Интервью с UFO Whistleblower обнародованы невероятные подробности о нечеловеческом интеллекте | список пунктов интервью

От admin #Внеземные существа, #Внекосмические существа, #Внешний вид пришельцев, #Загадки инопланетного воздействия, #Загадки инопланетных цивилизаций, #ЗагадкиИнопланетныхЦивилизаций, #ЗагадочныеЯвления., #Заговоры, #ЗаговорыВИстории, #ЗаговорыВМедиа, #ЗаговорыГосударств, #ЗаговорыМировыхЛидеров, #Иллюминаты, #Инопланетная жизнь, #Инопланетные существа в кино, #Инопланетные технологии, #ИнопланетныеВоздействия, #ИнопланетныеИсследования, #ИнопланетныеТехнологии, #Инопланетяне, #ИнтеракцияСИнопланетянами, #Интракосмические существа, #Исследование инопланетной жизни, #ИсследованиеИнопланетнойЖизни, #Конспирология, #Контакт с инопланетянами, #Контактные СИнопланетянами, #Космические пришельцы, #МанипуляцияМассами, #Межзвездные путешествия, #Научная фантастика, #НаучнаяОбщаяФантастика, #Популярные о пришельцах, #Пришельцы в алфавите, #ПришельцыВМедиа. ТеорияЗаговора, #ПришельцыВНауке, #ПришельцыИлюди, #связанные с пришельцами, #СекретныеОрганизации, #СекретыГосударственнойВласти, #СекретыТехнологий, #СкрытыеСилы, #СовременныеТайны, #Способы достиженияСПришельцами, #Способы общения с пришельцами, #СпрятанныеПравды, #ТайныеЗаговоры, #Телешоу на инопланетянах, #Теории заговоров о пришельцах, #ТеорииГосударстваОпришельцах, #ТеорииЗаговораОБиологии, #ТеорииЗаговораОмедицин е, #ТеорииЗаговораОпришельцами, #Уроки инопланетной истории. 窗体顶端 窗体底端 ЭкспериментыПришельцев, #Фантастические инопланетяне, #Фильмы о пришельцах, #Фэндом пришельцев, #Экзобиология, #ЭкспериментальнаяНаука, #ЭкспериментыНадЛюдьми, #Явления

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37 комментарий для “Интервью с UFO Whistleblower обнародованы невероятные подробности о нечеловеческом интеллекте | список пунктов интервью”
  1. It hasn’t been scrubbed from YouTube. NewsNation likely removed it from their channel so they can make more add revenue from people needing to go to their site.

    It’s still on YouTube anyway because a lot of other people have uploaded it.

  2. Important to remember, the implication around “agreements” could equally be agreements between nations on suppressing the release of this information.

    Everyone assumes we’ve made some kind of agreement with NHI, but there are multiple ways to interpret this vague statement

  3. I think it’s harmful to make headlines like “scrubbed from youtube”. This creates the narrative that it’s some big gov coverup when in reality it’s still easy to find.

    Also, this article is poorly written.

  4. This is about the 9th time this info has been posted here that I’ve seen, and I never come to this sub… only click links from my feed. So I can’t imagine how many times it’s actually been posted.

  5. Here is a list of bullet points from the article:

    — Grusch investigated this topic for 4 years before believing it is credible and 100% factual then submitted a report to DOD Oversight Director which in 2023 determined it as “Credible and urgent”. This has been forwarded to Congress.
    — 1933 craft recovered in Italy by Mussolini’s forces was intercepted by the US in “1944 OR 1945” – Grusch was unsure, so this lines up with a historical anachronism. We can assume 1945, aligned with history. Grusch showcased a hand-written memo in Italian that also contained small drawings at the bottom as proof.
    — The Vatican informed the US of what the Italian government had in its possession. The Vatican helped suppress this find. This means, The Vatican does indeed know NHI (NON-HUMAN INTELLIGENCE) exist and is actively covering this up.
    — NHI may be alien, may be inter-dimensional or both.
    — Football-field-sized craft have been sighted. Multiple operational craft have been recovered. It’s unclear if the football-field-sized craft is the alleged 30-ft diameter craft that apparently contained a “football field sized interior” that was recently disclosed. Alternatively, it may be this craft is the Indonesian UAP that allegedly was smuggling drugs and weapons that was reported this week. We don’t yet know the context of where it was seen. It may have been seen in a US facility or not.
    — It’s somewhat implied that the US government may have an existing formal relationship/agreement with some NHI factions. “Agreements that risk putting our future in jeopardy”. It remains unclear if Grusch was making the implication or if Coulthart was jumping to that conclusion and trying to get Grusch to fill in the blanks.
    — Not all factions are peaceful – but the extent of why/how is not elaborated on.
    — The US government have killed people to keep this information suppressed.
    — Private enterprise are working with this technology. Aerospace and defence projects.
    — The events of Roswell 1947 happened. Subsequent addendums by the US government were part of a disinformation campaign that continues to today.
    — An ongoing broad UFO disinformation campaign is being perpetrated by the US government. As part of this campaign, Grusch claims some “true” or factual intel has been presented or pushed, along with false claims or disinformation in an effort to muddy the narrative.
    — There are also craft that were left or given to us for whatever reason. There were also partially damaged craft (including the 1933 craft recovered in Italy).
    — Grusch mentioned people working with these recovered UAPs have gotten sick. He did not elaborate how specifically or what work was being done that might have caused this.
    — Grusch alluded to China’s willingness to throw bodies at reverse engineering and finding success. This might also provide a speculative rationale for why we’re speeding up disclosure: the need to compete with a foreign power for tech superiority.
    — In 1971, the USA and USSR signed a treaty explicitly stating that both nuclear powers would confirm if UFOs or similar breached nuclear facility airspace and/or caused malfunctions that might trigger arming/disarming of nuclear weapons. This was cited as proof of ongoing UFO/UAP interference and knowledge by both superpowers of the situation and reality.
    — Grusch alleges that Russia and China are in a Cold War over this technology.
    — The videos released by the pentagon in 2020 were “just the tip of the iceberg” and he claims that additional video (or other) evidence exists that are far more extraordinary. This also speaks to the fact that he has seen these pieces of video with his own eyes.

