Crosspost — Мысли: «Обнаруженное тело инопланетянина после крушения НЛО в Перу в 2008 году»?

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Crosspost — Мысли: «Обнаруженное тело инопланетянина после крушения НЛО в Перу в 2008 году»?

От admin

44 комментарий для “Crosspost — Мысли: «Обнаруженное тело инопланетянина после крушения НЛО в Перу в 2008 году»?”
  1. In all due honesty ,I don’t think they are as smart as we make them out to be ,I mean the keep crashing their space crafts all over the place ,is either that or they just send their worst pilots to come visit us,seems we aren’t that important to them .

  2. It was debunked it was a small child with a deformity. That’s what gave Jaime musshausen or however his name is spell a bad wrap amongst other things. It’s one of the many reasons people doubted the ones that he brought out in mexicos congress

  3. How many times do proven fraudsters have to peddle terrible looking «alien mummies» or «bodies» before people will stop believing these obvious hoaxes? If you have an alien body, the first thing you do is do HD photographs, videos, medical scans, etc and send tissue samples to every reputable research institution on earth. Bringing obvious fakes to no-name universities in the ass-end of nowhere and photographing them in potatovision while sending no tissue samples out at all says it’s a hoax.

    «BuT hAs AnyONe dEBuNKeD iT YeT?»

    Not how science works at all. Or any kind of rational argument for that matter. The burden of proof is *always* on the person making a claim. «It’s an alien mummy!» Prove it. Or else I have no reason to believe you. It’s not an alien mummy until you prove that it is.

    So this is not an alien body. It’s a fake. A hoax. It always is. if they want me to believe it’s abody, they should prove it beyond all doubt.

  4. That’s the body of a disabled child who probably spent the entirety of his short life getting bullied and tormented by both his family and everyone in the village. Then as a final insult, his corpse was dried out and displayed as a roadside oddity for small amounts of cash with the family completely forgetting that the “alien” kept in the shed is actually a relative.

  5. You ever hear how prosecutors say shows like CSI make their lives a lot harder? Because people on juries demand everything look like it does on tv. But reality is way more plain. This feels like that.

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