Письмо старшего сержанта ВВС США в отставке Марио Вудса из AARO с приглашением дать показания под присягой о его опыте UAP во время службы в 44-й эскадрилье противоракетной безопасности в 1977 году.

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Письмо старшего сержанта ВВС США в отставке Марио Вудса из AARO с приглашением дать показания под присягой о его опыте UAP во время службы в 44-й эскадрилье противоракетной безопасности в 1977 году.

От admin

23 комментарий для “Письмо старшего сержанта ВВС США в отставке Марио Вудса из AARO с приглашением дать показания под присягой о его опыте UAP во время службы в 44-й эскадрилье противоракетной безопасности в 1977 году.”
  1. Strange wording.

    They seem to want to interview him about his experiences ‘with US government UAP investigations’, rather than just about his UAP.

    I wonder if this is significant.

  2. Makes me wonder what the AARO team is actually doing with stories like this. Are they even checking up on the people involved with it? You could talk to people that Mario Woods claims he talked with, get corresponding evidence of the event, if any event occurred, get official documentation on what happened that day. Shouldn’t be too hard to follow the bread crumbs of something like this, no?

  3. Submission Statement:

    On the most recent episode of [Chris Lehto’s](https://twitter.com/chrisotis78) podcast, [The Lehto Files](https://www.youtube.com/@ChrisLehtoF16), he interviewed Retired USAF Staff Sergeant Mario Woods about his dramatic UAP experience and contact event while deployed at the 44th Missile Security Squadron in 1977.

    I know its a long one, but I would consider this one a must watch. His story is really powerful. A true patriot and hero.

    Mario Woods during this interview was kind enough to share this photo of what an invitation from AARO looks like.

    Full Interview: https://youtu.be/FsXVLxD9szI


    Full text for easy readability:

    From: OSD Pentagon OUSD Intel — Sec Mailbox AARO-External osd.pentagon.ousd-intel- sec.mbx aaro-external@mail.mil

    Subject: Invitation for an Interview with AARO Date: Mar 14, 2023 at 5:00:49 PM

    To: mwoods175@gmail.com

    Mr. Woods,

    The All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security (OUSD (1&S)) is conducting oral history interviews- consistent with Congressional direction-as an opportunity to incorporate into the official record discrete knowledge and experiences of those exposed to the US Government’s previous Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) investigations.

    Any information provided during the interview will be secured in accordance with the Government’s strict security and privacy requirements, including consistent with any previous NDAS.

    We value the historical information you may have on persons, activities, and events of US UAP investigations, and we welcome your participation in the interview. Your privacy is paramount, and the interview would be held discreetly in a secure location. Any discussion in a secure facility with AARO is deemed by the classification control office of both the DoD (SAPCO) and ODNI (CAPCO) an authorized disclosure, and you can speak freely.

    It is important to note that the purpose of the interview is not to collect information about you, but rather, gather historical information you may have regarding sensitive government programs and any potential nexus to unidentified anomalies.

    Please let us know whether you have interest in participating in this secure, protected, and historical interview.

    The AARO Team

  4. Mario has had such a hard time dealing with this, cries almost everytime he speaks about this incident. The creatures he drew (in outfits, big eyes, etc) match with the many other reports. Hearing whispers is another thing he reported. Being in a strange room, looked at by the NHI. Something interesting is he speaks about the smaller ones being nice, taller ones being evil.

  5. So idk why, but when an organization made for whistleblowers to come forward to sends you a letter asking you to testify, that just feels weird.

    Like HR sending you an email asking you to notify them of any wrong doing, such as sexual misconduct, you’ve witnessed at work a week after you walked in on the boss banging his receptionist at the Christmas party.

  6. Interesting how Mario’s descriptions of the shiny ones match up with the descriptions of the creatures that were described to have been found in Varginha.

    The witnesses said they were smaller, had shiny, perhaps oily black silvery skin, a slit-like mouth, seemed to only have three fingers, and smelled strongly of iodine.

    Those three little girls specifically knew how to describe the beings Mario is talking about almost exactly, even though they didn’t even know what «aliens» were back then, had internet, or even spoke English at all. They thought it was a demon and called it such back then.

  7. Once again, for a government document, from the department of defense, the wording and nomenclature is entirely off and is not in the usual MFR (memorandum for record) format. Veterans are probably familiar with these documents, but to other who have not seen these documents, here are the general guidelines of the typical memorandum.


  8. Wow! But who do you trust?! If the DOD and CONI are requesting the interview, how does Mr Woods know they aren’t going to ‘disappear’ him? These are government agencies, the most powerful I must point out, that have been responsible for these clandestine programs to begin with. Who can you trust?!

  9. I am so sick of UAP. The more uaps we see the more evidence that exists they are just man made black projects. Aliens are not just interested in flying around in the sky the way the military is. A percentage would disembark. Aliens are proof of aliens UAPs are proof of UAPs, so they are unrelated

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