  6. Huge UFOs have been seen in Belgium. One of the witness explained that there were huge pairs of flashing lights at the corners. When asked if they were flashing together at the same time or alternatively, the witness replied that he couldn’t tell because he had to turn his had to see each corner. This is reported in one of the books on the belgian UFO flap of 1989-1991

  7. The plot thickens. The aliens are now drug runners.

    I have it on good authority that the DEA were not able to prosecute though. Turns out spoiled milk isn’t listed as a controlled substance, so they walked on technicality.

  8. Of course the Vatican knows about it. They’ve probably been ferreting these things away, from all over the planet, for a thousand years.

    I like the idea that the “breakaway civilization” that flies around our skies every once in a while is actually the lost Roman legion or some Knights Templars who found a craft while on some quest to a new land.

  9. Geez, how was it «scrubbed»?

    A news agency wants to capitalize on the biggest scoop in their history and forces people to sign up on their website in order to watch the interview. Yeah, annoying for the viewer but good for them! They made a bet, broke an important story, and won.

    Not to mention that you can find transcripts anywhere you want.

  10. Small drawings as proof, smh, but id believe it if i was there to see it, these people don’t lie to each other about things like this unless its to perhaps disinform a potential mole so when the info is released you know exactly who let out what! The media controlled from the top are often having us led to think or believe wat the media and what the higher ups want on the news for example. This is to avoid more pressing concerns involving matters never meant to be released publicly besides things so publicly viewed there was no possibility of a cover up byt there was also no form of proof of any kind that could be studied besides photos most people said they didn’t believe it was real if they didnt see it anyway until the governor of arizona stated publicly he saw the triangle craft and would get answers from government but never did and literally flipped his script and turned one of the top 5 mass sightings in the last 50-100 years into a complete joke! This whole disclosure imo has been overdue, but to many ancient astronaut theorists are attempting to speak for alot of people that don’t necessarily agree with them or their methods! I personally am all in for full disclosure but that doesn’t mean its whats best for the entire world at the moment! The only ones who can really even have a decent idea of a perspective on if disclosure is safe yet are the ones with the highest possible clearance that have no restrictions of any kind and literally know every secret at least in their countries activities and large amounts still from other nations! And without every nation offering to not hold back at all or at least the ones that have the same levels of info can work together and the groups that say dont have alien crafts of any kind are probably not gona be allowed by the countries that do have craft (ufos) to observe or study their craft in a valuable level of detail without at least something of similar value or rarity! Giving these alien techs with how to manuals gets more and more dangerous the further a countries goals head away from protection and peace and more toward offensive capabilities and building up their travel capabilities. Also the less advanced they are the more likely they are to use it to build super weapons in attempt to increase their power, as opposed to attempting to join the space force commanded by a group equally controlled by all the super powers and are attempting to build devices that can destroy or slow comets in their tracks near enough to our planet so we can use them to harvest super mondo amounts of water and likely lots of other valuable resources. It would do the same with asteroids except those would either be destroyed or slowed to close enough we can reach it for practical mining! If countries themselves have nothing to lose and are handed everything, whoever handed over their alien tech on good merits so the country can build their own stuff to make things better is far to naive and weak to be in such a position in office or black site programs! where they can allow other countries to have access to such things! But regardless its not an easy decision to make especially if they don’t currently seem to be invading. AAT are attempting to make up peoples minds for them just because of how convinced they themselves are! Ill agree theres alot obviously being kept from people, but theres no way it hasnt been done for at least what started out as what world governments thought to be good reasons at least at some points! And some of these theorists try relentlessly to get current and retired military to ignore their clearance agreements and basically commit different grades of treason! Theres alot we dont know, like a full public disclosure could be a good enough reason for the watchers of this planet to wage war on humans or do a mass abduction and mind wipe program to basically drop us right back in the stone age except with lots of toys that wont take long to be rendered useless and buried or lost to time!

  11. This post violates Rule 6: Bad Title
    > Vague, heavily editorialized, misleading, clickbait, inaccurate post titles, or titles in all caps are not allowed.

    The submission statement is good, however, and I’m letting it stay up.

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