Как вы думаете, синдром Гаваны связан с НЛО? [in-depth]

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[Havana syndrome](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Havana_syndrome) представляет собой группу идиопатических симптомов, с которыми в основном сталкиваются правительственные чиновники и военнослужащие США за границей. Симптомы варьируются по степени тяжести от боли и звона в ушах до когнитивной дисфункции и впервые были зарегистрированы в 2016 году сотрудниками посольств США и Канады в Гаване, Куба. ## Как вы думаете, синдром связан с НЛО? ##Должны ли мы рассматривать сообщения, связанные с синдромом Гаваны, по теме или вне темы?   *Этот пост является частью нашего* [*Common Question Series*](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/wiki/commonquestions)*.* *Есть идея, какой вопрос мы могли бы задать?* [*Let us know.*](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fufos&subject=Common%20Questions)

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30 комментарий для “Как вы думаете, синдром Гаваны связан с НЛО? [in-depth]”
  1. I think they could be a result of reverse engineering, but they all seem so specifically politically motivated I’m inclined to think it’s a terrestrial adversarial nation or corporation. I vote that in the context of reverse engineering it’s on topic, but unless someone has evidence of UFOs present during a Havanah event, we shouldn’t assume they’re even correlated.

  2. I tend to think that the cause of the Havana Syndrome is most likely a secret (probably Russian) microwave weapon. I think the first victims were some US diplomats in Cuba after the US re-established diplomatic relations with Cuba during the Obama administration. This probably worried Russia as Cuba was a staunch ally for a long time.

  3. I think it’s off-topic.

    We should have /u/garryjpnolan_prime chime in though.

    If I remember correctly, he said although some symptoms were identical that he could discern the difference between damage potentially from a UFO encounter and Havana Syndrome.

    This means that just because someone has Havana Syndrome doesn’t mean they encountered a UFO.

    Kit Green said

    > Although his paper, published in March 2010, makes references to ‘ETs’ and ‘off-world exposures’, Green told DailyMail.com that he was able to explain every injury he has treated by currently existing, albeit advanced, human technology.


    UFO related injuries should still be on topic, but maybe we don’t refer to it as «Havana Syndrome».

  4. It’s hard to overlook the fact that what got Dr. Garry Nolan in top secret government contract circles to begin with was he was brought in to study victims of Havana Syndrome. So there’s that.

  5. https://www.c-span.org/video/?c5060882/user-clip-sen-gillibrand-questions-intel-community-uapufo

    In this video, Senator Gillibrand says that Havana syndrome is «related» to UAP. And directs the intelligence community to look for causes «from above».

    They are related.

    The government term is «anomalous health incidents», I have a post on that https://old.reddit.com/r/HighStrangeness/comments/yci0mf/anomalous_health_incidents_havana_syndrome/ which has links to the government response including the national institute of health, and the director of national intelligence. Plus an intro article.

  6. No, it’s victims are overwhelmingly American Diplomats in unfriendly territories.

    Ignore this text, I need to reach 150 characters otherwise my message gets deleted by auto mod. I think this is long enough now.

  7. Lol no, Havana Syndrome isn’t a real thing. It’s either intentionally made up propaganda against US enemies or bunch of morons hyping themselves into mass hysteria, i suspect the latter. It sounds too dumb to be intentional misinformation. The same people who believe this would also believe they don’t have a word for «love» in North Korea, an actual claim made by one defector who is an obvious asset.

  8. I know this answer won’t be popular here but Havana Syndrome is a psyop. Just like everyone here already knows the US govt lies to push forward their agendas, “Havana Syndrome” is no different. The accusations of HS are unfounded and are part of a long disinformation campaign about the Cuban government which the United Sates has been engaging in economic warfare with for decades. Havana Syndrome is just an excuse for US diplomats to continue their aggressive stance towards the Cuban government in order to maintain the economic blockade which is largely opposed by the UN. This community needs to do better than fall for state department propaganda.

  9. My conclusion always has been that they must be using sound waves to cause damage to the brain, I remember reading about the Israeli army using some kind of sound wave weapon/machine experientially.

    To be able to find a link between Havana Syndrome and UFOs, first is necessary to find a suspected method to cause it and then if that method could be a result of reverse engineering, if that doesn’t exist then there is nothing to link it to UFOs in my opinion.

  10. I experienced the ringing in my ears when I witnessed a large pyramid like craft. Was able to observe it flying from east to west across my windshield at a relatively slow pace, and this thing was HUGE. So I naturally assumed I was hallucinating so I slapped myself, still there.. stepped out of the parked car just to determine it was real and when I did it was like someone slapped my ears, wasn’t painful but there was a high pitch almost vibrating ringing as I observed the craft for probably 45 seconds to a minute but it felt like a life time. Flew from east to west, then back towards my location then off to the southwest, all at the same consistent almost crawl across the sky but it was so large it had to have been moving at a decent speed. Appeared to have some sort of cloaking, was like a dark grey metallic color but would match the night sky behind it, but it also had green and red lights at the triangular angles. I’ve always chalked it up to a military craft but there was a lot of weird conscious aspects I don’t understand but as the years go on I’m slowly learning more and more. I don’t think I’ll ever truly know what I saw but I know it wasn’t normal and I’ve never experienced anything like it before or after.

