogs.archives.gov/2014/07/07/the-roswell-reports-what-crashed-in-the-desert/) со свидетелями Любые дополнительные статьи или документальные фильмы, которые вы считаете особенно интересными ?
When my truck broke down in Roswell the mechanics father took me to the airport to get a rental. He said he’s lived in Roswell all his life. I asked him if it was a UFO and he said without a doubt it was. He continued to tell me that the reason why he thinks they haven’t come out with the truth yet is because these “government people” threatened everyone. Literally threatened them that if they spoke out bad things would happen. That hasn’t stopped people from speaking out, but it has probably prevented to government from admitting it happened. If they admit it happened then they also have to admit they threatened the people of Roswell with bad things. If you ever get a chance to visit the Roswell museum I would highly recommend it. Some of the museum is a bit goofy, but they have documents of people accounts of what happened. It’s so interesting to me.
On a side note and a weird one, all my photos from Roswell disappeared from my phone and from the 3 cloud back ups I use, google, Amazon, and Apple. All the photos from when my truck broke down to when I got the Nevada in the rental car we’re gone, and that stuff is automatically backed up. It’s weird.
Roswell: The Final Verdict
And we have no clue what they are
Was the incident declassified or they added another 25 years?