DAILY MAIL: разоблачитель НЛО Груш утверждает, что люди были убиты
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Возможный инопланетный НЛО!
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Увидел это, когда смотрел на небо в саду за домом.
The president of the United States would have to announce it on a stage for the bbc to cover it
No shit! When our first contact moment in history is to attempt to shoot them down, then hide their comrades bodies in secret locations what do you expect? A cosmic olive branch??
ET living in Norway for 30” years be like “ I can’t believe y’all killed each other “
The Government: «we can’t tell the public about aliens, they’ll freak out»
Also the Government: «that’s fine, go ahead and tell people that aliens are killing us»
Keeping tabs on the media response to yesterday’s interview with Grusch. Seems it’s the usual suspects reporting on it, mainly clickbait tabloid websites like Daily Mail. We want NYT, BBC or the Guardian (again) to report on the interview.
I’ve read a bit about pilots who have disappeared, and I don’t think there’s conclusive evidence of them being killed deliberately. There was one man — flying a light aircraft I think — whose plane was last seen «stuck» to the side of a UFO, and he has never been seen again — almost more frightening to think that he is *not* dead.
Well apparently we’ve shot down 12 of their ships so it sounds like we’re still in the lead.
I haven’t had a lot of sleep, and thought the headline read “Grusch has been killed”
I just thought to myself “Damn that was fast”
Please ignore the Daily Mail
Several people.have also been killed to cover up the story about Sylvester Stallone driving Richard Gere to the hospital after the gerbil thing.
«Reddit poster Boboisaliar claims he is Omabas biological father and has found a cure for being an asshole.»
Anybody can make claims. Show me proof.
P.S. not a good look when your source is the fucking Daily Mail..
Repetition is getting old
I’m 100% sure our govt. has killed many more Americans than any “non human intelligences”. I’m sure we’ve also dissected and tortured them.
No, he didn’t. He said something like “that was the comcern of the people I’d talked to, yeah”
I thought the interview was way too full of leading questions
The amount of people who will just believe what anyone says is wild… what happened to critical thinking? Both of these guys interviewer and interviewee knew each other beforehand and been involved in UFO disclose stuff. No neutral source or neutral interviewer with plenty of reasons to push their own conspiracies
There’s no context given to these claims. If we are actively trying to “bring down” craft then a craft would most definitely detect this and go in defense mode, which ultimately would end badly for us. Aliens are not going around randomly murdering humans. Feels like scaremongering to me, and we should all be weary of it.
This interview squashed any hope I had of the aliens being good guys…
This guy just seems to want attention more then anything.
It’s all here say from a guy that probably was amidst losing his position anyways and wanted to burn bridges on the way out.
This guy is a fraud the more I hear him speak the more full of shit he seems to me.
Watch Greer’s disclosure 2.0 to hear some personal horror stories.
Idk why people are giving this dude the benefit of the doubt. He hasnt even seen anything firsthand, he received secondhand «info». Ask yourselves why hes allowed to say this by the dod but cant get into specifics of anything at all?
It feels like hes using his status and the classified information excuse to give his story more credence as well as protection from scrutiny. Anytime he gets cross examined, grilled, etc. All he has to say is «thats classified» and all you guys will still eat it up.
How many humans have been killed from UFOs compared to, say, domestic terrorists?
I’ll take my chance with the UFOs.
NOT the government directly……it is, and always has been, the Military Industrial Complex and its myriad of shadowy intelligence agencies that kill, lie and steal.
This tool is trying to cause a civil uprising or unrest, when the real culprits would get away Scott free.
Yea but they wouldn’t kill any of the whistleblowers since that kind of proves the point the whistleblowers that the government is lying.
I imagine the people who were killed were more about people who wanted to sell secrets to people who don’t have the USA in the best interest
They’ve certainly killed people, and that would make disclosure dangerously precipitous for the government (legally). I mean that someone would have to be held legally responsible for the deaths of Americans. Someone would have to answer for all the malicious activity and spying. These are the most serious allegations of the entire interview IMO
He confirms Roswell was real… This likely means the Majestic-12 was real.. this group had JFK assassinated for looking into the program
Stop linking the daily mail please , they are not a good source.
There have been various claims and allegations regarding the silencing of individuals who were involved in or had knowledge of secretive programs. While it is true that there have been instances where individuals have faced challenges or repercussions for disclosing sensitive information, it is important to examine each claim on a case-by-case basis and consider the available evidence.
Discussions surrounding secretive programs and attempts to make them public can be complex, and it is crucial to separate verifiable information from speculation or unverified claims. Transparency and open dialogue are essential in understanding and addressing any concerns related to such programs.
If David Sheehan — this human rights lawyer- can manage whistleblowers asses save from prison- we will see meat instead of soup.
Those girls and boys need some safe space.
If meat is there, what i believe- its just a matter of weeks.
Better be psychological prepared.
Once again with this guy, put up or shut up. Show evidence, show actual proof, not just «I was briefed by a few individuals on…»
And stop dodging hard questions with the excuse of not revealing classified info, the jig is up buddy, you’re already spilling «secrets» lol
Directly contradicts Greer’s statement that they are all benevolent.
Claims claims claims. That’s all it is. Give us some real hard proof.
So why’s he still alive?