Законопроект Сената о разведке дает владельцам «неземного происхождения или экзотических материалов UAP» шесть месяцев, чтобы сделать их доступными для AARO.

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Законопроект Сената о разведке дает владельцам «неземного происхождения или экзотических материалов UAP» шесть месяцев, чтобы сделать их доступными для AARO.

25 комментариев для “Законопроект Сената о разведке дает владельцам «неземного происхождения или экзотических материалов UAP» шесть месяцев, чтобы сделать их доступными для AARO.

  1. This all just feels like the completely powerless asking the completely powerful to stop being so powerful and share. If these guys have NHI tech, theres no amount of sabre rattling thats gonna make them give up their seemingly badass life styles.

    Fuckin wild times to be alive, hopefully we get to stay alive through all this drama…

  2. It is amazing how quick people are to dismiss this as floppycock nothingburger.

    Isn’t this exactly the strategy for Grusch et al?

    The plan with him going forward with interview/testimony now was never to have the speakers of House and Senate grab some armed FBI agents, hop on plane to the secret hangar right away, shout ”the jig is up!”, catch the perps red-handed and seize the alien crafts before the end of June.

    The plan was to undermine/eradicate the structures that enable the conspirators to keep doing what they do, by:

    1. Providing a legal framework for people to come forward without the risk of reprisal.

    2. Providing amnesty for those who have committed crimes for the sake of the conspiracy (the knowledge of which could otherwise be used by your current or former bosses as leverage to make you shut up).

    3. Creating a prisoner’s dilemma situation, wherein a given conspirator better hope that no-one of the thousands of other people that has been part of the conspiracy will start spilling the beans and have the whole house of cards start tumbling down.

    Because when it does, those in the know who refuse to come forward might very well be implicated by those who do, with jail time as a real possibility. I bet a lot of retired corporate execs, intelligence officers etc would much rather spend their silver years among grandkids and weird candy instead of getting raped in prison.

  3. Awful language in the bill.

    **»»any person currently or formerly under contract with the Federal Government that has in their possession material or information»**

    I worked for the federal government for 50 years and as a person, never had a contract; I worked for a contractor who did but I did not.

    It should have read «»any person **currently or formerly, directly or under any contract** with the Federal Government that has in their possession material or information»

    If you don’t believe the literal language of the bill will be in play, guess again.

  4. ‘The new UAP language (found in Section 1104 of the bill) would require «any person currently or formerly under contract with the Federal Government that has in their possession material or information provided by or derived from the Federal Government relating to unidentified anomalous phenomena that formerly or currently is protected by any form of special access or restricted access» to notify the director of the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) within 60 days of enactment, and to provide within six months «a comprehensive list of all non-earth origin or exotic unidentified anomalous phenomena material» possessed and to make it available to the AARO director for «assessment, analysis, and inspection.»

    AARO is the Pentagon office established by Congress to conduct investigations of unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP), and to collect information on current and past federal government activity pertaining to UAP.

    The legislation also would require the AARO director to notify designated congressional committees and leaders within 30 days after receiving any such notifications, information, or exotic materials.

    The Intelligence committee legislation also includes what might be called a «safe harbor» provision, providing that if such a person complies with the notification and make-available deadlines, then «no criminal or civil action may lie or be maintained in any Federal or State court against any person for receiving [UFO] material or information.»‘

  5. If anyone’s worried about the language used, I’m hoping this is accurate.

    According to Christopher Sharp via Twitter(@ChrisUKSharp):

    «Both the «notification and reporting» subsection & the «liability» subsection explicitly cover «any person,» so there is no question that would apply to private entities.

    ‘Person’ covers legal persons such as corporations.»

  6. *»…notify the director of the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) within 60 days of enactment, and to provide within six months «a comprehensive list of all non-earth origin or exotic unidentified anomalous phenomena material» possessed and to make it available to the AARO director for «assessment, analysis, and inspection…*…

    *The Intelligence committee legislation also includes what might be called a «safe harbor» provision, providing that if such a person complies with the notification and make-available deadlines, then «no criminal or civil action may lie or be maintained in any Federal or State court against any person for receiving [UFO] material or information.»‘*

    **I know you guys don’t like Greer, but this is exactly what he said on his Disclosure conference a few weeks ago. Coincidence?:**

  7. I don’t see how a bill like this is created without Congress sincerely believing that the US Government/Military is legitimately hiding UAP-related materials and knowledge from oversight. This is huge, because why would you create this bill otherwise?

  8. Oh, maybe we should try a law giving every thief 6 months to return every stolen goods, that would work.
    And they have to return it to the organization that first said «we looked everywhere, we didn’t find anything».

  9. If you gave them 6 days they could have it all packed up and moved somewhere. 6 months is laughable.

    «Aw jeesh guys we just couldn’t find any alien ships, jeesh sorry guys, looked for a whole 6 months and everything!»

  10. They really should put some teeth on this.

    Everything they’ve already said + something to the effect of «any person, entity, program or organization with direct knowledge of or in possession of such non-earth origin or exotic materials that fails to disclose such information to congress within six months of the passing of this bill will be subject to 5 years imprisonment.»

    Or something similar

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