  11. It’s my understanding that the US Government considers the two phenomena could be possibly related. I’d say that for the time being, it should be treated as possibly related and allowed on the sub, in so far as how it is and/or could be related to UAP. If it’s unequivocally shown to be unrelated, then I’d say it shouldn’t be allowed except for maybe a post justifying why it isn’t UFO related.

  12. I think posts about Havana Syndrome that are DIRECTLY UAP NEWS RELATED (eg the language in the recent Senate bill) should be allowed.

    But please, no general Havana Syndrome posts or theory posts about it.

    — “Closed Senate briefing reportedly held with experts giving new evidence connecting Havana Syndrome to UAP”

    Dear god, no:
    — “Hey guys maybe Havana Syndrome is a time travelling headache from a future nuclear blast”

  13. Yes. I believe elements of the US government may be ar war with the ‘shadow biome’ on this planet. In the ‘Day After Roswell’ Colonal Corso speaks of a simmering Cold War between ‘The Others’ and the US government. This escalated in the 1980s with the Strategic Defense Initiative Project Aquarius, shooting down UFOs and subsequent retaliation from NHI. I also see a link between Havana Syndrome and the ‘Marconi Murders’ of the 80s and 90s

  14. We’re using tonal energy to warp space and time. The outcome of which can be seen in radiation. Havana syndrome (IMHO) is a tonal outcome of being close to things traveling through space and time. I have a theory that (even if they didn’t know it) if the people affected by the syndrome were indirectly affected by the tones by being close to it, then when it happens again the ‘Havana syndrome ‘ starts. I imagine traveling through space time is kind of like tripping where you still see geographic shapes like a week after tripping. Maybe Havana syndrome is akin to your brain being reminded of that feeling of being passed through space time

  15. Garry Nolan has suggested a link, or at least the potential for one.

    No one is suggesting that everyone experiencing Havana Syndrome has encountered a UFO, but if foreign powers have similar programmes to the USA, it’s more than likely that whatever it is about the UFOs that causes Havana Syndrome-like symptoms has been isolated and is now being used as a weapon.

  16. So there’s a connection to Skinwalker Ranch, where people experience similar symptoms.

    Dr. Jim Segala, who was on S1 of the show but apparently left because of the trashy reality-show production, seems to think the anomalies on the ranch are related to Havana syndrome.

    This could be something that has been successfully «reverse engineered»?

  17. no.

    The initial report has had an independent dissenting report dismissing it as junk science (links below). The pentagon has also dismissed Havana Syndrome as being the result of foreign adversary actions





    I don’t doubt working in foreign embassies does not include a large amount of stress, especially in intelligence sections. I would think that is a factor is what is going on… as suggested by the science (linked above)

  18. No, but that’s not to say I conclusively know what actually causes it. AFAIK none of the sufferers have reported conscious awareness of UAP exposure.

    It should be off topic imo. It’s UAP, not UAM.

  19. I don’t — this comes up from time to time on this sub. My thoughts:

    1. I personally believe the initial Havana events were friendly fire. We put something in the embassy and others that had health consequences. Could that have been a reverse engineered tech — maybe?
    2. The data collection on Havana Syndrome cases — whether on purpose or not — was extremely flawed. It was like — «are you suffering from headaches, ringing in your ears, headaches, etc — you may have been impacted by Havana Syndrome!». The symptoms were so vague that when they started to collect more cases from around the world it completely tainted the data.

  20. No, it was a stress induced psychosomatic disorder. Essentially, the USA got their embassy staff so paranoid about security, surveillance and ‘enemy action’ they created an entirely psychological disorder. It almost certainly eminated when someone felt a bit ill one day, and the crazy rumor mill and paranoia took it the rest of the way across the diplomatic corps

  21. If we are talking conspiracy, I’d say it’s probably more likely related to the Chinese eavesdropping station in Cuba before I’d blame UFOs. If I remember the «UFOs» only seemed interested in smearing the consciousness of American diplomats. Nothing like a microwaving the brains of the people making the deals to affect the outcomes you’d proffer.

  22. A microwave weapon-type device which could potentially cause «Havana Syndrome» related symptoms is covered in Russia Patent #2,526,478:

    Method and Device of Microwave Electromagnetic Impact at Trespasser


    The Chinese appear to have a similar weapon patent. Note the images in the patent:

    Method and System for Eliminating Fighting Strength of Opposing Combatant Using Electromagnetic Wave


    Both those patents are fairly new. There is some additional information here:


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