Первое крупное новостное издание, освещающее историю Дэвида Груша.

Первое крупное новостное издание, освещающее историю Дэвида Груша.

Первое крупное новостное издание, освещающее историю Дэвида Груша.

44 комментария для “Первое крупное новостное издание, освещающее историю Дэвида Груша.

  1. SS: The mainstream media has so far been ~~negligent~~ hesitant in reporting on the story, but now the major outlet The Independent has published an article, likely prompting other major outlets to follow. It will be interesting to see who will follow suit.

  2. Im just as excited as everyone else here and I find Grusch’s account pretty damn compelling but everyone here has to keep something very important in mind…..

    This is America— the country where citizens have no basic healthcare, where more money is taken by the military then anywhere else in the world, where corporate oligarchs have paid for politicians twenty times over, where the Federal Reserve tells its citizens that its the average working mans fault that inflation is so high.

    This news story without consistent pressure and protest will never result in disclosure. Why would the powers that be really tell us anything, when we cant even muster the will to get housing, healthcare, and a fair wage for any American citizens.

    I wish it were different.

  3. First time posting here and first time hearing of this story. I have a question for anyone that is willing to enlighten me:

    What is in it for David Grusch if he’s lying? What could he possibly gain by lying about this? There is no real incentive that I can see, I can’t see how it does anything but possibly hurt him.

    Makes the claims more credible in my opinion.

  4. Its weird to me that the DOJ allowed him to say all this and said its not covered by classifications. Makes me think that perhaps its a BS distraction, because lies are not classified to begin with

  5. I wouldn’t give this too much weight. You’ll find “top 10 celebrity haircuts from the 90’s” on the same site. Click bate is revenue, they’ll put up almost anything

  6. I don’t think this is as big as you’re making it out to be. A lot of these more mainstream news organizations are covering the fact that it’s being reported on by other fringe news outlets. They are being very cautious to state there is zero evidence to support this person’s claims.

  7. Lol. Love how they were like well politico is kinda sorta legit right? It should be ok if we run with it as well. Pretty funny to watch all the conspiracy nuts freaking out right now thinking they were validated.

  8. Laundry list pedigree/credentials aside I hope he has some actual evidence to back all this up.

    When “whistleblowers” come forward they typically have some evidence to back up their claims (Snowden).

    So far this guy, like Lue, like Greer, and like so many others in this community, appears to just have stories that if left unproven will just hurt the legitimacy of the disclosure movement further.

  9. I guess I have looked at the right subreddits that I got recommended this one yesterday when this story started going around.

    I’ve always believed aliens *exist*, simply because we exist so if life has happened once I don’t doubt it’s happened again somewhere. But aliens actually visiting us has been another thing. I don’t deny it, definitely open to the idea, just don’t necessarily believe it without seeing them myself y’know? But this has been fun to follow so far, would be cool if something comes from all this 🙂

  10. I feel like this is organized and planned. Project blue beam style. Rich douchebags pulling strings and this guy is ordered to do this. I doubt he’s retired and a whistle-blower. It seems too much risk for him to do this without it being part of something well organized.

  11. EVENING NEWS UPDATE 6:30pm east coast. Neither David Muir and Lester Holt are covering the Grusch. Here are the stories MSM deem more important.

    -Ukraine dam destroyed

    -PGA (golf) announces a merger

    -people getting shot

    -air quality

    🙃🤦‍♂️ this is so fucked up.

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